Category: Parenting

  • The Power of Motherhood

    PictureofTerryandIDebbieI love this quote to encourage weary mothers to keep on keeping on.

    “If only mothers might see how powerful for good or evil is their influence; how the affections and the mental powers may be molded by prayer and maternal love, and how the groundwork for the future of the child may be laid in its early training.”  Isabel C Byrum 1911

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  • Pumpkin is loaded with Nutrition

    Pumpkin is loaded with an important antioxidant, beta-carotene which is converted to vitamin A in the body with many essential health benefits.  It is also a good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C,  Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol), B vitamins such as  Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate and important minerals such as Iron, Copper, Magnesium and Phosphorus.

    So here is a great way to sneak some pumpkin into your kiddos along with other goodies like cod liver oil and they will never know.  I also have “snuck” (is that a word?) pumpkin in blender batter pancakes along with the pumpkin pie spices.

    Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

    1 Cup Raw milk, yogurt, or kefir

    ½ cup apple juice concentrate

    ½ cup canned pumpkin

    ¼ tsp vanilla

    dash of nutmeg

    1 frozen banana, broken up

    1-2 Tbsp cod liver oil, flaxseed oil, or coconut oil

    6 ice cubes

    Blend until smooth and creamy. Adjust flavorings if necessary. Makes two servings.

    breakfastsforbusymomscover_1488_thumbHow are you sneaking good nutrition into your kiddos?  Post your original ideas and recipes  for a complimentary copy of Breakfasts for Busy Moms ebook.

  • Healthy Snacks for Kids

    FreshfruitsandveggiesJunior High Students toured a local Organic Farm this week and treated to a bountiful harvest of healthy, fresh fruit and vegetable snacks.  Everything was locally produced.

    The healthy snack assortments of colorful produce inspired me to share a few simple ideas and recipes you can serve to your children.  Prepare an assortment of contrasting colored and crunchy veggies from the following suggestions:

    carrots. celery sticks, cauliflower, jicama, broccoli,  cherry tomatoes, radish,  red pepper slices, green onions,  green pepper slices,  kohlrabi.

    Serve with Easy Dill Dip or Hummus.  Recipes follow:

    Easy Dill Dip
    This dip works well with all veggies and can be made in a minute.

    1 cup sour cream
    1-2 tsp. dried dill weed
    1 tsp. dried parsley
    1/8 tsp. salt or to taste
    1 tbsp. dried onion powder or dry minced onion

    Mix together. Chill to blend flavors. Double, triple, quadruple as needed.

    Hummus for Veggie Dip
    Hummus is traditionally a creamy puree of seasoned chickpeas.
    An easy healthy snack for children.

    2 cloves roasted garlic (for best flavor) or raw—roughly chopped
    1/4 cup lemon juice
    1/4 cup drained bean liquid to make it creamy (optional)
    14 oz. (400g) canned chickpeas (garbanzo beans)—rinsed
    and reserve drained liquid
    1/2 tsp. cumin or to taste

    2 tbsp. olive oil

    1/2 – 1 tsp. Real Salt

    Place all ingredients in a food processor or blender and process until smooth, scraping the sides occasionally. Adjust seasonings to taste. Serve with a variety of vegetables as suggested above.
    Spicier hummus: add a small red chili (chopped) or a pinch of cayenne pepper.

    Fruit in Season

    • Other seasonal healthy snack suggestions would be cut up nectarines, peaches, apples, pears, or grapes.  Great color and natural fruit sugar.  YUMMY!  Kids can’t resist the great colors of real food.
    • Fruit smoothies made with yogurt or kefir

    The above recipes come from Holiday Open House by Marilyn Moll (scroll down)

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    If you post a comment on my blog and like on Facebook  you will get a complimentary copy of Holiday Open House.

  • Ultimate Homeschool Expo On Line

    The Ultimate Homeschool Expo has been awesome for me today even though I don’t have daily homeschooling responsibilities anymore.   I loved speaker Kimberly Ehlers challenge today:

    I will not compare myself to any other Mom; I will not compare my child to any other child; I will celebrate the God created specialness of my child.” I think this applies to all moms whether we homeschool or not!

