News from a Southern California Fire Survivor

 I just received the following email from a friend whose home was spared from the fires in southern California.  Let’s not forget to pray for those who have lost everything.

Dear Marilyn,

I just wanted you to know that we have returned to our home after being evacuated Monday morning.  God is good and spared our home.

            We had a brief warning that we would be evacuated, so I started packing immediately.  I grabbed our adoption papers, our legal documents, my mill, my Bosch, a giant bucket of hard red wheat, my yeast, some vital gluten, and then I started thinking about clothes.  J

        It turns out it was good that I brought my bread supplies, as we were able to bake bread for the family who took us in and they loved the bread so much that they may start milling as well!  They’ll be checking out your website soon, I’m sure.

            Please continue to pray for the families who have lost everything out here in Southern Cal.  It’s devastating to say the least.  I’ve never felt more helpless in my life, but prayer and making bread helped more than you’ll ever know.

        Praying kept me focused on Him, while making bread gave me the opportunity to bless those who took us in.  I always pray as I make the bread-from the time I start pouring wheat into the hopper until it comes out of the oven, I pray that the bread will be a blessing to those who eat it and that it will honor God in the process.

Reese Johnson

Take time today to count your blessings and  keep on praying.  Marilyn Moll


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