Our Garden is Brimming!

We nearly had a frost two nights ago, there was snow at the higher elevations. We took precautions this year, covered the tomatoes and they were fine. Last year we had an early, unexpected frost and that was it! I was out of town Monday night and my husband picked all the tomatoes and even started drying them for me!!! The tomatoes are in the middle, dying corn in behind, cucumbers etc in front. We use raised beds made of cinderblocks. We have had our best luck with this type of garden.

The back row in the picture below is our grape arbor that we inherited with this property. They will be ready to harvest soon. I usually make about 40 quarts using a steam extraction method, saves so much time!


One response to “Our Garden is Brimming!”

  1. Carly from AL Avatar
    Carly from AL

    You said,”The back row in the picture below is our grape arbor that we inherited with this property. They
    will be ready to harvest soon. I usually make about 40 quarts using a steam extraction method,
    saves so much time!”

    I have a grape arbor that I inherited with my porperty as well. It is growing muscadine and scuppernong grapes. I was wondering if you could tell me more about your steam extraction method for canning. I tried making jelly and even did some grape butter (sort of) and would love to know if there is an easier way to remove the seeds. I was contemplating removing some of them so the harvest would not be quite so large. They don’t seem to be good for anything but eating! I have three gallon-size ziploc bags of frozen grapes from last year to use before this year’s harvest! Any help you could give would be appreciated. You can respond directly to my personal email if you can.

    Carly Stuart

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