Loosing Weight, and other Questions

Ed Note:  I received this email from a reader.  Although I know a lot about nutrition I’m not an expert.  What would you advise?

Dear Marilyn,

I feel like I should come back and tell you that I am not being vain in wanting to lose weight. I could just cry. My husband has had 4 surgeries on one leg and his weight is really causing problems. I know I cant make him lose weight but if I provide better meals and choices then I know that it will be easier for him. I am having problems with my feet and knees and I know I HAVE to do something. I am only 34!!!!!!

But, worst of all is seeing my children. Our oldest is probably 30-40 lbs overweight and really I am the one to blame. I have allowed the bad choices as well as making the foods. But, now my 10 yr old who has ALWAYS been a bean pole has a pooch hanging over his pants. This has only happened in the last 4 months.

I need help!! I need guidance. 


Dear Shanna,

Here is a place to start:

10 (+1) Steps To Getting Started with a Lifestyle of Health

Dear Marilyn,

I had a question about using yellow corn to make grits. We live in GA and love grits. I tried grinding them on the coarse grind in the Nutrimill I recently bought from you and it turned out still like flour. My family was not impressed.  I also have the Bosch with the blender and I thought about using Sue Gregg’s cornbread method in there for the 2 stage process just not blending it as long. I tried this and it was ok but a little too “husky” for my little ones. Do you have a better suggestion?

Do you know of a better way to grind the grits using the Nutrimill or blender? I was afraid to try the corn dry in the blender.
April L. in Georgia


33 responses to “Loosing Weight, and other Questions”

  1. Kathy Tipton Avatar
    Kathy Tipton

    I wanted to let Shanna know of a wonderful Christ centered program that has several courses to choice from. One is weight loss. All their programs are Christ centered and have blessed me beyond belief.

    I am so much closer to God. I hope if you can pass this on that it will help her and any others that are struggling with this world as we all do. The web site is: http://www.settingcaptivesfree.com.

    It really is like a bible study that has weight loss or any other problem fall away as a second thought.

    God Bless Kathy

  2. Susie Wankerl Avatar
    Susie Wankerl

    I would suggest that Shanna consider possible endocrine problems. Thyroid issues can cause weight gain, for example. Ruling out all medical issues would be a good idea. I also concur that the website Kathy mentioned is good: http://www.settingcaptivesfree.com .

  3. Carolyn Avatar

    We have just been studying fasting at our evening services at church (www.pinesummitbaptist.org), but not just for weightloss, but for asking God to help us in all of our battles. I have sermon notes if you would like me to forward them to you, but check out the site for the sermons. I’ll be praying for Shanna and that God would work in a mighty way.

  4. Kirstyn Sierra Avatar

    One thing that can really help is aiming to eat 50%-70% of your daily food intake (can translate to 50% of your plate) in fruits and vegetables. Raw foods pack a powerful punch of nutrients and energy, but if you find that you don’t digest raw foods well (i.e. you burp or have other signs of indigestion) then lightly steamed vegetables and fruits can be a good place to start. Green salads, smoothies, freshly squeezed juices (invest in a juicer) are great.

    Set out containers of cherry tomatoes, sweet carrots, jicama, and sliced cucumbers so the kids (and you) can munch on those when they’re hungry. Having their favorite dressing available for dipping might make the transition a little easier.

    Cut up celery sticks and put some healthy natural peanut butter or almond butter out for dipping.

    Mash avocados each day and add whatever seasonings you like along with some chopped onion and tomato. Instead of serving with chips, serve with fresh vegetables – broccoli, cauliflower, celery, carrots, etc. Or let them eat it by the spoonful. Avocado is a healthy fat that will help fill them up.

    Bake up some sweet potatoes or yams and have that for a snack. Again, it will help to keep them feeling full.

    When you realize you can’t have chips or crackers, you look for alternatives.

    Oh – and here’s a great alternative to popcorn. Get some lightly salted brown rice cakes, break them up on a cookie sheet into bite sized pieces, and pop them in a 325ºF oven for 5 minutes or until warm and crisp. Drizzle with butter if you want.

