Passionate Housewives Desperate for God

As a young first time mother, I was already 32 years old! I worked as a career woman until my young daughter was about 14 months old. It took me over a year to realize I couldn’t do it all and I didn’t want to anyway. I was a young believer who longed to be home with my baby, but finances, I thought, would not permit.

One sleepless night as I agonized and wrestled with God about wanting to be a stay-at-home mom, I asked the Lord, “What spirit is compelling me to quit my job?” The gentle and quiet answer I heard said, “The spirit of peace and of rest.” After prayer, I concluded this was the Lord speaking to me, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don’t rely on your own insight.”

You see, financially it was not feasible to make ends meet on paper, but after I took the leap of faith to quit my job we were able to some how make ends meet. It wasn’t easy, but God was faithful.

Have you struggled to reconcile God’s vision of virtuous womanhood with worldly myths that marginalize, mock and minimize the role of the homemaker? Twenty-two years later I sometimes feel like Elijah, the only one left with a heart for home.

Cultural messages often demean the high calling of homemaking and shout the message that a wife, woman, and mother has little worth compared to the successful career woman who out earns even her husband.

Modern media, culture, and the feminist agenda all lie to woman saying that you can have it all. Twenty some years ago I discovered that I had bought into this lie as I tried in vain to “do it all”. Fortunately God gently delivered me from the bondage of the lie I had bought into and has since helped myself and my family with the mission to exalt, encourage and uphold traditional homemaking.

At last, in a delightfully fresh and honest way, a book addressing these issues head-on by talented, articulate authors Stacy and Jennie to prepare a book which provides a fresh vision for the hopeful homemaker. In Passionate Housewives, a former “Christian” feminist shares how she went from a die-hard homemaker-in-training to a dedicated career woman and then back again – after God gripped her heart. You will see the hollow counterfeit of whitewashed feminism and “me-ology” destroyed. But more importantly you will read a beautiful and captivating picture painted through Scripture of what the truly fulfilled homemaker who glories in the hopeful calling God has created for her.

This book will encourage and affirm all women who may struggle with their role of homemaking and mother, it is must-have reading for aspiring homemakers as well. I can’t recommend this book highly enough. Discover what it means to be a passionate housewife “desperate” for God alone!

Download the preface to the book here.

Since you have visited my blog, please post why you would like to win a free copy of Passionate Housewives Desperate for God, and link your blog into my blog, you will then be entered into the contest to win one of five copies of Passionate Housewives Desperate for God to be given away Saturday Nov 3.

To be eligible, you must be sure to leave an email contact so I can award the prizes!


26 responses to “Passionate Housewives Desperate for God”

  1. Heather Avatar

    This book looks great. I would love to have a copy. As I think it would open my eyes and possibly answer some concerns I have in this area. Especially dealing with the worlds view of homemakers. Thank you for offering a chance to win such and awesome prize.

  2. Melissa Avatar

    Hi there, thanks for sharing this – I look forward to reading the preface. Have a blessed night!

  3. Sheri Graham Avatar

    Hi Marilyn!

    I would absolutely LOVE to have a copy of this book! I have heard alot about it and it sounds like it would be a very inspirational and challenging book for me. I so desire to be the best wife and mommy that God wants me to be…I believe this book will be another tool the Lord could use to mold and shape me even more!

    Here is the link to my blog:

    Thanks Marilyn! I love your new blog!

    In Christ,

  4. Jill Connelly Avatar

    I would love to win a copy of this book! I’ve seen ads for it and think I should read it…..along with many other women I know.

    Your post makes me think, though…..Funny, but sad, that I feel pulled away from my role at home not so much by the “world” but even by my Christian circle or fellow stay-at-home moms. They are “stay-at-home” but are so busy running here and there and serving in church here and there. There’s no time for home! It is so difficult to not give in to the pressures of being too busy with a hundred little “other” things. It almost appears to be a contest to see who’s calendar can get the fullest the fastest! I feel the pull!

