
Pirat Butterhead Lettuce

Pirat Butterhead Lettuce
Pirat Butterhead Lettuce
SKU: 10313

Tender heads with notably superior flavor and texture, blanched hearts and red-tinged outer leaves.

Bested every other variety for taste and texture in our lettuce trials and also rates as one of the best butterheads in combined resistance to downy mildew, white mold, tip burn and bacterial head rot.

  • Heat tolerant
  • Heirloom
Price: $3.95
Product Details

Tender heads with notably superior flavor and texture, blanched hearts and red-tinged outer leaves.

Bested every other variety for taste and texture in our lettuce trials and also rates as one of the best butterheads in combined resistance to downy mildew, white mold, tip burn and bacterial head rot.

  • Heat tolerant
  • Heirloom
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