    Here is tomorrow’s don’t miss schedule:

    10AM CT

    Welcome: Movie Makers

    Workshop: Power in Words: Encouraging Your Writer in the Art, Craft, and Ministry of Writing with Rachel Starr Thomson

    1PM CT

    Welcome: Sharon Jeffus from

    Workshop: Getting Kids to Help: Your Part and Theirs with Stephanie Buckwalter from

    3:30PM CT

    Welcome: Tara McClenahan from

    Workshop: Spiritual Disciplines for Your Kids with Jane VanOsdol from

    I’m really excited about the Spiritual Disciplines Workshop for ideas for teaching my daughter,for teaching my Sunday School Class and for my future grandkids, the first one is due in August.

    Take a peak at the rest of the week’s schedule you are sure to find some workshops that you won’t want to miss:

    Wednesday, May 5, 2010

    10AM CT

    Welcome: Kelly Thorne from

    Workshop: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in Review with Jenn Schwilling from

    1PM CT

    Welcome: Lois Graham from

    Workshop: E-Learning: Making Video Part of Your School with Felice Gerwitz from

    3:30PM CT

    Welcome: Candace with

    Workshop: Catching the Foxes that Ruin the Vineyard with Christine Field from

    Thursday, May 6, 2010

    10AM CT

    Welcome: Kate Estes from

    Workshop: Teaching Art to Reinforce Understanding of Core Concepts for Visual and Kinesthetic Learners with Sharon Jeffus from

    1PM CT

    Welcome: Movie Makers

    Workshop: Publishing Your Young Writer’s Work:  Tips for Getting Their Work in Print with Jane VanOsdol from

    3:30PM CT

    Welcome: Elana Michelson from

    Workshop: Dad, Mom’s Eating Broccoli Again! with Angela Ramos from

    Friday, May 7, 2010

    10AM CT

    Welcome: Molly Evert from

    Workshop: Mother: YOU can Make a Difference in this World! with Karisa Rivera from

    1PM CT

    Welcome: Anne Elliott from

    Workshop: Teaching the Multi-Grade Homeschool with Terri Johnson from

    3:30PM CT

    Welcome: Denise Warnick from

    Workshop: Re-Charge Your Homeschool! with Cindy Rushton from

    Remember, everything is recorded, so you don’t have to attend a live event.

    Get your ticket for the Mommy Grab Bag of Goodies, Fabulous Freebies and Downloads, and all the other great resources.

  • The Ultimate Family Expo

    Are you longing for the ultimate help in raising your children whether you home educate or not?  I homeschooled full-time my three children for 19 years.  The two oldest are homeschool graduates and college graduates.  After my husband passed away, I became a part-time homeschool mom.  Now I encourage younger moms to persevere in their high calling.

    I remember when I went to the homeschool conventions filled with big name motivational speakers but I always felt that there was no way I could measure up to what they were doing, so I was always left feeling more overwhelmed than encouraged by those experiences.

    I longed to hear from real moms who were finding solutions to making their homeschool work for their particular family situation, budget, and learning styles.  I longed for more information on managing the day to day then teaching the academics.

    I hated coming home exhausted and feeling like I couldn’t absorb another piece of information.  I didn’t like choosing between two workshops I didn’t want to miss.  All these objections have been solved by:

    The Ultimate Homeschool Expo is everything I longed for and MUCH, MUCH more. The Ultimate Expo has something for everyone and for all Families.  You will find speakers talking about topics of interest to ALL FAMILIES. Read more details below:family-mulitigenerational

    There are no large crowds!  No outrageous gas bills! No makeup! No babysitters! No parking miles away! No expensive trips or hotel stays! No walking for blocks and blocks! No lugging big loads of books around! No expensive trips or hotel stays!  No rushing around so you can catch the vendors, yet missing the wonderful workshops!

    In fact! No missing ANY workshops!  Look at this sampling of speakers that will appeal to all Families including those who have a baby on the way!

