Category: Homemaking

  • Cleaning without Chemicals – Update

    I just learned that fabric softener (which I don’t use) has many toxic chemicals in it. Here is a list of just some of the chemicals found in fabric softeners and dryer sheets:

    Benzyl acetate: linked to pancreatic cancer
    Benzyl Alcohol: Upper respiratory tract irritant
    Ethanol: On the environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) hazardous waste
    list and can cause central nervous system disorders
    Limonene: Known carcinogen
    A-Terpineol: Can cause respiratory problems
    Ethyl Acetate: A narcotic on the EPA’s hazardous waste list
    Camphor: Causes central nervous system disorders
    Chloroform: Neurotoxic, anesthetic and carcinogenic
    Linalool: A narcotic that causes central nervous system disorders
    Pentane: a chemical known to be harmful if inhaled

    So how could products with pretty names like Soft Ocean Mist, Summer
    Orchard and April Fresh be so dangerous?

    The chemicals in fabric softeners are pungent and strong smelling–so
    strong that they require the use of these heavy fragrances (think 50
    times as much fragrance) just to cover up the smells!!!

    Fabric softeners are made to stay in your clothing for long periods of
    time. As such, chemicals are slowly released either into the air for
    you to inhale or onto your skin for you to absorb.

    Dryer sheets are particularly noxious because they are heated in the dryer and the
    chemicals are released through dryer vents and out into the
    environment. Health effects of fabric softener use include headaches,
    nausea, dizziness, irritation of skin, mucus membranes and respiratory

    Here are some effective alternatives: Static Eliminator.
    We also recommend T-Wave Laundry Capsules .

    I have used all these products with great success.

  • A Job or a Ministry? That is the question.

    Recently I attended a luncheon for a Christian organization where the speaker asked us if we were performing a ministry or a job?  She said that Charles Spurgeon, famous 19th Century pastor wrote:
    “A job is a choice; a ministry is at Christ’s call.”

    As I pondered her thoughts, I quickly realized her questions apply to our role as wife and mother.  When I became a wife, I did not realize I was signing up for the ministry of being a wife and mother.  Ponder these thoughts today and consider all the routine and tedious work of a homemaker as a ministry unto the Lord.

    Our ministry in the home depends on God’s strength working through us.  Are we depending and trusting him today?


    In a job, you expect to receive; in a ministry, you expect to give.

    In a job, you give something to get something; in a ministry, you return something that has already been given to you.

    A job depends on your abilities; a ministry depends on your availability to God.

    A job done well brings you praise; a ministry done well brings honor to Christ.”

    Are you so focused on planning details that you have lost sight of why you do it?

    Are you enthusiastic about what you do?

    Remember, God has chosen you.  Although you may not understand why, believing it to be so is powerfully motivating.

    Will you take a few moments now to come before Him in silent submission?  Ask Him to fill you with a deep desire to answer His calling-whatever it may be-and to give you His joy in performing it.  Will you pray, “Lord, I believe You have chosen me to serve You, and I commit myself to your will.  I want to do everything for your honor and glory.”

  • Passionate Housewives Desperate for God

    As a young first time mother, I was already 32 years old! I worked as a career woman until my young daughter was about 14 months old. It took me over a year to realize I couldn’t do it all and I didn’t want to anyway. I was a young believer who longed to be home with my baby, but finances, I thought, would not permit.

    One sleepless night as I agonized and wrestled with God about wanting to be a stay-at-home mom, I asked the Lord, “What spirit is compelling me to quit my job?” The gentle and quiet answer I heard said, “The spirit of peace and of rest.” After prayer, I concluded this was the Lord speaking to me, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don’t rely on your own insight.”

    You see, financially it was not feasible to make ends meet on paper, but after I took the leap of faith to quit my job we were able to some how make ends meet. It wasn’t easy, but God was faithful.

    Have you struggled to reconcile God’s vision of virtuous womanhood with worldly myths that marginalize, mock and minimize the role of the homemaker? Twenty-two years later I sometimes feel like Elijah, the only one left with a heart for home.

    Cultural messages often demean the high calling of homemaking and shout the message that a wife, woman, and mother has little worth compared to the successful career woman who out earns even her husband.

    Modern media, culture, and the feminist agenda all lie to woman saying that you can have it all. Twenty some years ago I discovered that I had bought into this lie as I tried in vain to “do it all”. Fortunately God gently delivered me from the bondage of the lie I had bought into and has since helped myself and my family with the mission to exalt, encourage and uphold traditional homemaking.

    At last, in a delightfully fresh and honest way, a book addressing these issues head-on by talented, articulate authors Stacy and Jennie to prepare a book which provides a fresh vision for the hopeful homemaker. In Passionate Housewives, a former “Christian” feminist shares how she went from a die-hard homemaker-in-training to a dedicated career woman and then back again – after God gripped her heart. You will see the hollow counterfeit of whitewashed feminism and “me-ology” destroyed. But more importantly you will read a beautiful and captivating picture painted through Scripture of what the truly fulfilled homemaker who glories in the hopeful calling God has created for her.

