
Fresh Bags-Reusable

Fresh Bags-Reusable
Fresh Bags-Reusable
SKU: 5074
These remarkable bags help to remove the gases to extend food life, reduce vitamin loss and keep produce crisp and tasty without chemicals. Keeps fruits, vegetables and herbs fresh from several days to several weeks longer. Reduce bacteria, mold, decay and fungus.
Price: $12.99
Product Details
Bags Measures: 7" x 16.5" 

20 bags included

Rinse and reuse up to 10 times!
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Gayla J Stiffler on 2/6/2016 12:14:01 PM

Empty Star Empty Star Empty Star Empty Star Empty Star

Comments: If your anywhere like my family we have a lot of fresh produce in the frig. How else to keep this stuff fresh, & believe me I have tried everything on the market. These bags work really good.Do the produce a favor,or do your family a favor get these bags. The strawberries taste so GOOD when there fresh!!!

Would you recommend this to a friend?: Absolutely!

Location (Ex. CO, or Lancaster County, PA, etc.): Oklahoma

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