
Rosie Basil - Certified Organic

Rosie Basil - Certified Organic
Rosie Basil - Certified Organic
SKU: 10087
(Ocimum basilicum var purpurascens)
Certified Organic
Unit size: 1/32 OZ
Matures in 65 days

Intense dark purple-red color with very uniform germination and stand. An improved strain of Rubin with no green off-types and stronger stems that do not sprawl as much. Plants are compact and upright. A favorite for its unique color and its mild and aromatic basil flavor. The flowers, with tall pale -purple spikes, can be used ornamentally. Keep flowering buds pinched for better leaf production.
Price: $3.95
Product Details
Planting Depth: 1/8-1/4"

Soil Temp. for Germ.: 70-85°F

Days to Germ: 6-12

Avg. Spacing: 8-25 seeds/ft. in rows 18-30 in apart

Avg. Seeding Rate: 1-2 lbs/acre

Full Sun

Moderate Water

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