
Moon & Stars Watermelon - Certified Organic

Moon & Stars Watermelon - Certified Organic
Moon & Stars Watermelon - Certified Organic
SKU: 10084
(Citrullus lanatus)
Certified Organic
Unit size: 1/16 OZ
Matures in 95-100 days

HEIRLOOM - Moon & Stars has become a popular variety known for its sweet flavor and dark green rind decorated with yellow spots of large (moon) and small (star) size. Fruit can grow quite large, 10-15 lbs. Plants have spotted foliage. Requires hot temperatures to set fruit.
Price: $3.95
Product Details
Soil and Nutrient Requirements
Sandy or light textured soils that warm easily in the spring are desirable. Melons are heavy feeders. Give 80-120 lbs of N per acre. Calcium deficiency can lead to blossom end rot, especially when adequate moisture is not available.  Use dolomitic limestone.
Full Sun
Seeding Depth
Plant Spacing
Plant spacing: 12-18";
Row Spacing
6’ row centers.
When to Sow
Days to maturity are from transplanting, add 10-14 days if direct seeding.
Other Info
Plastic mulch and floating row cover are used to increase soil and air temperatures as well as ward off insects, especially cucumber beetles.
Frost Tolerant
Drought Tolerant
Heat Tolerant
Seed Specs
625- 875 seeds/oz (690 avg), 10-14M seeds/lb (11M avg). M=1,000
Seeding Rate
5,000 plants/acre (~.5 lb/acre) transplanting singles, 18” plant spacing, and 6’ center beds.
Ripeness is determined by four methods: when the tendril nearest the fruit is dried and brown; when the ground spot has turned from white to yellow; when the blossom end of fruit becomes soft; and the ubiquitous "thump test”— fruit should sound hollow. Cut fruit cleanly from the vine to avoid stem-end rot.
Store at 45°F and 85% humidity for up to 3 weeks.
Pest Info
  • Striped cucumber beetles cause feeding damage to the leaves, and often transmit bacterial wilt. Larvae feed on the plant roots. Row covers can provide effective protection, but must be removed during flowering to allow pollination. Practice crop rotation and good sanitation to eliminate overwintering habitat. Frequent application of kaolin clay and/or pyrethrum have shown some effective control.
  • Squash vine borer will cause plants to look wilted even when moisture is plentiful. Slice open stem and remove and destroy.
  • Squash bugs can be controlled by handpicking. Bury or compost plant residues at the end of the season.
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