    The brown rice is healthier than popcorn (especially the microwave popcorn) and can be a fun snack while watching TV. But again, if it’s weight you need to lose, adding much more fresh fruits and vegetables may be the thing you need, along with decreasing your dairy intake.

    Add in those good, whole grains, some raw nuts (not more than a handful a day) and some quality protein like organic meat or poultry and wild cold water fish like Salmon and you’ve got some really healthy meals that will help the weight come off.

    Just some ideas – hope it helps.


  5. Carrie Avatar

    Well, the great news is that now all of whose who struggle will add Shanna to our prayer list on this issue!

    I work at those stubborn 10 extra pounds, and at giving my children the tools and healthful habits to serve the Lord productively for many years to come. My catchphrase is, “Fruits and Veggies; Beans and Whole Grains; Water, water, water.” After that, we can fill in the cracks with the other stuff. I have a rule that some fruit or veggie needs to be consumed with every meal and at every snack (2 a day), although I haven’t shared the fact that it’s a ‘rule’ with the kids – they just accept that every meal has to include that. I try to stick by it for me, too, and it helps limit the bad-habit snacking that gets me into trouble. I try to look at the food as good nourishment the Lord has given; the closer it is to the state He created it in, the better!

    God is good; keep close to Him daily.

  6. Joanne Avatar

    Hello Shanna – I think Marilyn’s article with 11 tips to get started is a great place to start 🙂

    I would make a few suggestions beyond that:
    – I would dramatically increase your intake of RAW fruits and vegetables. These are living foods for living bodies. I think God is so awesome for creating such beautiful and delicious food! Cooking destroys most of the nutrients and all of the enzymes. Some forms of cooking actually adds carcinogens.
    – Consider reducing or cutting out dairy altogether. If you must have dairy, try to find a raw source. When I started gaining weight 8 years ago, I cut out the dairy and saw results immediately.
    – Cut down or eliminate meat; try using beans more. But please do not replace dairy and meat with soy products.
    – Start lunch and dinner with a big raw salad of some kind. Not just lettuce! Get creative. One of my favorite combinations is dark romaine, blueberries and bananas. Walnuts are good with this as well. Another favorite is using alfalfa sprouts instead of lettuce. Use a light dressing of oil and vinegar or lemon juice. Salt, pepper and Italian seasonings for more flavor.
    – We like to eat all raw until at least lunch; sometimes till dinner. A raw breakfast staple for us is ‘green smoothies’. Bananas are the base, then we add another fruit or two and something green – baby spinach, celery without the leaves (spicy!), romaine lettuce, etc.
    – Exercise! We like to rebound on the Needak Rebounder every day. Besides that, we also really enjoy hiking, biking and taking walks together.
    – Idle time … how do you and/or your children spend your time? If you have a television, consider getting rid of it. If that’s not an option, at least try to drastically cut back. Spend time playing games, taking walks, hiking, playing at the park, visiting shut-ins, etc. Of course television is not the only time waster, but it’s a good place to start 🙂
    – No junk food in the house. Save the ‘goodies’ for when you go to a potluck or things like that. Potato chips are my personal problem. If they are around (just the plain ones; I do not like any other kind) I will eat them. So, I don’t buy them … but I will enjoy some at a picnic if someone else brings them.

    Another suggestion is to listen to a wonderful sermon Brother Denny just preached a few weeks ago called “The Sin of Gluttony”:


    I encourage you to listen to the whole thing – it is really balanced out at the end and there are some wonderful testimonies and confessions shared.

    Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit! We must take care of ourselves so we are fit to do the Master’s work.
    May God bless you as you serve Him.

    In Christ,

  7. Catherine Avatar

    Hello Shanna,

    I totally understand how you feel and how concerned you are for your family! I want to recommend to you a program that changed my life- I lost 31 pounds in 4 weeks, eating butter, sour cream, full fat cheese, & beef! : ) It is called the Maker’s Diet by Jordan Rubin. I also had IBS which this program seriously helped.

    He also has a weight-loss specific program. If I were you, I would pick this up from Amazon (or any other book store) and put your whole family on it. It is called “Perfect Weight America”


    Also, feel free to email me at LCSlezinger@gmail.com if you have any questions. I know the ins and outs really well and have seen both of these programs make radical differences in the lives of my family and many friends. Blessings to you!

