Winning the Credit Card Game

When my husband was living, we made it our goal to live debt-free as much as possible except for our mortgage.  Unfortunately, when he died, that goal had not been achieved.   You can imagine the overwhelming sense of panic and fear that came over me when I was facing the entire debt load by myself.

With God’s help and you my loyal customers, a significant reduction in our family debt has been achieved over the past year.  But I know that the burden of the economic downturn and the uncertain financial future everyone faces,  there are many families wanting to get very serious about paying off their debts and staying debt free.

If you are one of those families, don’t miss this opportunity to get the Winning the Credit Card Game e-book for only $5 (reg. $19.95) today through Friday (March 16) only.

Tawra and Mike Kellum of Living on a Dime paid off $20,000 in debt in 5 years on $22,000 a year income by taking advantage of low interest rate credit card offers.  In Winning the Credit Card Game, Tawra and Mike explain how they were able to do so and offer detailed advice on how you can get debt-free while saving thousands of dollars on interest charges. Here are some of the topics covered in Winning the Credit Card Game:

  • Are these deals for real?
  • Scripts to follow to ask for lower interest rates
  • What traps credit card companies set to keep you in debt
  • “What about those companies that can erase my bad credit?”
  • When to close extra cards
  • What to do if you are late on a payment

Winning the Credit Card Game is available as an immediate download, so you can get started lowering your debt today.

This is such a great value, I just had to share it with you! Check it out at:


Copyright 2009 by Marilyn Moll.

 From the Heart of the Urban Homemaker is a complimentary newsletter published bi-weekly.  Sign up at and obtain a complimentary copy of my free report Soups and Stews for Busy Moms.


2 responses to “Winning the Credit Card Game”

  1. admin Avatar

    Dear Marilyn,

    I am so glad you sent me this email. It is definitely going to help us. Before the end of 2008, I had asked/told God that I do not want to live on our credit cards. I believe God laid this on my heart. I shared it with my husband, and he is doing the same thing. So, today, March 12th, I have not used any credit cards at all. With God’s help. The temptation was there, but God is so faithful when we ask Him to help us with those things that trap us. And you know what……we have been able to do it. If we don’t have the cash, we don’t need it that bad.

    Thanks again. I’m going to take advantage of your offer.

  2. Laura Avatar

    I was unable to connect with the book “Winning the Credit Card Game.” Is it no longer available? Thanks so much for what you do! You are a blessing to my family!

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