    I think I need this book so that when I’m done reading and learning, I can then pass it on to my friends!

  5. B. Gustafson Avatar

    I would LOVE to win a free copy of ‘Passionate Housewives Desperate for God’ because I am a passionate housewife!!! After mothering 7 children each day, I like to read encouraging words to help keep me on track!

  6. Nancy Avatar

    Finally an answer! I can’t tell you how many “self-help” books I have read trying to find something that would make it all click. I always felt that these “self-help” books were missing something, missing the very thing I needed. Its not about me, somehow I started buying into the whole “me, first, last and always”. I thought if only I was taking care of me than everything else would fall into place, but in fact I should be focusing on taking care of my family, doing the job that I was created to do! I am so excited that there is now a book that finally puts it together. I can’t wait to read it!


  7. Donna Collins Tinsley Avatar

    Donna Collins Tinsley
    1212 Tracy Dr.
    Pt. Orange, FL 32129
    386 756-5553

    Dear Marilyn,

    I would like to enter to win the book, because the subject is near to my heart. From an article I wrote, titled, How Desperate Can a Housewife Get?

    On the first season of “Desperate Housewives,” television viewers tune in and see some beautiful people that are supposed to represent the lives of everyday housewives in our culture. One is desperate to have the gardener every chance she gets, another so desperate to be perfect that she has driven her husband away, another is a desperate love-starved single mother and the fourth one has wild kids and virtually no help from her husband. There is also a hot, devious blonde weaving in and out of everyone’s life. These women’s lives are so out of control that it is a comedy instead of a drama.

    Even the Oprah website has joined the bandwagon with their questions: Are you JUST like one of the characters from the hit show “Desperate Housewives”? Which character do you resemble most and how do you relate to her? Maybe you’re a single mom who gets dating advice from your daughter, just like “Susan” does? Did you marry for money and end up restless and having an affair like the gorgeous “Gabrielle”? Are you the sexy, single “Edie” of your neighborhood and proud of it? Or maybe you have a perfectionist streak just like “Bree”? Or, like Lynette, did you get hooked on one of your unruly kids’ ADD medication in a desperate moment? Which character and what storyline do you relate to the most? ( A recent Oprah show revolved around a woman who openly flirted with all her friend’s husbands and revealed how desperate she is for sex.

    If only our real lives could be so desperately easy to figure out. What about a mother desperate for her child to walk again, or a noted speaker and author whose only son has committed murder? A stay-at-home mom whose first-born daughter self-sabotages her life with drugs and prostitution, leaving five children in the wake of her internal storms?

    You want to talk about desperation? What about the housewife whose husband is a paraplegic and bed-ridden, with constant infections and bedsores? She tries to take care of him and also to make life as normal as possible for her two young children, while attending college. What about the formerly active schoolteacher who suddenly is unable to work because of health reasons? Or a home-based mom trying to juggle running her husband’s business while homeschooling her son and dealing with hormones and anxiety attacks? Can you hear me now? I’m talking about real life problems like a former attorney, grappling with the affects that MS is having on her eyesight; praying that the new miracle treatment will keep her from going blind?

    These are real housewives with real problems and you won’t find them trying to seduce the schoolboy gardener! They would be happy with less material things and more peace in their lives. Isn’t that what the majority of housewives are seeking? As a stay-at-home mom I am not going to be put in the media image box of Hollywood. And I don’t think the majority of housewives and home-based moms want that either.

    I ended the article with:
    Jesus is the one my heart is desperate for and I’m sure that is true for the majority of stay-at-home moms also. If real life were a reality show, He would be my prize. When I feel that I can’t put one foot in front of the other to go on, He is there to lead me, comfort me and even carry me, if need be, to where I need to go. I am one of the mothers described earlier; which one isn’t important. I am desperate for peace and happiness; I find that in the One who sets me free from the pain of this life. He is as close to me as a desperate prayer. His promise is to never leave or forsake me; I am desperate no more.

