Free Child Training Seminar with Pam Forster of Doorposts Tonight

October 4, 2007

I want to invite you to a Child Training and Character Building Seminar with Pam Forster of Doorposts, tonight! It’s free.

Pam and her family started Doorposts 1990, with the If-Then and Blessing Charts. They were originally designed for their own family’s use, but friends kept telling them that they needed to share them with others!

Pam and I will be talking about the importance of establishing a scriptural foundation for developing the character in your children, and explaining how to use many of the tools she has created.

We also will be taking time to answer your questions about character development and child training. You can email your questions to me ahead of time at

I hope you will join us for an evening of encouragement, information, and insight this Thursday Night.

The contact information is below.

For Instructions in Righteousness By Pam Forster Combo Offer

Purchase For Instructions and Righteousness, The If-Then Chart and Blessing Chart and receive a Complimentary copy of Fast and Healthy Menus for Busy Moms Spiral Bound Cookbook, a $12.95 value!

Hurry, this is a limited time offer and will expire Tuesday, October 9, 2007. Both books and charts make great gifts!

Phone Seminar Contact Information:

Date: Thursday, October 4, 2007

Scheduled Start Time: 9:00 PM EDT, 8:00 CDT, 7:00 PM MDT, 6:00 PDT (Adjust for your time zone, please.

Dial-in Number: 1-605-475-4150

Participant Access Code: 754074

If you have never participated in a phone seminar before, here is how it works:

1. You dial in the phone number below to the seminar. (You pay only for the phone call.)
2. Key in the seminar access code.
3. Introduce yourself, it you wish.
4. Bring a notebook to take notes, a cup of tea, and have your questions ready.
5. Don’t worry about background noise, we will mute that out!

Think of the phone seminars as “continuing education” for moms! Here is what one listener wrote:

It is always so nice to sit down at the end of a busy day with a cup of hot tea and indulge myself with a free seminar. It’s like a mini-vacation and conference all in one! Thanks so much for ministering to us moms that are trying to, in turn, minister to our families.


Marilyn Moll
The Urban Homemaker


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