    This book will encourage and affirm all women who may struggle with their role of homemaking and mother, it is must-have reading for aspiring homemakers as well. I can’t recommend this book highly enough. Discover what it means to be a passionate housewife “desperate” for God alone!

    Download the preface to the book here.

    Since you have visited my blog, please post why you would like to win a free copy of Passionate Housewives Desperate for God, and link your blog into my blog, you will then be entered into the contest to win one of five copies of Passionate Housewives Desperate for God to be given away Saturday Nov 3.

    To be eligible, you must be sure to leave an email contact so I can award the prizes!

  • Whole Wheat Bread Recipe

    “I love baking and bread is a favorite. I happened upon your recipe one day and have been hooked ever since. It is fabulous! There is no other bread that can even come close. Wow! My kids are in heaven every time I make it. As well as being delicious, it is the easiest yeast bread that I have ever made!

    My mother-in-law told me that it was the best bread she had ever tasted. My Dad tells everyone that I make the best bread in the world. I am thrilled that it is healthy: whole grain and no powdered or evaporated milk. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful recipe.” Lisa Reeves

    Lisa’s Favorite recipe is Marilyn’s Famous Whole Wheat Bread

    If you have never tried my recipe before, and you try baking it this week and send me a comment of how your family enjoyed this bread recipe, I will send you a complimentary copy of my new ebook A Beginner’s Guide to Baking Bread.

    This offer expires October 29, 2007. Email your comments to


    Several years ago, a listener wrote to say she considered a phone seminar “continuing education for moms!”   Whatever age or season of life you are in, we are never too old for continuing education, are we?

    Hence we began to see the need to record our phone seminars as many of you either can’t join us on Thursday nights, or just enjoy listening to a seminar on your Ipod or computer at a time more convenient for you.

    Here is what a listener wrote after listening to Sue Gregg talk last year:

    “I joined the Sue Gregg Seminar last night for the first time ever.  I really enjoyed it!!  Thank-You so much for helping all of us to learn to eat healthier.”  J. Spangler

    After Reb Bradley talked about Child Training Tips last year, another listener wrote:

    Thank you so much!  Mr. Bradley is so interesting and insightful; I was blessed by his wisdom. I look forward to more of these phone seminars.” Tracy S.

    One of my favorite listener comments:

    It is always so nice to sit down at the end of a busy day with a cup of hot tea  and indulge myself with a free seminar. It’s like a mini-vacation and conference all in one! Thanks so much for ministering to us moms that are trying to, in turn, minister to our families.”

    At last, we have now compiled twelve of our most popular phone seminars into one album called Continuing Education for Moms – Volume 1 for one low price. This is your opportunity to listen an learn from all those live seminars!

    If you have been too busy to call and listen to our Phone Seminars on Thursday nights and would enjoy Godly encouragement at a time that is convenient for you, we have prepared this Phone Seminar Collection compilation with you in mind!

    This album of Phone Seminars includes the original recording of the following seminars.

    1. Encouragement For Moms with Lorrie Flem, June 4, 2007.
    2. Health Begins in the Kitchen with Marilyn Moll, May 3, 2007.
    3. The Two-Stage Process with Sue Gregg, October 2006.
    4. Healthy Water with Diane Carson, April 2007.
    5. Cook Your Way to Wellness with Maria Atwood, February, 2007.
    6. Future Christian Homemakers with Laurie Latour, March 2006.
    7. 12 Week Holiday Planner with Sheri Graham and Ann Voskamp, October 2006.
    8. Cleaning Without Chemicals with Sandy Tuin March 3, 2007.
    9. Child Training Tips with Reb Bradley, September 2006
    10. Canning Seminar with Lisa Vitello, July 2007.
    11. The Hope Chest Society with Ruth Sundeen and Rebekah Wilson, January 2007.
    12. Kick the Cold Cereal Habit, and Making Bread by Hand- February 2007.

    Over 12 hours of listening and learning pleasure and encouragement.  Available either as a download or on MP3-CD.  Normally each individual phone seminar recording costs $5.00.

    But this compilation of  Continuing Education for Moms CD- Volume 1 – a $60 value, is available for substantial savings for a limited time.

    Click Here for a Downloadable Collection for $15.97

    Click Here for a MP3 CD recording for $19.95.

  • Homemaking Helps for Busy Moms

    The Urban Homemaker -64 page Magazine/Catalog filled with hundreds of resources, recipes, homemaking tips, and encouragement for busy moms has just been published.  One reader wrote:

    “I received the new catalog today and I really like the new format.
    You, and your business, are such a blessing to me and my family.
    Thank you for your commitment to providing great products and wonderful
    advice.”  Mrs. Lynne Kerr

    CLICK HERE to see a copy of our  completely new and re-designed 64-page catalog of Resources for Homemakers to Encourage and Strengthen Families!

    The downloadable catalog is complimentary.

    If you are a new subscriber and purchase our paper catalog for $3.47, you will get:

    1.   A coupon for $5.00 off a purchase plus
    2.   A complimentary copy of my ebook entitled Fast and Healthy Menus for Busy Moms.
    In all this is a $15.00 value.