  8. Sharon Avatar

    I agree with the thyroid issues. First step is to pray and ask the Lord to lead you. You may want to find a good naturopath or homeopathic doctor. We have had some of the same issues in our home. I started with the feingold diet — which got rid of all the food colorings and perservitives. Then I eliminated as much msg as possible. I also eliminated all corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup. I have also tried to eliminate sugar and use stevia or honey to sweeten foods. Artificial sweetners was the cause of my daughters health problems. I tried to find a healthy recipe for the things that my family loved to eat. I used Sue Gregg cookbooks, Marilyn’s e-books, and Marmee Dears cookbook. I discovered that I really did not know how to cook. I would leave out vegetables with humus and they would eat it but if I said eat this they usually would not. I have tried to incorporate more raw foods into our diet and smoothies are wonderful for this. I might add some high quality protein, coconut oil, flax seeds or seseme seeds, greens (garden of life). I would use an organic yogurt as a base or rice milk. Remember the Lord leads and devil pushes. I pray the Lord will lead you. I still have weight to loose but we have come a long way in two years and we are not sick near as often.

    God Bless

  9. Melissa Avatar

    Hi shanna,
    I commend you on wanting to help your family out. I have six kids so these are the things we have done. One of the best things I have done over the years is I buy NO processed foods; okay, almost never and if I do I make sure the ingredients contain no hydrogenated fat, artificial colors or flavors. This eliminates quite a few products. Remember Kraft is out to make a buck. I also do not buy soda. When we go out to eat (which is hardly ever) they have it but eliminating it from the home helps control non-nutritional calories. None of us have had weight issues and instead of making it difficult by providing special foods, off-limit foods, special diets etc. this has made it do-able for us. We also home-school and even went to the grocery store on a field trip to read ingredients so they could see for themselves what all is in food. My one son wanted so badly to get a “Lunchable” so we read all the ingredients and this allowed him to make his own conclusion. He then said he could make his own healthy version so we went home and did so…

  10. Monica de la Rosa Avatar
    Monica de la Rosa

    You may want to look into the French way of eating. I’ve been interviewing a French lady at church and I read a book called “The Fat Fallacy” and I have learned a lot. They eat the old four food groups – dairy, protein, carb, fruit/veg at lunch and dinner. They eat slowly and eat in courses. They only eat full fat dairy and no processed food. If they are not full then they eat dessert. They drink water. I’ve been using it with my eight year old and it has helped. The full fat yogurt he has with lunch keeps him full longer and he keeps from having seconds since he is waiting for dessert. I hope this helps.

    God Bless,


  11. Aimee Avatar

    I posted this comment after the article at the above link, but I will post here as well.

    Perhaps the article should be 10 (+2). All 11 points are excellent, however, one must add exercise to the list. Consulting ones medical provider is the best bet for determining a safe exercise regimen. Good basics with which to start out, though, include walking and swimming (water aerobics, laps). Swimming and walking are both low impact, and can help to provide numerous health benefits. Try a 20-minute walk as a family each evening after dinner. Choose to get moving!

    As listed in the 10 (+1) list, cut out processed and/or ready-made foods, and replace them with whole grains, brown rice, fresh fruits and vegetables. Trim the fat off your meats, and try to avoid high-fat items like bacon. To help cut down on “quick” meals (frozen entrees, pre-prepared items, etc.), plan your menu each week and grocery shop for menu items one time per week. Avoid buying anything that’s not on your list. To save money, plan your meals around the sales being held by your local grocery store. Bulk up a meatless meal by using beans (there are a lot of bean recipes out there, if you look!). Beans are great in the protein and fiber department, and are low in fat. Consider other areas in your cooking that can be changed, like converting to coconut oil from vegetable oil, and trying natural sweeteners like stevia or agave nectar. Consider a total fast from sweets. Simple sugars (like those found in candy, cakes, cookies, etc.) are quickly broken down by the body and can be easily stored away as fat. Try keeping a “diary” of everything you and your family eat for several days, including snacks and beverages. At the end of the designated time period, consider everything that has been consumed and look to see where adjustments can be made. White rice can be exchanged for brown rice. Sugary drinks (soda pop, Cool Aid, sports drinks, and any “juice” with high fructose corn syrup in the ingredients list) can be cut out and replaced with low fat milk, 100% juice, or better yet- water!

