Pumpkin is loaded with Nutrition

Pumpkin is loaded with an important antioxidant, beta-carotene which is converted to vitamin A in the body with many essential health benefits.  It is also a good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C,  Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol), B vitamins such as  Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate and important minerals such as Iron, Copper, Magnesium and Phosphorus.

So here is a great way to sneak some pumpkin into your kiddos along with other goodies like cod liver oil and they will never know.  I also have “snuck” (is that a word?) pumpkin in blender batter pancakes along with the pumpkin pie spices.

Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

1 Cup Raw milk, yogurt, or kefir

½ cup apple juice concentrate

½ cup canned pumpkin

¼ tsp vanilla

dash of nutmeg

1 frozen banana, broken up

1-2 Tbsp cod liver oil, flaxseed oil, or coconut oil

6 ice cubes

Blend until smooth and creamy. Adjust flavorings if necessary. Makes two servings.

breakfastsforbusymomscover_1488_thumbHow are you sneaking good nutrition into your kiddos?  Post your original ideas and recipes  for a complimentary copy of Breakfasts for Busy Moms ebook.

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6 responses to “Pumpkin is loaded with Nutrition”

  1. Wanda Opitz Avatar
    Wanda Opitz

    We made a beef stew in a pumpkin this week, you just scoop out the pumpkin meat with the stew! Yummy! Another thing we do is stir in pumpkin from the can into oatmeal for breakfast or put it into our black beans.

  2. Teresa Roys Avatar
    Teresa Roys

    Always using 1/2 whole wheat (at least), using sucanant or sucanant with honey in the place of sugar in every recipe we use. Adding ground flax seeds to the flour, too. The children actually prefer the whole wheat products to the white products and choose them almost every time on their own.

  3. Ruth Avatar

    I make pumpkin muffins. My mom does not care for pie but really enjoyed the pumpkin muffins that I made from fresh pumpkin. I used a recipe that I found but some put in brown sugar to enhance the flavors. The muffins disappeared. 🙂

  4. angelique Avatar

    I make smoothies “bed-night snack” almost every night. I start with yogurt and milk. For my 6 year old I only add strawberry, blueberry and banana (all fruit is kept in freezer) and blend well. After I pour her cup I add more banana, peanut butter and wheat germ for my 4 year old, 14 year old and myself.
    If I use homemade yogurt I add a little honey too.

  5. Kelly Avatar

    This morning my 3 y.o. and 18 m.o managed to down about 1 cup cooked frozen kale, 1/2 tomato, grated carrot, banana, apple, concord grapes, 1/4 c. sweet potatoes, 1 c. frozen blueberries, 1 c.+ raw milk kefir, kelp, cinnamon and flaxseeds into our morning smoothie. Sometimes, depending on if they’re feeling a little under the weather, I might add an herbal tea to the mix (yarrow/elderflower/peppermint usually) or some grapefruit seed extract. They still refuse CLO in there most of the time though unfortunately. The skies really the limit when it comes to what you can add to the smoothie, especially if you start out small with “funny” tasting foods and sweeten with raw honey or orange juice concentrate or something you know they like. Although, bell pepper in any amount has not gone over well…:)

  6. Davette Brown Avatar

    I’ve been adding butternut squash and/or sweet potatoes to my macaroni and cheese recipe (either a couple of 6 oz. baby food jars or half a box of frozen puree). I’m the picky eater in the family (fortunately God didn’t give me a child like me; he’ll eat a pot of beef vegetable soup by himself) so this is an easy way to get some extra veggies in. [I’m sure pumpkin would work for this too, but usually pumpkin gets made into Gooey cakes :o)] It make the mac-n-cheese look more yellow like the ‘box’ kind so everyone eats it without a problem. I also cook the noodles in chicken or beef broth for extra flavor and nutrition.

    The other thing I have done is totally switch to white whole wheat for all baking and I add some white bean flour for protein and fiber. Between that and using WheyLow sugar (1/4th the calories of sugar and you can bake with it just fine; no chemicals either) most of my baked goods are as healthy as whole grain bread.

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