Not being wise in my own eyes.

In the last few weeks, my 19 year old son Stephen, myself and Duane, have been talking to an Army recruiter about the possibility of Stephen enlisting. Neither my husband nor myself have had any experience with a military lifestyle or commitment so we were a bit surprised when he came to us with this aspiration.

Those of you who have sons or daughters may relate to the anxieties of a mom when she contemplates the realities of what military enrollment represents today. I would say it has been a bit stressful for me as mom.

Yes, there are obviously many benefits to enlistment, but my emotions have been almost like a roller coaster as I entrust Stephen to his heavenly Father’s direction!

Fortunately, Stephen’s overwhelming desire is to be in God’s will. But as you all know, recognizing God’s will and direction isn’t always black or white, or clear and obvious. On the one hand, he wants to complete the Associate’s degree program he started last September. On the other hand, enlistment fits in with many of his longer term goals and the Army pays for all college education while you are enlisted. Oh, how I wish these life changing decisions were more plain and simple.

A particular scripture has been giving me much comfort however. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, don’t rely on your own insight, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes.” (Proverbs 3:5-7A) This last portion about not being wise in my own eyes has been speaking loud volumes to me lately in many areas.

I want to share with you a personal testimony from a friend who had to apply these same principles about trusting and not being wise in her own eyes as well.

You asked me to share how I came to be a Norwex consultant. I have to confess, it was not my plan; in fact, it took me quite by surprise since it was nowhere on my radar scope! Yet I know that this is what God has planned for me, and therefore it is very good!

Being a home school mother of five very active children whom I involve in the cleaning responsibilities of the home, I have been interested in finding a way to safely and effectively clean my home. I never really felt at peace when I would arm them with rubber gloves and send them off to do their daily chores. I quickly found out that cleaning with just a damp cloth did little, if anything, to remove the dust and the dirt.

Needless to say, I was extremely interested when you announced your chemical free cleaning phone seminar featuring the Norwex Microfiber Cloths. As I listened while you and Sandy discussed the cloths and how well they actually CLEANED surfaces, I became SO excited!

While listening, I browsed Norwex’s web site and my excitement grew even more. By the time I got off the phone I told my husband that I was so excited over these cloths that I could see myself selling them to others! That was quite a shocking statement for me – I hate selling things! More shocking is my fear of public speaking! But there was no denying my excitement. My wise husband then counseled me to pray about it and try the cloths for a while. If I was still excited about the Norwex cloths after I had used them, then we could discuss it. I took his advice and eagerly waited for my cloths to arrive..

I was so excited that I told my husband I wanted to bring these amazing cleaning cloths to everyone so they, too, could have a safe and effective way to clean their homes and keep their families healthy. He and I prayed about it, and then with his support and encouragement I faxed in my application to become a consultant. Then reality set in.

At two o’clock the next morning I woke up in a panic attack – what had I just done?!?!……

Read the rest of Heather’s Amazing Story at this link:
If you are unable to access the story, email me privately and I will make sure you get the whole story.


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