    Ultimately, your health and that of your family can be your choice. Finally (slightly out of context, but still applicable to all of life): “Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” I Corinthians 10:31

  12. Lori Jeffries Avatar
    Lori Jeffries

    I SO understand where you are. In July I weighed 290lbs. I wasn’t able to walk up steps and I couldn’t comfortably go to the movies and the thought of taking a plane terrified me. The big change came from me when I realized that personally, my weight was a discipline issue. I wasn’t honoring God or my husband. (Even though my wonderful guy NEVER brought up my weight). I had every reason in the world why I wasn’t fit and healthy (that is really what it was, I wasn’t healthy). SO, I started Weight Watchers (my choice) and started exercising. I started slowly, taking Tae Kwon Do with my sons. Now about 6 mos later I am 50 lbs lighter (almost 1/2 to my goal), I am working out every morning and working up to running a 5k race. God has been so good. When I started it truly seemed like an insurmountable task. There are days it still seems insurmountable.

    I would encourage you to do what Susie suggested. Before I started my weight loss journey, I had a COMPLETE physical with blood workup. I didn’t want to spend time/energy fighting a battle I couldn’t win. It also gave me a realistic idea of what my challenges were. (My blood work was all borderline – borderline diabetic, borderline high cholesterol, borderline everything). I just had everything rechecked and I am in the range of normal for everything, in fact I am in the middle of normal.

    One more thing – your son may very well be at the beginning of a weight issue, BUT, both my boys have put on weight around 10 years old. It was getting ready for their growth spurt. In fact, my oldest was pudgy for almost a year, I almost started him on a modified diet. Then he just shot up.

    I don’t know if any of this helps. One thing I keep telling myself is – in a year I will be a year older. I can choose to be the same me (overweight and lazy) OR I can work to be a healthier woman. God Bless

  13. Julie Avatar

    Dear Shanna, don’t blame yourself. The more centered on yourself you become the worse the cycle becomes. One of my favorite verses is in Hebrews where we are told “to look away unto Jesus”.
    I’d recommend two books. One is called “The Schwartzbein Principle” the other is called “Nourishing Traditions”. I’ll bet you could find them at your library if you can’t purchase them.

  14. September W Avatar
    September W

    As a nurse I would totally agree with making sure there is not an underlying issues first. Then I would reccomend a book that was a huge help in getting me started in the right direction. It is not a diet really but encourages a lifestyle change. The book Is “The Truth About Beauty” by Kat James. I found this to be readily available in my library. The author was in horrible health to the point of liver failure. The book is about her change in lifestyle not just for weight loss but to save her life. Weight loss really became a secondary issue she was so sick. It has worked well for our family. It is really about making sure that what you put in your mouth is going to nourish your body and help it function as it should. The whole food that God created for us to eat. I was never hungry, in fact, I was more satisified than ever because my body had what it needed. If you should try this I want to encourage you that it is ok that it will take time. It won’t happen over night and baby steps are good. It can be overwhelming at times to make such a complete change. And bringing the family on board takes time too. My husband is firmly behind me because he saw and felt the difference. But that took time. He makes wise choices all alone now. Before you know it you will experience a new healthy family. I wish you the best.

  15. Karen Davis Avatar

    I have faced a very similar situation with my family. My first suggestion is to deal with your guilt and get past it as it will slow down or sabotage anything you might do to help. Yes, some of it is your “fault” but you are also fighting cultural factors that make a difficult job much much harder. So figure out what is under your control, decide to make changes and repent and accept God’s forgiveness for the past.

    One mistake that I made was focusing solely on healthier food. It is important but the thing is that it is still very easy to eat way too much no matter how healthy it may be. Healthy does count but when it comes to weight, it is still a matter of how many calories are being consumed vs how many are being used. My family was eating too much and moving too little. We are all “inside” people and it is as important for me to come up with strategies to get enough exercise in and limit portions as it is to offer healthy food.

