Miracle in Massachusetts?

Ed Note: The following information is from ParentalRights.org. It doesn’t necessarily represent the views of The Urban Homemaker or Marilyn Moll, but it does offer food for thought and your consideration.

<<<One week ago, the unthinkable happened; the state of Massachusetts elected a Republican senator, and that in an election with a very high voter turn-out.

Since then, we’ve heard countless pundits telling us precisely what Senator Brown’s election does and does not say about our nation. As a general rule, of course, no two of these pundits can actually agree.

Regardless of what the “experts” say, it’s clear to us that Americans are simply tired of out-of-control government and even more out-of-control spending. We want less government, more respect for our money and our personal rights, and greater control over our elected officials.

We’re tired of telling our lawmakers what we want, only to have them ignore us and spend billions of dollars on whatever they feel like anyway.

We want to turn back to the days of limited government and strong personal responsibility. We want to get back to respect for the Bill of Rights, which preserves personal liberties by placing specific government limits into the text of the Constitution.

The proposed Parental Rights Amendment does exactly that. Our government federalized banks, then federalized the auto industry; it is in the final throes of a failed attempt (we hope) to federalize health care.

But it is still in a position to federalize child rearing through court decisions and the potential ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. By prohibiting the government from intruding on parental liberties except in cases of abuse or neglect, the proposed Parental Rights Amendment mirrors the example of the Bill of Rights and turns back a government bent on control. Please click here to sign the petition to support it.>>>


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