    Anne Elliott
    Using the Bible to Choose Methods and Curriculum

    Carol Topp
    Homeschool Co-ops: How to Start Them, Run Them and Not Burn Out
    Is Your Homeschool Group Ready for 501(c)(3)Tax Exempt Status?
    Micro Business for Teens

    Christine Field
    Catching the Foxes that Ruin the Vineyard

    Cindy Carrier
    Creating a Joyful Home Atmosphere

    Cindy Rushton
    Back to the Heart of Homeschooling
    Say Goodbye to Super-Mom!

    Dawn Billesbach
    Making Family Dinners More Feasible, Fun, and Healthy in a Busy, Multi-tasking World

    Jane VanOsdol
    Spiritual Disciplines for Your Kids
    Publishing Your Young Writer’s Work:  Tips for Getting Their Work in Print

    Jennifer Schwilling
    Homeschooling Through the Hard Times
    The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in Review

    Karisa Rivera
    A Trip Down Memory Lane: Sweet Memories and Valuable Lessons

    Kimberly Ehlers
    Homeschooling a Child with Health Issues

    Kimberly Guthrie
    A Mom’s Journey to Healthy Eating on a Real World Budget

    Lisa Hodgen
    “Teach Us to Pray” ~ Becoming a Family of Prayer

    Lois Graham
    Facing Frustrations and Surviving Stress
    ABC’s of Creative Bible Learning

    Lorrie Flem
    How to Raise Children Who Win Friends and Influence People
    Mind Training
    Attitudes are Born in the Mind

    Mary Kane
    Take 5- Time Out with Jesus

    Matthew Rushton
    Graduated, Married, Got a Baby On the Way–NOW, What I Think About Homeschooling

    Molly Evert
    Protecting your Marriage
    Homeschooling the Dyslexic Child (A Parent’s Perspective)

    Paul and Marissa Osborne
    Have A Killer Garage Sale and Live To Tell About It

    Phyllis Wheeler
    Internet Savvy for Homeschoolers

    Rachel Starr Thomson
    Power in Words: Encouraging Your Writer in the Art, Craft, and Ministry of Writing

    Regina Hicks
    Who’s Driving Your Bus? Tranquility or Turmoil
    High School & Beyond: The Final Leg of the Journey
    Three R’s for the Homeschool Mom: Rendering, Resting & Romancing

    Rhea Perry
    The Biggest Gap in Education and How to Fill It
    Online Businesses You and Your Kids Can Start from Home

    Sharon Jeffus
    Using Art to Help Struggling Students/A Different Approach
    Teaching Art to Reinforce Understanding of Core Concepts for Visual and Kinesthetic Learners

    Stephanie Buckwalter
    What I Learned From Keeping a Dirty House
    How to Make Any Curriculum a Right Brain Curriculum or How to Make Any Curriculum Right Brain Friendly
    Getting  the Kids to Help—Your Part and Theirs

    Susan Scott

    Homeschool Success for Every Child: Uncovering the Unique Gifts within each Child

    Tara McClenahan
    Unpacking Your Child’s Suitcase
    Discovering Your Child’s Love Language.

    Is That Ultimate or What?  There is something for everyone all from the convenience of your home!

    I know I can’t wait, there is a lot for me still to learn.  I hope you will join me in obtaining a ticket to the Ultimate Family Expo.

  • Unto Him Who is Able

    Friday, I prepared my Sunday School lesson for parents of teens based on the scripture, Ephesians 3:20:

    Now unto Him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us…Unto Him be the glory!

    As a parent or mother, a wife, business person, whoever you are, you will face circumstances far above your ability to handle.  You can bank on it.  There is a war being waged daily against you.

    The war is waged by an enemy speaking subtly destructive messages you will hear as thoughts in your mind.   Such thoughts may include variations on the theme of:  “The situation is hopeless, you are hopeless, things will never change, you are a failure, you might as well give up, why bother, etc.

    Don’t listen to this.  Resist these lies.  Stand on the truth.

    A modern paraphrase of Ephesians 3:20 may be just what you need to hear today.

    When you are the neediest, He is the most sufficient.  When you are completely helpless, He is the most helpful.  When you feel totally dependent, He is absolutely dependable.  When you are the weakest, He is the most able.  When you are the most alone, He is intimately present.  When you feel you are the least, He is the greatest.  When you feel the most useless, He is preparing you.  When it is the darkest, He is the only Light you need.  When you feel th least secure, He is your Rock and Fortress.  When you are the most humble, He is most gracious.

