
Amish Paste Tomato - Certified Organic - NON-GMO

Amish Paste Tomato - Certified Organic - NON-GMO
Amish Paste Tomato - Certified Organic - NON-GMO
SKU: 10215
Certified Organic - NON GMO seeds Amish Paste Tomatoes are heirloom tomatoes with thick, meaty, deep red flesh and very few seeds. Oxheart fruits are 8-12 oz. Notably sweeter taste than many other paste tomatoes. Eat as a slicer or use for cooking. Indeterminate. Matures in 80 days.
Price: $3.95
Product Details

Bright red, heart-shaped fruits with meaty, juicy texture.

The classic paste tomato - flavorful and juicy enough for slicing, with great meatiness for cooking down. Very few seeds, which can make sauces and pastes bitter. Sweeter flavor than other paste tomatoes.

  • Indeterminate
  • Few seeds
  • 8-12 oz.
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