The Bottled Water Scam – Learn More!

I invite you to watch this brief but intriguing documentary on the true cost and environmental implications of bottled water.

I never really stopped to consider the cost of bottled water.  I think we have been sold a bill of goods to believe that bottled water is more pure and safe than our tap water.  When I see a bottle of water in the store, I never considered see the enormous amount of oil, the landfill waste, and the exorbitant cost behind each bottle.

Stop and consider these chilling facts about bottled water:

• Up to 40 percent of bottled water is filtered tap water. In other words, if you’re concerned about what’s in your tap water, just cut out the middleman and buy a home water filter.

• Each year, according to the Pacific Institute’s Peter Gleick, making the plastic water bottles used in the U.S. takes enough oil and energy to fuel a million cars. And that doesn’t even include the fuel required to ship, fly or truck water across continents and state lines.

• Three-fourths of the half-a-billion plastic water bottles sold in the U.S. every week go to the landfill or to incinerators. It costs our cities more than $70 million to landfill water bottles alone each year, according to Corporate Accountability International.

• Bottled water is subject to fewer health regulations than tap water.

“(P)ause and consider the insanity of a global economy where 1 billion people lack access to safe drinking water while other people spend billions on a bottled product that’s no cleaner, harms people and the environment and costs up to 2,000 times the price of tap water.” Anne Leonard

As we know, tap water, which is more economical and environmentally friendly than plastic bottles, can still contain many contaminents unsafe for human consumption.

Consider an investment in a Multi-Pure,  home water filteration system.  It only costs 8 cents a gallon, doesn’t create any envirnomental hazards, and provides some of the safest and cleanest consumable water!  Multi-Pure offers many models for a variety of budgets. 

One of my favorite models is the Aqua-Dome!

Click here for additional information.

The Aqua Dome is a convenient counter-top model that filters up to 750 gallons for just $224.95.

My mom’s been using the Model 750 SB (stainless steel housing, under the counter mount) for 16 years.

Either way – both models filter the same number of contaminants, they are NSF certified, have a 90 day money back guarantee, and a lifetime warranty!

Check out my Multi-Pure Website!


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