    Instead of being discouraged,  think upon the truth, dwell on it constantly.

    He is able, as we surrender our cares and anxieties to Him.  Are you willing to submit to his complete care?

  • It’s not About the Money, it’s About the Time

    In our Sunday paper, there is a weekly column in the business section written by a father and son called Yoder & Sons.  The senior writer is chief of the Wall Street Journal San Francisco Division, the junior writer is his 14 year old son.

    Yesterday’s column tackled the topic of whether son Levi can use his own hard earned money to buy an X-box.  Levi of course arguing the side of why he should be permitted to spend his money as he sees fit.   Dad came down firmly, fairly, and articulately on the negative.

    I quote Dad, Steve:

    It’s not about the money, it’s about the time. So it doesn’t matter whose money it is: We won’t have an Xbox or PlayStation of Wii in the house.”

    I did a double take to re-read the above words at least twice.  I’m not the only parent who is saying a young person’s life is already overloaded with distractions and temptations to waste time!!!!

    The author/parent was saying his son didn’t need any more time wasters in their life/home.

    All I can say is AMEN. AMEN AMEN.

    And I thought I was the only parent who didn’t allow this junk, I mean time waster, in my home.  Enough said.

  • The Idol of Success

    My Sunday School class has been looking at idols of the heart that can get in the way of effective parenting.  We studied Ezekial 14:1-16 and discovered that as long as there were idols in the hearts of the prophets, God let them have it their way. The results were not pretty.

    One idol of the heart can be “success”.  My definition of success can certainly be a block to my dear daughter learning to be accountable to God.  I take things into my hands rather than allowing God’s might arms to handle the matter.  Why do I think I need to help out God?

    Reaching her heart to want to please God is my job, by asking good questions.

    This is a whole new mind set for me.  How are you doing with reaching the heart of your young people?

  • Be In Health Conference

    Two weeks ago, my daughter Mary and I got to attend the For Their Life TM Workshop in Thomaston, Georgia.  The week involves nearly 40 hours of intensive teaching and training on what the Bible says about disease and much more.

    Did you know that 3 John 2 says:  “I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.”  Pastor Henry Wight, author of A More Excellent Way, says that even the AMA believes there are spiritual causes to up to 80% of diseases.  He believes most illness begins with a break down in relationship with 1.) yourself, 2.) God, 3.) Others.

    I also learned and had reinforced that the “talk” I hear constantly in my head can one of three voices.  1.)  Myself, 2.) God, 3.) The Enemy, Satan.

    One teacher explained that when we hear in our head, “I’m so dumb.”  “I’m so stupid.”, “I’ll never get it right.”, self-talk in the first person, it is often the enemy trying to get us believe that our thoughts are our own.   But I learned that anything that doesn’t line up with what God says about me, then I’m   listening to the voice of the enemy.  I’ve been “tricked” by the enemy into believing  lies about myself.

    I have found myself thinking many thoughts in the last week that I recognized as the lies of the enemy.  For example, when boarding the plane to fly home last Sunday, I heard a voice in my head saying, “I hate this.”  I felt tension rising in my muscles.  Suddenly I realized, there was no peace in that thought and the thought was most likely the enemy lying to me and trying to get me to react to an angry, bitter, evil spirit.  I quickly fell out of agreement with that subtle lie and peace returned to my mind.

    Yes, this is a very small example of how our thoughts can effect our health consciously or unconsciously.

    But how I handle mythoughts is directly related to my mental health and how I feel about myself and others.   According to 2 Corinthians 10:5 “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”   It can be a challenge to recognize the source of every thought.

    Since attending Be in Health, I have had many new opportunities to recognize that many of my thoughts are not of God and I have been renounce them, and resisting them.  My health is at stake!  My grandmother died from Alzheimer’s, a disease I definitely do not want.  From the teaching at the seminar I began to see the mind-soul-spirit connection of thoughts my Grandmother may have had about herself that contributed to the disease.

    God has been so good to me to show me new truths, new truths to set me free from the bondage of sin.