    Focus on the major items. Another mistake I made was spending too much effort on less important items and not enough on the biggies. For example, while it is better to eat organic food, again, it will still make you fat if you eat too much. And you can spend so much time and energy on lesser important items that there is none left over for the biggies. The biggies:

    Get enough sleep

    Drink enough water

    Deal with stress and emotional eating


    Calories in less than calories out

    Get your essential fatty acids

    The emotional eating part is huge for us. We turned to food for everything – to celebrate or to make ourselves feel better. It is VERY hard as a mom to change these habits. It is SO much easier to make your family temporarily happy with a pan of brownies than to suffer through changing their food habits. I finally figured out that I *had* to start with myself even though that seemed selfish. How could I help them when I was still fighting those emotional eating battles myself?

    One other thing that I had to get rid of was all or nothing thinking. I would try these huge change everything at once deals and that never worked. I had to start with one or two habits and slowly change those.

    It has been a long hard road that I am just now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. My two younger children are still thin and healthy from the changes we have been able to make so far. My husband and older son are ready to make some bigger changes and get their weight off. We are currently in a hotel due to a house fire but we plan to do Weight Watchers as soon as we are back in the house. They need some outside accountability and it won’t hurt me either.

    Here are two resouces that I have found most helpful. One is Tom Venuto. He seems an unlikely source of help because he is a bodybuilder but I have learned that they really know their stuff when it comes to losing fat. He just released a new book called The Body Fat Solution.
    I love that he deals with the mental part as well as the physical part.

    Another book that has the same basic approach but deals with doing it as a family is the FAST Diet (Families Always Succeed Together).
    I love their no excuses thinking and the testimony. It helps get you really looking at your own situation and what is stopping you and then finding a way around those obstacles.

    One more thought. I have had to give myself permission to make this a very high priority in my life. This can be hard as a Christian. But if God is leading you to make changes, and it sounds like He is, then it is OKAY!! and when it is a whole family lifestyle that you are dealing with, it can’t be a small side goal. You are taking on something huge and you never know what it will do for someone else in the long run.

  16. Mary Avatar

    Awesome! You are ready to make a change! That’s the most important step.
    The ideas I list are probably not new to you.

    What you are going to have to find out is WHY you have made the bad choices for yourself and your family. PRAY! Think over your childhood and see if there is a pattern that drove you to poor food choices. Ask your family if they see a pattern in you. If there is, confess it and help your children work through their own feelings toward food. A support group or a counselor may help with this.

    Now, attack the kitchen! 🙂

    Here are some practical things to do:
    1. Empty your house of ALL junk foods. (chips, oiled nuts, candies, cookies, sodas)
    2. Replace them with healthy options (almonds, raisins, dark chocolate, dates, figs, fresh fruit and vegies, WATER)
    Scripture warns that when we take something away (evil spirits) we must replace them with righteousness. The same is true for bad habits.
    3. Change bad fats for good ( eat avocados, use coconut oil, real butter – a little – olive oil better – think mediterranean foods – use google)
    4. Take a whole food multi-vitamin
    5. Start exercising – keep it simple. ANYTHING will increase your metabolism, increase muscle and burn fat. (stairs, walk around couch, jazzercise tape, etc)
    6. Do something productive while exercising – make it your prayer time, listen to music, listen to a book on tape – it will keep you motivated
    7. Enroll your children in the program – get a video or book of a success story, make it fun – healthy snacks (6 smaller meals), go to the park, etc
    8. Plan out 1 week of meals – keep it very simple – live food – healthy. Make a grocery list and stick to it.
    9. Encourage, Encourage, Encourage – make a list of why you will succeed, remind yourself that this is a lifestyle change NOT a diet, be kind to yourself
    10. Be prepared for whining – yours and theirs. All change is a challenge. This is a NEW life!

    Remember: Food is medicinal. God created it to sustain you and give you LIFE! Chemically laden foods are poison and bring death. He left the choice up to us.

