Homemakers Cultivating Self-Sufficiency Skills for Today
When we started The Urban Homemaker business, twenty years ago, the main skills I had were baking whole grain bread, canning applesauce, basic sewing skills, and the ability to cook. Thanks to the gentle prodding of customers and readers I have mastered many more skills from the list below.
But there is so much more to learn for the benefits of our family, our community, and our world. I believe there is a growing underground movement of people led of the spirit to master such lost arts as:
- Growing your own fruits and vegetables
- Canning, drying, lacto-fermenting or freezing their produce
- Learning to store your own root crops
- Making your own lacto-fermented beverages and creating herbal teas
- Pressing cider and juices
- Making jams and jellies
- Raising livestock and poultry
- Smoking meats
- Making cheese, yogurt, butter, and kefir
- Making soap and non-toxic home cleaning products
- Keeping honey
- Keeping dairy cows or goats for the family’s own use
- Keeping chickens for meat or eggs or both
- Cutting their own firewood
- Making toys
- Creating their own entertainment rather that dependence on commercial alternatives
- Learning and applying principles of herbal medicine
- Sewing and mending clothes for family and others
- Knitting for family or for profit
- Repurposing used clothing
- Building your own house, barn, shed, or out buildings
- Composting
- Quilting and crafting
- Baking for your family
- Cooking for your family
- Many other skills too numerous to list or even know about yet.
Lost Arts for the 21st Century – A key to navigating an uncertain future
If you and your family have been led to master some of these lost arts for the benefit or your family or for profit, I would love to have you email me a short testimonial that could be used to encourage others.
Or perhaps, The Urban Homemaker has played a part in your journey over the years. Can you share a short note with others to celebrate our 20th Anniversary?
Encourage Others by Sharing your thoughts
Wherever you are in this life’s journey, just starting to consider this idea of self-sufficiency skills or having mastered most of the above list, I would love for you to write to me at marilyn@urbanhomemaker.com so that I can share your thoughts to encourage others.
Follow me at Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/urbanhomemaker
Follow me at Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/TheUrbanHome
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