Compare Top Drinking Water Contaminants

Last week I talked about the best way to address emerging contaminants, such as pharmaceuticals, in drinking water.

Many people wrote to me asking me to clarify what the benefit of an R/O (Reverse Osmosis) Drinking Water System is, and how they can know which type of system is best for their family.

Today, I want to clarify the pros and cons of Reverse Osmosis water purification technology.

First of all, it is a HUGE misconception to think any R/O system will remove all known contaminants. R/O technology does not even remove chlorine nor most chemicals in water.

R/O systems are best known for removing minerals and were developed for desalination of seawater aboard Naval vessels. R/O technology will also remove cysts and bacteria.

Most R/O systems are combined with other technologies, that is, they include another filtering medium such as a solid carbon filter to remove the chemicals as well as chlorine, chlorine disinfection by-products, etc.

A two-page brochure called, The Challenge compares all the major drinking water technologies and shows which contaminant groups each is able to remove. This flier also shows you where to get more information about addressing the water purification problems unique to your home.

The cost of maintaining an R/O system is higher because you have to replace sediment filters, solid carbon filters and the R/O membrane on a regular basis to make sure it is working properly.

Most homeowners on city water do not need an R/O system because they usually
do not have bacteria or harmful minerals in their water that only R/O
will address. In general, the only time an R/O system is needed is
when the water is high in harmful minerals such as sodium or nitrates.

R/O systems, because they remove all the minerals from the water, create an acidic water which, as it goes through the body, tends to make the body more acidic. Some health researchers believe this acidic condition may be a precursor to degenerative disease.

Also, as this water goes through the body, it has been demonstrated on laboratory animals to pull minerals from the body.

We could sell hundreds of Multi-Pure R/O systems but we don’t believe in over – selling or selling a product that is more expensive than is necessary or that is not needed.

A solid carbon filter is more than sufficient for most drinking water issues and shows the most hope of addressing emerging contaminants, according to The Water Quality Association.

The Multi-Pure Solid Carbon Drinking Water System is a superior choice at a better price, in my opinion, because it has been certified to remove more contaminants of health concern than any other solid carbon system on the market according to third party, not-for-profit testing done by NSF, Intl. (

There is NO ONE BEST system for all circumstances. As a general rule, solid carbon technology is the best choice if you are on city water, however.

What Are the Questions Your Should Ask When Buying a Drinking Water System?

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Marilyn and Duane Moll


One response to “Compare Top Drinking Water Contaminants”

  1. kelly Avatar

    Hi Marilyn,
    We got an RO system years ago before I researched the issue enough to realize we WANTED to keep some things (like minerals) in our water. Sally Fallon once suggested that we just be sure to use good sea salt to replace the minerals that we wouldn’t be getting in our water. Do you agree that this is a good way to obtain more minerals in our diet?

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