    “. . . I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants . . . Deuteronomy 30:19

  17. Mindy Avatar


    I came to Marilyn’s blog to encourage you and suggest that you check out “The Lord’s Table”, the course from Setting Captives Free–but I see that two others have already recommended it to you! I actually am finishing up this course myself this week, and it has changed my life. My husband has also started applying the principles of the course. I visited their website today to give my feedback for the course, and I noticed that they also have a shorter children’s course. Maybe you and your children could do this together?
    I am also 34, and I also have had problems with my knees and feet! I highly encourage you to look at Setting Captives Free. It is unlike anything else that you will encounter, and the point of the course is to bring glory to the Lord. I have grown exponentially in my relationship with God through this course, besides having lost some weight and totally changing the way I eat and even think about food.
    I’m praying for you!

  18. Ginny Mendez Avatar
    Ginny Mendez

    Dear Shanna, I was just tickled to see 2 other people suggest the online Bible study “The Lord’s Table” at http://www.settingcaptivesfree.com because it has blessed me so much. I also wanted to add a book which has truly blessed me as well and of which I am beginning to follow. It lines up with true Biblical eating and getting your body healthy and strong through God’s intended diet for us. It is called “The Maker’s Diet” by Jordan S. Rubin and the book itself is truly inspirational and can set you free. Blessings!

  19. admin Avatar

    I don’t think any of us have all the answers but I would like to
    encourage Shanna in her quest for healthier living and hopefully some
    weight loss. Not knowing all of Shanna’s issues I’m only going on what I
    think would be helpful to her and her family.

    I would suggest she begin by cutting out fats and sugars. I struggle
    with both, mainly the sugar issue. Most of our store bought foods these
    days have (un-neccessary) sugars galore in them. I read an article just
    recently concerning mercury being found in High Fructose Corn Syrup.
    That sent me for more research and the more I researched the more my
    eyes were opened concerning all the products that have HFCS in them.
    Mercury or not, you would be shocked at the amount of sugar we are
    consuming. Sugar will cause you to pack on the pounds or keep you from
    taking them off. Not to mention causing a ton of other health ailments.

    A couple of thoughts concerning your kids and food consumption 1)
    Help monitor what they’re eating by reading the labels. By all means
    keep them away from soda and other junk foods that are loaded with HFCS.
    When they’re thirsty plain old (filtered) water is the absolute best 2)
    Try to avoid eating processed foods or the restaurant stuff. It is so
    loaded with fats/sugars. I’m not saying give up a meal out here or there
    but cutting way down saves on calories and tons of money. 3) Turn the
    t.v and/or videos off and get the whole family outside for some serious
    family fun. Walking or biking are both easy and cheap and are usually
    doable for the entire family.

    I hope you find this helpful. I think most of us are fighting
    similiar battles and are often discouraged by our lack of a “support
    group” or the grand results are slower then we’d hoped for. We did not
    arrive at this point overnight and it will take more then overnight to
    get us where we need to be. God Bless you and yours. Lisa

  20. admin Avatar

    Dear Shanna,

    I have experienced the same problem. I use my VitaMix to coarse grind the corn for GA grits. A VitaMix is an investment, but I’ve had mine for over 10 years and use it nearly everyday. It is a mega blender. You’ve probably seen it used in coffee shops to make mix cold drinks. It makes nut butters, chops veggies, makes raw soups and fruit smoothies, etc. I would NOT recommend it for grinding fine flour – use your Wonder Mill for that, but it is wonderful for a coarser flour. We make porridge with 1 part white corn, 1 part yellow corn, 1 part brown rice, 1 part wheat. Grind it up in 1 – 2 cup increments. Then cook like grits. Serve with butter, sea salt and honey. Yum! Emailed from Mary Stone, posted by editor

  21. Karen Avatar

    I think it’s wonderful that so many have commented–we need to encourage each other as much as we can. Shanna, I also wanted to let you know that as far as your 10-year old child’s “pooch”, lots of times when children reach this age their internal organs start growing faster than their height, and it will look like they have a “pooch”. The rest of their bodies will catch up! Meanwhile, keep working on the healthy foods (I know it’s a struggle!), and trust the Lord to help you! He tells us that if any of us asks for wisdom He will give it (James 1:5)

  22. Sharon Avatar

    I forgot to add when my son was ten gained weight and became very round. I had a very hard time finding jeans and then all of the sudden he grew! A lot. He is thirteen and wears a size 10 1/2 wide shoe and is taller than me and still growing.