    I am one of the women described above; I am desperate for encouragement and would love to win the book.



    Donna Collins Tinsley, AKA Bill’s wife, is a procrastinating, hormonally challenged stay-at-home Mom of four daughters, (ages 16 to 40) who aspires to write, while homeschooling one daughter, dealing with stress and chasing after a 3-year-old grandson she has custody of. Her subjects range from hormones to healing from sexual abuse and she just finished writing a book called “Somebody’s Daughter.” She has been recently published in several compilations and is working on her first fiction novel, Daytona Streets.

  8. Jennifer Self Avatar

    I became a Christian at a young age and grew up in a pastor’s home, but only in the last 8 years has God called me to a Biblical view of wife and motherhood. Submission has become a joy to me and I am learning to love my husband and children. I earnestly desire to grow in my role and realize now that this is foundational to my walk with God. I would love to read Stacy and Jennie’s new book—their writings and example have helped me much as I’m growing into the woman God wants me to be.

  9. MamaShelly Avatar

    I would love to read this book! I have watched the interviews with the authors online and it looks like it will be so encouraging. I am always looking for help in what to say when trying to encourage other women to give being a “housewife” a chance. If this book is as good as it sounds I will be telling others all about it and handing out a few copies as well!

  10. Crystal Avatar

    Just read about the preface of this book, and it looks intriguing! I help to lead a group of stay-at-home moms in encouraging them to see their “jobs” as most important in the daily scheme of things as well as the eternal. We call ourselves Kajiji Girls, and you’re welcome to view our blog ( which has various postings, some regarding just such a subject as what this book is about. Winning this book would not be for just my benefit alone but would go into our Kajiji Girls lending library and benefit all of the women in our group. Thanks for promoting such healthy, Biblical materials for blessed women like us!

  11. Lisa @ Me & My House Avatar

    Hi Marilyn,

    I’d love to win this book, so I won’t have to buy it 🙂 I’m a housewife and I’m desperate for God and I love the writings of Jennie and Stacy.

    Lisa @ Me & My House
    family & home blog –
    home ed blog –

  12. Layla Avatar

    Hi Marilyn,
    I would love to win this book. About two years ago after having my third child, I came home to be a full time homemaker. I had prayed for years that the Lord would give us wisdom in this area. Before we had children I completed my Master’s Degree and always imagined that I would work. After having my first child who was born very prematurely my thoughts about this changed. I did return to work after his 113 day hospital stay but soon realized that working full time and taking care of my family was something that only the Lord could help me with. My husband was taken off guard when I approached him about staying at full time. We had not prepared for this financially. I dropped my schedule to part time after my second child and with the power of the Lord was able to finally come home a few years ago. Being at home full time has made such a difference in my family’s life. I am so passionate about being home! I am so grateful to the Lord and to my husband for his faithfulness to the Lord as well!

  13. Sheree Avatar

    Hey!! I do not have a blog so I am not sure if I am qualified to enter the contest…read about your blog thru your urban homemaker newsletter. I love to read…love to read books on my role as a wife, mother, homemaker, homeschooler, etc. Have been going through a slump lately doubting my ablities to take care of my family to the best of my ability. I have seen this book promoted by many of my favorite ministries/businesses and am intrigued and would like to read it. Many blessings to whomever is chosen to receive this free gift! And I can’t thank you, Marilyn, enough for your ministry/business.

  14. Holly Payne Avatar
    Holly Payne

    Dear Marilyn,

    Thank you for making the opportunity to win a copy of the book, “Passionate Housewives Desperate for God.” In our homeschool support group we started last year to have the moms get together to do a book study each year. I have been stumped on what book to do and then lately I have seen many advertisement for this book. It seems like God is guiding us to this book. I would love to be able to share it with our group and get them excited about going through it and growing them in their faith and commitment to home.

