
PMR Delicious 51 Melon - Certified Organic

PMR Delicious 51 Melon - Certified Organic
PMR Delicious 51 Melon - Certified Organic
SKU: 10169
Certified Organic. Matures in 75 days. Reliably early melon, ripening quickly for heavy yields of aromatic fruit. Open pollinated.
Price: $3.95
Product Details

Reliably early melon, ripening quickly for heavy yields of aromatic fruit.

Juicy, perfectly sweet flesh is dark orange with creamy texture and strong flavor. Thinner skin than hybrids but holds well for market and in storage. Excellent resistance to powdery mildew and well adapted for northern growers. Harvest at full slip. Bred by Dr. Munger at Cornell University.

  • Eastern-type
  • 2-3 lbs
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