  23. Laura Avatar


    There are many good answers to your question! I’m not sure if anyone has covered this yet, but here it is anyway:

    Don’t be afraid to throw food away. Sometimes our eyes are bigger than our stomachs. Try to take no more than you are hungry for, but if you made a mistake and took too much, don’t worry about tossing it.

    I taught my children from a young age that if they eat food when they are full, then they are using their bodies as a garbage can. Once full, extra food in your body can do much harm not only by adding fat, but also because your body has to work so hard to somehow process food it doesn’t need. It takes a toll on your digestion as well as your weight.

    If you could teach your kids to be aware of their hunger throughout their meals, and to stop when they are satisfied (not stuffed), then that could help a lot. As stomachs shrink, it takes less to fill them up, yet you still will feel satisfied. So you don’t need to be hungry to lose weight. Sometimes just being aware of fullness can help.

    Eat when you’re hungry and stop when your full is the backbone of the Weigh Down Diet. That book might be a good resource for you.


  24. admin Avatar

    Dear Marilyn,

    In response to Shanna, who seemed very desperate for some answers, I would urge her to read the book Eat Fat, Lose Fat by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig. It is probably in her local library. It will give her some solid answers about how to eat to lose weight. If she can’t find it, perhaps reading online at the Weston A. Price Foundation website would help her.

    Regarding what oil to use for baking bread, I regularly use olive oil, but coconut oil would also be good.

    Be blessed Marilyn,

    Jenni Brotnov

  25. admin Avatar

    Dear Shanna,

    Don’t buy any drinks. Instead buy a water filter and drink half of your body weight in ounces every day. Eat real food. If you do these two things, I guarantee you will lose weight. Maybe not overnight, but it will happen eventually.

    I believe that most weight problems are a result of eating fake, processed food. Try to cook as much as you can from scratch and as often as you can at home.

    Replace processed carbs with whole grain carbs. White rice into brown rice; white pasta into brown rice pasta (we like the brand “Tinkyada” the best) white flour into whole grain flour; grind your own (we like kamut the best).

    Limit fruit intake because of the sugars. Avoid all white sugar, high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, etc. Use natural sweeteners instead. Limit those too.

    Eat vegetables every day. Try to eat at least one raw veg in some form every day. A wide variety is best. Learn how to make salads that your family will enjoy.

    Eat antibiotic free meats and eggs. This all takes time when you are not used to it, but if you do what I mentioned in the first paragraph for starters, you will do well. Avoid diets, just eat real food. Karen Thain

  26. Charlotte Williams Avatar
    Charlotte Williams

    There is a diet that not only loses weight but balances the body called the HCG diet. There is a book by Kevin Treadue on it. If you google HCG diet you would probably come up with something. I know people who have been faithful in it and had miracles of sucess. It does cost money, but just thought I would pass along what I know. Thanks for your time.

    Charlotte Williams

  27. Kassy Robenalt Avatar
    Kassy Robenalt

    Also, in regard to the reader asking about weight loss, I did have one thought about her 10 year old son. Some times boys, even those who were bean poles, will put on a little weight prior to puberty. I’m not saying he doesn’t need better eating, but he might not need a weight-loss plan.

    Thank you for sharing so much with so many. Your website really helped me when I started milling grain, making bread, and eating better. Thank you also for sharing the verses that are helping you during this time. I’m sure you are ministering to others going through a similar period in their lives.

    Kassy Robenalt

  28. Amy Knowles Avatar
    Amy Knowles

    For weight loss, I highly recommend Sally Fallon’s book Eat Fat, Lose Fat and also recommend The Metabolic Typing Diet by William Wolcott. While whole grain, fresh homemade bread is absolutely wonderful, we cannot eat it all day long, every day. We’ve got to mix in a large amount of vegetables, and also healthy animal foods. We *really* have to limit fruits and fruit juices, and eliminate white sugar. And we need to get moving.

    Just my two cents. Wish I could add more, but I hope this was helpful. I’m sure you’ll get lots and lots of responses!

