Two weeks ago, my daughter Mary and I got to attend the For Their Life TM Workshop in Thomaston, Georgia. The week involves nearly 40 hours of intensive teaching and training on what the Bible says about disease and much more.
Did you know that 3 John 2 says: “I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.” Pastor Henry Wight, author of A More Excellent Way, says that even the AMA believes there are spiritual causes to up to 80% of diseases. He believes most illness begins with a break down in relationship with 1.) yourself, 2.) God, 3.) Others.
I also learned and had reinforced that the “talk” I hear constantly in my head can one of three voices. 1.) Myself, 2.) God, 3.) The Enemy, Satan.
One teacher explained that when we hear in our head, “I’m so dumb.” “I’m so stupid.”, “I’ll never get it right.”, self-talk in the first person, it is often the enemy trying to get us believe that our thoughts are our own. But I learned that anything that doesn’t line up with what God says about me, then I’m listening to the voice of the enemy. I’ve been “tricked” by the enemy into believing lies about myself.
I have found myself thinking many thoughts in the last week that I recognized as the lies of the enemy. For example, when boarding the plane to fly home last Sunday, I heard a voice in my head saying, “I hate this.” I felt tension rising in my muscles. Suddenly I realized, there was no peace in that thought and the thought was most likely the enemy lying to me and trying to get me to react to an angry, bitter, evil spirit. I quickly fell out of agreement with that subtle lie and peace returned to my mind.
Yes, this is a very small example of how our thoughts can effect our health consciously or unconsciously.
But how I handle mythoughts is directly related to my mental health and how I feel about myself and others. According to 2 Corinthians 10:5 “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” It can be a challenge to recognize the source of every thought.
Since attending Be in Health, I have had many new opportunities to recognize that many of my thoughts are not of God and I have been renounce them, and resisting them. My health is at stake! My grandmother died from Alzheimer’s, a disease I definitely do not want. From the teaching at the seminar I began to see the mind-soul-spirit connection of thoughts my Grandmother may have had about herself that contributed to the disease.
God has been so good to me to show me new truths, new truths to set me free from the bondage of sin.
In Deuteronomy 28:1-14, God promises blessings to those who obey him and calls diseases a curse. There is so much to learn about obeying God that I didn’t know. But one thing I do know, when I obey God in the little things, especially my attitudes and with the words i use, life goes better for me and my family.
During the ministry sessions I got a better handle on how the trauma of my husband’s death opened the door to my heart for all kinds of fears including fear of abandonment and rejection. But God never abandons us, he is always gracious, he promises to never fail me nor forsake me. Since it has been over a year since Duane passed on, I know deeper in my heart the truths of how much God loves me, that only he can heal my broken heart and that I can trust that he does have good plan for me and my new life as a widow.
I am so excited that God has led me to put the Urban Homemaker on vacation for a few weeks of remodeling and facelift so that I re-open with more resources and information to encourage busy moms in the Spirit of Titus Two.
If your family is struggling with a serious health issues, I would encourage you to consider if there are some spiritual dynamics in your generations that have been passed on to you that you can get rid of now. Or email me at for more information.
Here is more information for anyone interested in For My Life classes:
Be in Health Announces
For My Life – ONLINE
Henry Wright teaches that often the mind needs to be renewed before lasting healing can take place. The scripturally based principles taught in For My Life™ Online facilitate and encourage each participant to renew their mind with biblical insights.
The For My Life Online program has all of the basic teachings of the For My Life class held in Thomaston, GA, but in a condensed form. This program was designed to make For My Life available to everyone who could not make it to Thomaston yet, or those needing a refresher course.
For My Life Online consists of 32 hours of teaching stretched over 14 days. Each day another class or series of classes are released for you to view in order, just like the Thomaston class. This entire class can be viewed by spending just 2 ½ hours a day during that 14 day timeline.
The For My Life Online player is a Flash based player that you will be able to view once the first day of the class begins. When a specific class is available, you will be able to watch it as many times as you need to during the remaining days of that class timeline. Once the last day of the class ends, access to the player will be turned off. The player has the ability to start, stop, pause and rewind the video if you missed something.
For My Life™ Online provides the opportunity to gather the kind of information that helps people apply the principles of God to their life in such a way that they often find healing of spirit, soul, and body.
Classes are offered twice a month. Online Registration and fees are required for the program.
Click Here to Register