Father’s Day Picnic – Erickson Springs, CO

Erickson Springs is a camping/picnicing area about 45 minute drive from here.  With the gorgeous Anthricite River rushing through, we go there often.  We decided to roast hot dogs, make Somemore’s and play Rummicube, all outdoor/family camping traditions.  The weather was picture perfect. The Ragged Mountains and Antricite provided a heaven-made backdrop.   I am finding the outdoors very healing and soothing to my soul in ways I never imagined.

Thanks for your prayers, my first Father’s Day without Daune is filled with good memories.



2 responses to “Father’s Day Picnic – Erickson Springs, CO”

  1. Linda A Avatar
    Linda A

    Hi Marilyn- What a nice website and such wonderful pictures of your family. Is Stephen with you on Father’s Day or do you have two sons? I’m sure their Daddy was smiling at you all having a picnic in those beautiful mountains. The rush of the wind in the background is Duane saying “HI – I’m right here” !

    God’s riches blessings on you all! You’re all in our prayers!



  2. Emma Siebert Avatar
    Emma Siebert

    Hi Marilyn,
    These are great pictures of you guys! I am glad that you had a good day in that beautiful spot. I am missing the out of doors and it’s healing affects. I thought Laura was living in the east? I have a new phone number but you can still call my home number. Hopefully we can connect soon.
    Love and prayers, Emma

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