    In Deuteronomy 28:1-14, God promises blessings to those who obey him and calls diseases a curse.  There is so much to learn about obeying God that I didn’t know.  But one thing I do know, when I obey God in the little things, especially my attitudes and with the words i use, life goes better for me and my family.

    During the ministry sessions I got a better handle on how the trauma of my husband’s death opened the door to my heart for all kinds of fears including fear of abandonment and rejection.  But God never abandons us, he is always gracious, he promises to never fail me nor forsake me.  Since it has been over a year since Duane passed on, I know deeper in my heart the truths of how much God loves me, that only he can heal my broken heart and that I can trust that he does have  good plan for me and my new life as a widow.

    I am so excited that God has led me to put the Urban Homemaker on vacation for a few weeks of remodeling and facelift so that I re-open with more resources  and information to encourage busy moms in the Spirit of Titus Two.

    If your family is struggling with a serious health issues, I would encourage you to consider if there are some spiritual dynamics in your generations that have been passed on to you that you can get rid of now.  Or email me at for more information.

    Here is more information for anyone interested in For My Life classes:

    Be in Health Announces

    For My Life – ONLINE

    Henry Wright teaches that often the mind needs to be renewed before lasting healing can take place. The scripturally based principles taught in For My Life™ Online facilitate and encourage each participant to renew their mind with biblical insights.

    The For My Life Online program has all of the basic teachings of the For My Life class held in Thomaston, GA, but in a condensed form. This program was designed to make For My Life available to everyone who could not make it to Thomaston yet, or those needing a refresher course.

    For My Life Online consists of 32 hours of teaching stretched over 14 days. Each day another class or series of classes are released for you to view in order, just like the Thomaston class. This entire class can be viewed by spending just 2 ½ hours a day during that 14 day timeline.

    The For My Life Online player is a Flash based player that you will be able to view once the first day of the class begins. When a specific class is available, you will be able to watch it as many times as you need to during the remaining days of that class timeline. Once the last day of the class ends, access to the player will be turned off. The player has the ability to start, stop, pause and rewind the video if you missed something.

    player thumb

    For My Life™ Online provides the opportunity to gather the kind of information that helps people apply the principles of God to their life in such a way that they often find healing of spirit, soul, and body.

    Classes are offered twice a month. Online Registration and fees are required for the program.

    Click Here to Register

    For My Life Online - Click to register

  • Before I was a Mom

    Ed Note:  This was sent to me by my sister with no copyright.  A reader has notified me this quote actually appeared in a book by Mary LaGrand Bouma, The Creative Homemaker, which came out in 1973. I believe Bouma was probably the original author — just thought you might want to know.

    Before I was a Mom,
    I never tripped over toys
    or forgot words to a lullaby.
    I didn ‘ t worry whether or not
    my plants were poisonous.
    I never thought about immunizations.

    Before I was a Mom,

    I had never been puked on.
    Pooped on.
    Chewed on.
    Peed on.
    I had complete control of my mind
    and my thoughts.
    I slept all night.

    Before I was a Mom,

    I never held down a screaming child
    so doctors could do tests.
    Or give shots.
    I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
    I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.
    I never sat up late hours at night
    watching a baby sleep.

    Before I was a Mom,

    I never held a sleeping baby just because
    I didn ‘ t want to put her down.
    I never felt my heart break into a million pieces
    when I couldn ‘ t stop the hurt.

    I never knew that something so small
    could affect my life so much..

    I never knew that I could love someone so much.
    I never knew I would love being a Mom.

    Before I was a Mom,

    I didn ‘ t know the feeling of
    having my heart outside my body..
    I didn ‘ t know how special it could feel
    to feed a hungry baby.
    I didn ‘ t know that bond
    between a mother and her child.
    I didn ‘ t know that something so small
    could make me feel so important and happy.

    Before I was a Mom,

    I had never gotten up in the middle of the night
    every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay.
    I had never known the warmth,
    the joy,
    the love,
    the heartache,
    the wonderment
    or the satisfaction of being a Mom.
    I didn ‘ t know I was capable of feeling so much,
    before I was a Mom .

    Send this to someone who you think is an awesome Mom.

    May you always be overwhelmed by the Grace of God rather than by the cares of life