Water Providers Increasingly are Detecting New Contaminants

CD BEST BUYIn today’s Denver Post, the lead story opens saying:

“Denver-area authorities are embarking on $760 million worth of massive water-treatment projects, to convert substandard water into drinkable new supplies.

Water providers say they also increasingly are detecting new contaminants, such as pharmaceutical residues from birth-control pills, cosmetics and antidepressants, that they anticipate might have to be removed.”

I think the fact that Pharmaceutical residues found in municipal water sources would compel all families concerned about health as sufficient reason to invest in a high quality drinking water system as a high priority!   At the cost of 8 cents a gallon, this is a very economical, environmentally friendly and convenient,  way to protect the health of  the children and adults in your family when and if new municipal water treatment systems are constructed and on-line that address these concerns.

Theo Coborn, PhD, expert on Endocrine Disruptors, helped craft the following statement nearly 20 years ago on the seriousness of pharmaceutical contamination in water:

Unless the environmental load of synthetic hormone disruptors is abated and controlled, large scale dysfunction at the population level is possible.”

Unfortunately, there is ample evidence that synthetic hormones are effecting the health of children at an alarming rate.  Watch the DVD The Male Predicament for more information.


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