Wisdom to Prepare

In my newsletter I usually talk about steps to practical preparedness like food storage etc.  Today I talk about the spiritual side of preparedness.  I hope you will read on and share your thoughts with me!

Proverbs 21:20 says:  “In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a foolish man devours all he has.”  Obviously, no amount of  food, fuel, and other tangible types of preparedness items would have protected those who found themselves in the direct path of the catastrophic earthquake and tsunami which hit the northeastern coast of Japan.  Nevertheless, I do think we can prepare ourselves and our children for whatever difficulties arise in our future by broadening our understanding of the wisdom required to prepare.

We are reminded in Proverbs 21:30,  “There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the LORD.”

As your family prayerfully considers in what ways you will prepare for the future both physically also consider spiritual preparation.   Let’s start with the  Webster’s 1828 Dictionary definiton of  wisdom:

“The right use or exercise of knowledge; the faculty of discerning or judging what is most just, proper, and useful…   It is the knowledge and use of what is best, most just, most proper, most conducive to prosperity or happiness. Wisdom exercises sound judgment either in avoiding evils or attempting good. Sincere and uniform obedience to God’s commands.”

You already have probably read up on  what preparedness “experts” will tell you to do such as how much grain, oil, honey, salt, fruits and vegetables to store per person. They may also recommend  that you  have a fuel and a generator, etc, but ultimately, wise  preparations must be based less on the wise formulas of experts, but  more on the obedience to the clear direction of God through his word and through the leading of the holy spirit.

The answer for your family may not be instantaneous but shown to you step by step, day by day as you prayerfully walk with God daily.  I have had several experiences lately, when the right course of action was shown to me only moments ahead of when I needed to take action.

I have also been reminded over and over, in the recent months, by that still small voice, to ask myself, “Is this thought, idea, or course of action based on fear or faith?”

I believe this simple question helps me exercise sound judgment and to better determine what is best  (wisdom) because I know how easily I can be “driven” to a course of action by the prevailing winds rather than “led” to the best, or wise path by  the still small voice of God.

Now don’t think I have this walk with God in  day by day obedience mastered, but I can say I am growing in the ability to discern by determining if there is a spirit of peace rather than a spirit of torment that comes into my mind and heart  behind a particular thought or plan of action.

I am learning to live more in the present with a step by step dependence on God each day which helps me move forward in peace on a daily basis.   I believe this daily walk is the beginning of the  supernatural wisdom that will carry us through the difficult days ahead.

I would love to hear your thoughts on the wisdom required to prepare for the future.  Please email me: marilyn@urbanhomemaker.com.


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