Dr Denmark Said It – Common sense advise for home health

Who in the world knows what’s best for my baby?’ You do!” says Dr. Leila Denmark. Dr. Denmark is a well-known pediatrician, who is considered the longest practicing pediatrician, who cared for thousands of children for 75 years! That is right she retired in her 90’s, and just celebrated for 110 birthday last month.

In our fast changing culture, moms can become thoroughly confused and frustrated by conflicting child care advise from doctors and the media. Some doctors recommend over-the-counter decongestants, others say, “NO! they cause more harm than good.” Some doctors say, “Give aspirin.” Others say, “Don’t give aspirin.” How do we sort out conflicting advise?

Madia Bowman, mother of eleven, wrote Dr Denmark Said It endorsed by Dr, Denmark to accurately reflect Dr Denmark’s realistic, down-to-earth philosophy and medical recommendations.

Her book attempts to condense the Doctor’s advice into a practical, well-organized book filled with time-tested, common sense treatments for infants and young children.

I am a firm believer, that armed with enough basic knowledge, a mother can save countless dollars on unnecessary trips to the doctor.

Moms need to know when it is time to go to a doctor and how to treat a self-limiting illness.

Please join us Thursday night and find out what a mom of eleven has learned medically over 28 years of raising children. Come prepared to take notes and have an enjoyable time of learning. You can email questions for Madia ahead of time to marilyn@urbanhomemaker.com.

Here is the contact information:

Date: Thursday, March 20, 2008

Scheduled Start Time: 9:00 PM EST, 8:00 CST, 7:00 PM MST, 6:00 PST (Adjust for your time zone, please.)

Dial-in Number: 1-605-475-4150

Participant Access Code: 209932

If you have never participated in a phone seminar before, here is how it works:

1. You dial in the phone number below to the seminar. (You pay only for the phone call.)
2. Key in the seminar access code.
3. Introduce yourself, it you wish.
4. Bring a notebook to take notes, a cup of tea, and have your questions ready.
5. Don’t worry about background noise, we will mute that out.


2 responses to “Dr Denmark Said It – Common sense advise for home health”

  1. SHARI Avatar

    I listened to the Dr. Denmark phone seminar and liked hearing it even though it was rather different ideas than I have heard lately. I sent several questions to you and never heard anything. Did she have any responses to questions posed to her after the show? Did you post them somewhere??

  2. jamie Avatar

    If you go to http://www.friendsofdenmark.wordpress.com, we have a blog for moms that do Dr. Denmarks parenting style!

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