
Bouquet Dill - Certified Organic - NON GMO

Bouquet Dill - Certified Organic - NON GMO
Bouquet Dill - Certified Organic - NON GMO
SKU: 10089
(Anthenum graveolens)
Certified Organic
Unit size: 1/32 OZ
Matures in 45-55 days for leaf and 95 days for seed

The most widely grown organic dill for fresh eating, flowers and seed heads. Bouquet is an early maturing variety, producing seed heads well ahead of others and right in time for summer pickles. Flowering umbels average 6” wide. Average height is 30”.
Price: $3.95
Product Details
Transplant when there are at least two sets of true leaves. It is difficult to transplant because of the long tap root

Space 8-12 inches apart in full sun

Site in a slightly acid, average, well-drained garden soil

Keep plants well watered and deadhead the flowers to prolong the harvest life of the leaves. If grown for the seeds, do not deadhead. Plants will self-sow if allowed to go to seed
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