I have had this 17 piece set of waterless cookware for nearly 10 years and only burned something once! I love the vapor-lock lid system which insures fast and healthy food without nutrient loss, how easy these pans are to clean, and most importantly, the 304 Surgical stainless steel is non-reactive with acid foods. Read on for details. Frequently Asked Questions about Waterless Cooking
Invest in a 17 piece set of Vapo Seal Waterless Cookware
and I will include an Omelet Pan and Shipping for FREE!
Only $299.99 while supplies last!
About Selecting High Quality, Long-lasting Cookware
1. Why should I throw away my aluminum cookware?
Aluminum is a metal that is very active chemically and
reacts to acidic and base foods by dissolving in the cooking
process and can leach into your food. When you cook in
aluminum some of the metal is excreted into your food and
goes into your body. Acidic foods cause a higher level of
aluminum to be excreted and can even cause a metallic
taste in the food. Research shows a link between aluminum
and Alzheimer’s disease and because of its properties,
aluminum should not be used to cook directly out of.
2. Doesn’t waterless cookware contain aluminum?
Yes. But the aluminum is encapsulated so that it will not
ever come in contact with your food.
3. Why should I throw away my Teflon?
There is numerous health risks associated with Teflon
especially when heated to high temperatures. It is easy to
see after many uses just look at your pan. Flaking Teflon
in your body cannot be good for you.
4. How can waterless cooking improve my health?
If the cookware is used properly it undoubtedly has
wonderful health benefits. Vegetables will retain 98% of
their natural vitamins and minerals that are essential for our
bodies. Most cooking methods cause vegetables to lose up
to 50% of their vitamins and minerals. Because the flavor
will be better you will enjoy eating and even trying all
types of vegetables. Eating vegetables becomes enjoyable
and you begin craving healthier foods in your diet. You
will even begin to prefer eating at home rather than eating
out. Last, you won’t desire fried foods as much because
you can cook meat without grease and still have abundant
flavor and tenderness.
5. What is the difference between waterless surgical
stainless steel and the stainless steel that you can buy
at discount stores?
The difference is in the type of stainless steel and the
construction of the stainless steel. Waterless cookware is
made of a high grade Titanium base surgical stainless steel
the same type of stainless steel as used by surgeons, and
dairies. Because of its nonporous properties it is a very
sanitary metal that doesn’t rust, corrode, or collect bacteria
like some metals. This property is also what allows for
greaseless cooking. The cookware is constructed with
several layers of elements between the steel that produce
very quick and even heat conduction. Where other
stainless steel pans though may look heavy can produce hot
spots and burn easily.
6. What is the difference between 9 element, 12 element
There is not a lot of difference in cookware that imply
higher or lower number of elements. This is just the
number of the different mixtures or alloys and elements
used in those mixtures. It doesn’t really matter how many
elements are used in the construction. What matters is how
well and evenly the cookware conducts heat.
7. What are the handles made of?
Most waterless cookware has handles that are made of a
high impact bake-a-lite. This material is resistant to
temperatures up to 400 degrees and doesn’t get hot to the
touch on top of the stove when cooking like a metal handle
does. You don’t need pot holders to take the pan off the
8. What does the warranty on the cookware cover?
Some companies have been in business for many years and
have great customer service. Other companies are trying to
make a quick sale on auction sites but you may never be
able to find them or their warranty again. Most well
established waterless cookware companies have great
service and warrant their cookware against any defects and
replace handles and knobs for minimal shipping and
handling charge.
9. What happens if I have a defective piece of cookware
that is no longer manufactured?
In this case the company should replace it with a similar
product that is currently being manufactured. Cost is again
usually minimal shipping and handling charge.
T304 Surgical Stainless steel cookware sets and pieces with
a 7 ply construction of alloys and metals for fast even heat
distribution and vapor sealing covers to allow for waterless
and greaseless cooking. The 7 ply construction allows for fast and even heat distribution and
the Titanium based steel surface keeps meat from sticking
without using grease due to its nonporous properties. The
cookware has precision ground electronically balanced
covers that create a vapor seal to allow for waterless
cooking. The vapor seal holds all the heat and moisture in
the pan without the evaporation that usually occurs in the
cooking process.