Safe in the Everlasting Arms

Everlasting_Arms-375x238Last week I wrote that my desire is to grow more in love with Jesus, daily, with his help this year.  

Reader Karen Boyd replied with a very neat word picture. Karen writes:

“Yesterday, at church, the Lord showed me something, and I thought I would let you be the first person to “hear” it.   During worship, (I should say that our worship is somewhat active and enthusiastic at times), a young father was holding his young daughter.  He was swinging her in time with the music, lifting her in the air, swooping her down, tossing her and catching her.  At one point, she was lying across his arms and he would toss her up a little and turn her as she came down, brown curls flying.

I am not sure what song was being sung at the time, but I know we sang some older songs such as Jehovah Jirah, my provider, His grace is sufficient for me…….  She was laughing and delighted. She relaxed in her father’s strong and loving arms, enjoying what he did to her… She had total confidence and trust that her father had control of her, and gladly accepted the somewhat rough tossing.

During the past ten years, and even before, I have felt tossed, roughly by life.  I did not laugh.   I was not delighted.   I struggled to believe that God knew what he was doing and that I, my husband, and my children would be OK.

I am not saying that you should be glad that Duane died, or that I should have been delighted as I sat beside my daughter’s hospital bed and I wondered what her future held.   But the picture of that girl in her father’s arms, made me think about my response to my heavenly father.    I want to look at the somewhat violent ups and downs of my own life differently.

I want to trust God more.    I want to learn more delight in Him as He swings or allows me to be swung up and down.”

AMEN Karen!  I am reminded of this verse: “The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.” Deuteronomy 33:27


2 responses to “Safe in the Everlasting Arms”

  1. Kristin Avatar

    Thank you for posting this word picture. I’ve been having my own struggles, but they pale in comparison to the illness of a child. You see, I’ve been struggling with the constant grind of homeschooling my son with dyslexia. Though he is a joy, I want the struggle to be over. I want him to be able to read. He tries so hard, and we’ve spent so much time working. I don’t know why God has purposed this trial in our life right now. But I need to know that He has purposed it, and it is no accident. He will use it for good (Romans 8:28)

  2. Sharon Foutch Avatar

    Hi Marilyn, My friend, Delicia shared your blog with me and I am enjoying your posts. It’s wonderful to know that our God is always with us through the ups and downs of life. As I look back at my life I have the absolute certainty that God is with me and will bring me up and out, through each and every circumstance, trial and challenge of my life. I used to wonder if He really would answer my specific prayers. Now it seems silly that I ever thought that! I am so very Thankful for His Love and Mercies! He DOES hear our prayer and our cry out to Him. Resting and Trusting in His Plan and Purpose for my life. Enjoying and Loving the Journey.

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