Water is a cleansing, nourishing, and life sustaining substance that our bodies crave. Too often we feed our water starved bodies sugary drinks like pop, juice, and sweetened iced teas (and if you live in the south, you know how sweet sweetened ice tea is!).
This means that 2/3 of your body weight is water!
It’s toning skin and muscles, transporting oxygen and nutrients, eliminating toxins and wastes, lubricating joints, and regulating body temperature.
To find a complete list of the contaminants in your water, check out the EWG’s website and enter your zip code into the box on the right hand side of your screen (you don’t have to fill in your water treatment facility).
I looked up my own city and was unsettled to find that there was no information listed because our water treatment facility has failed to regularly test our water!
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