Testimonial – Whole Grain Bread Improves Health-

BreadPicsI recently received the following email from Tamara, a homemaker, who’s husband has had some significant health improvements since she started baking bread. Read her story in her words.

<<<Dear Marilyn,

About 1.5-2 years ago I began grinding my grains and making all my doughs. I’d made bread in a machine for years, but have since given the machine away. Let me simply say that my husband has struggled with high blood pressure for years and has worn glasses since his school days. The only changes in his diet over the 1.5-2 years was that I varied our meats/fish consumption and the whole grains.

In the last year he came home from a eye appointment to find that he was no longer required to wear glasses, now 20/20. The doctor said this was very rare and wanted to know if his diet had changed. We were in awe. Then a few months later he went to the doctor for a check up, and giggled when she congratulated him on his completely low/normal range blood pressure.

She wanted to know what was so funny, and he said he’d been pretty stressed the past week and figured it would be sky high. In 11.5 years of marriage, that was the lowest his Blood Pressure had ever been. We truly believe it is a direct result of the grains. I make everything else too (i.e. detergents, yogurt, sauces, etc.). He travels every other week and cannot eat as well those days, due to his occupation. Look at the changes have done for him! Tamara E.>>>

Thanks Tamara for sharing. Do you have a testimonial or a question to share about how baking and cooking from scratch has affected your health? Please post your comments!

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