    Many Blessings,
    Amy Knowles

  29. Carol Pomeroy Avatar
    Carol Pomeroy

    Many people are gluten intolerant which means you can’t eat barley, rye, oats (unless certified gluten free – all others are contaminated with gluten) and wheat (including spelt and kamut). My mother (80 years old) lost 25# going gluten free. My daughter and I have been gluten free for over a year. We have not lost the weight yet but we also have thyroid issues and other hormonal imbalances that we are in the process of working with. The gluten intolerance is not simply limited to those who have classic celiac. Many do not have diarrhea and are overweight. Gluten intolerance often causes a host of autoimmune problems which can show up as thyroid disorders, rhuematoid arthritis, ataxia, etc. and allergy problems can increase. And of course, I agree with the previous writters about eating unprocessed foods and increasing fruits and vegetables, eating grassfed beef, free range chicken and eggs etc. Many gluten intolerant people also do not tolerate dairy. You can be tested for both. Allergies to certain foods that you regularly consume can cause you to be unable to lose weight as well. While coconut oil may be a good food, it could keep you overweight if you are allergic to it. My son (who doesn’t happen to be overweight) has a severe allergy to it via blood tests (check for antibodies) even though he didn’t get sick (any obvious signs). Allergies and gluten intolerance are hereditary.

    Hope this gives you more ideas and help,
    Carol Pomeroy

  30. Christine Avatar

    Sudden weight gain by children, and / or UTI symptoms – are very common ‘side’ effects (ie: effects) of high fructose syrup.

    I know one child who had gained about 40 lbs during several months, and his brother had UTI symptoms. Both went through extensive testing to finially discover the culprit was HFS. Removing it immediately and permanently solved those issues, within weeks the weight went back to normal.

    My own 10 yo, at the same time, had been going through everything trying to solve UTI symptoms. When we heard this, we immediately removed HFS, and it was also obviously the problem.

    One easy tip is to buy organic processed food items, such as cereal, ketchup and dressings, and crackers, etc. Organic items may not have HFS (but this may change.)

    Christine : )

  31. Shanna Avatar

    Thank you to everyone for your comments. We are working on changing over to a natural food plan. We do not want to strictly limit any specific food group as we know each is important. But, that we have to make better choices from those groups. I have started soaking our grains and flour. I am making sure that we have a better balance of carbs and protein. I am also using raw milk, butter and cream when needed. We are also giving up all the whites. I am using SUCANAT when we need a sweetener and we already use brown rice. But, now I need to learn how to make tortillas and sprouted grain breads. I think even if we do not get to the weight we would like at least we are making better choices. I have also bought T-Tapp and plan on starting that for exercise.

    Again, thank you all for your time and knowledge.

  32. Heidi Reynolds Avatar
    Heidi Reynolds


    You will love T-Tapp!!! I have been tapping for 13 months, and by my 1 year anniversary, I had lost 17 pounds, all without dieting!!! Learn to love Hoe Downs!! I do them 3 times a day, especially after a higher carb meal, or eating sweets! It really helps counteract the rise in blood sugar. Many children I know also t-tapp and do Hoe Downs. It is fun!! I incorporate it into my teaching as a tutor for 4 & 5 year olds with Classical Conversations. We memorize a lot of facts, and I will alot of times use a t-tapp move to help provide movement with the memorization! I don’t tell them it’s exercise, of course! 🙂 All the healthy eating suggestions given are wonderful, and I was thinking about telling you about t-tapp, so I was so happy to see you mention that you are trying it already! You really will love the way it changes your body from the inside out!

    God Bless you on your “journey”


  33. Melissa Avatar

    Go to the library and get the book Eat to Live! It is nothing short of AMAZING! When nothing, and I mean nothing else worked for me, this did. It is just plain simple eating healthy food. Yes, your mama was right—eat those fruit and veggies! And whole grains…

    Good luck to you–I lost 35lbs in one month! Hopefully you will get similar results!

    The McDougall plan is similar and works well, too. You can also use it to get more recipes. Have fun with it, and take care in your quest for better health.

    These plans are known to increase health naturally, help you get off of medicines like high blood pressure and diabetic ones, and make you feel positively GREAT!!

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