I am extremely excited to introduce The Riches and Treasures of Home and give you a pre-publication peek at the beauty, grace, wisdom and quality of this new book.
I am sure you will agree, after browsing a few sample pages below, that Kari’s book does a splendid job of blending the beautiful and elegant with a sumptuous coziness and charm. As a lover of “old-fashioned skills” and anything home oriented this book makes my heart go a flutter!
The Riches and Treasures of Home is an old fashioned book filled with warm recollections and fond remembrances, and overflows with the quaint customs and lovely old rituals of the 19th century. Recalling an extraordinary time and place, the book takes the reader on an enchanting journey that brings the gentility of the past into the present, and allows all revel in the prim formalities that made it such a glorious affair.
Kari’s book is sure to become a cherished keepsake by those with a contemplative spirit and an affinity for things of old. Her book is a sweet compendium overflowing with historical imagery and Victorian ephemera (old fashioned illustrations) in full and vibrant display, and nurtures a love of home and a delight in all things lovely.
Kari has generously given me permission to post a broad sampling of pages from The Riches and Treasures of Home. This pre-publication special offer is a limited time offer.
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