Honey Glazed Chicken, a family favorite

Ed Note:  It turns out that one of our family favorite recipes, Honey Glazed Chicken, was a hit in Iraq.  Here is an update from my oldest daughter Laura, who is currently serving in a Christian School in the Kurdish area of Iraq.   Read on:

Dear Mommy,

Oh, I forgot to tell you- I made Honey Glazed Chicken for our whole team on Monday and they LOVED it!  It was definately a hit:-)

It is a great recipe too because we actually have all those ingredients here!  We didn’t have to scratch our heads and say “Well, we could subsitiute this for this since we don’t have this and this and this ingredient…!”

We also made dinner for the guys tonight (they were having some of the male teachers over this evening and asked us to make dinner, but we can’t stay for it… but we are happy to serve!  Anyway, we need to go deliver their dinner.

Jeremiah requested the Honey Glazed Chicken so we are serving it to the Kurdish men- I will let you know how they like it!

Laura in Iraq


One response to “Honey Glazed Chicken, a family favorite”

  1. Amy Avatar

    I would love to have the honey glazed chicken recipe; it looks yummy!!!

    This is my first visit to your blog; I saw the link on your e-newsletter. Also, you and I have exchanged emails on the Menus4Moms yahoo group.


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