    Thanks again,
    Holly Payne

  15. LivingforGod Avatar

    I’m not sure if you want us to post here or on our blog. It seems like everybody is posting here why they would like to win. I guess I will do the same. If I’m doing this wrong, please email me and I will correct it. My email address is My blog address is

    I would like to win this book because in our homeschool co-op Bible study for Moms, we just read the preface of the book and really like it. We would like to read the rest of the book and use it for discussion. If I win this book, I will be sharing it with other homeschool moms and perhaps they would like to get their own copies. I believe it’s important to encourage one another to be completely content in Christ…passionately desperate for God alone!

  16. Heather Avatar

    I would LOVE to win a copy of this book for several reasons- I’ve bought several copies for friends for Christmas but not one for myself & I’d love to be encouraged AGAIN by Stacy McDonald. We own “Raising Madiens of Virtue” and highly recommend it! 🙂

  17. MamaShelly Avatar


    I posted earlier but forgot to include my blog link (with link to your blog)! Sorry about that.

    Here is the link:

    Thanks so much!

    PS I have been browsing the latest catalog making my Christmas list! I’m still getting used to the new catalog format!! 🙂

  18. Kris Avatar

    I have been very discouraged lately, it’s so hard to find women in the church with a like vision of following the calling of homemaker. I feel like an alien even in the church. I would like to read this book, and hopefully share it with my sister and whoever else will listen to the message.

    Even if I don’t win, I think it’s wonderful that you’re giving these books away. I enjoy your ministry, your encouragement and of course your recipes.

    Kris in NE

  19. Susan Avatar

    The book looks terrific and just on time. Since having my second baby I often feel a bit overwhelmed & wonder if I am “on track”. Please enter me for the free book. Enjoy your new blog. May the Lord continue to bless you!

  20. Trish Avatar

    Marilyn, what a blessing you have been to me. Thank you for sharing your gifts and talents with us, and for your encouragement in the womanly art of homemaking. Once again your heart for the Lord and for women shines through as you seek to bless others with copies of Passionate Wives Desperate for God. Thank you for the opportunity to share this message with others ~ may God bless you as you seek to glorify Him through your ministry on the internet!


  21. Michelle Avatar

    I dont have a blog to link to so I hope just replying will do.

    This book seems like it would be such a blessing to me, personally. I was recently witnessing to a SAHM who was feeling like she needed to get a job to feel fulfilled. I hope I helped her to know that God has given her an assignment and it is a high calling. So it could be a blessing to other mothers I come into contact with, through me.

  22. JoAnn Avatar

    I would love to receive this book. I am homeschooling my 4 children, co-leading a homeschool support group, learning to make quilts and have a business of web design where I have enough customers to keep me very busy. Sometimes, I wonder what God would like me to give up, but they are all things that I love to do.

    I would love to see how this book could help me make more sense of my busy life. Thank you for offering this opportunity.

    JoAnn : )

  23. Lisa @ Me & My House Avatar

    Bummer! Nov. 3 has come and gone and I never received an email. Someone else must’ve won. 🙂

    I know they’ll be blessed by this book. And I’ll just get my own copy.
    Thanks for doing this Marilyn. It is a great way to get out a great message.

    Lisa @ Me and My House
    family, home & nutrition blog –
    home ed blog –

  24. Patricia L. Summers Avatar
    Patricia L. Summers

    I was just looking around in sermon audio and I saw Kevin Swanson had the heading Passionate Housewife and I thought yes that sounds so good. I have never saw the desperate one but heard talk. So I listened to what Jennie said and it is so how I believe and I wish had been as secure in my belief when raising children. Even though a stay at home mom.
    But I work with preteen girls and this is exactly how we are trying to teach them we are trying to raise up Godly women to be Godly daughters, sister, wives and later mothers.
    I thought of all the self books being taught, about me,me and wouldn’t it be wonderful to teach this book. If only we would quit making these people rich and turn back to a life in Jesus Christ. In fact this sounds like some good Christmas presents. Bless You, Patricia

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  26. Online Dating Services Nebraska Avatar
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