Category: Homemaking

  • Tips for Avoiding and Overcoming the Flu, Naturally!

    Aunt Missy

    Mary came down with a sore throat on Sunday, right after I thought we had missed the cold and flu season.  After applying some of the below tips, she said her throat was almost better a day later.

    Here are some of my best tips for Avoiding and Overcoming the Flu Naturally that have worked for our family:

    1. First of all, drink AT LEAST two quarts of filtered water a day. Moist mucous membranes are less likely to allow those little flu bugs to get a foothold. May I suggest that you consider investing in a drinking water purifier as low cost “health insurance”? The Multipure system costs eight cents per gallon of purified water and produces much higher quality of purifie water and is much more convenient than bottled water.

    2. Frequent Hand washing for AT LEAST 20 seconds to get your hands really clean and germ free. Since hand washing is always important in avoiding colds and flus, be sure to wash and rinse for at least 20 seconds to be effective, and teach your children to do the same.

    3. Consider using the Neti Pot type of apparatus that rinses the nasal passages with a saline solution.  I did this last winter twice a day routinely and avoided colds.  I forgot about it this year, and just started in again.

    4. Did you know that many herbalists are now recommending a maintenance dose of Elderberry to gently stimulate the immune system from catching those nasty bugs instead of echinacea?

    5.  In addition, I always start taking extra Vitamin C or Emergen-C – the fizzy flavored Vitamin C/mineral packets mixed in water.

    6. If you find yourself coming down with the flu symptoms, such as achiness or overwhelming fatigue, increase your choice of Echinacea/Elderberry combination product to at least 6 times a day or as often as every two hours since the immune system stimulation lasts for about 2 hours, plus the hot baths, and drinking extra water and tea.

    7. If you try all of the above strategies and still find yourself or children coming down with a full case of a cold or flu I have found eating very lightly, or fasting from solid foods (not liquids) and using a combination of Ginger, Capsicum, Echinacea,Peppermint, Lemon, Garlic or Golden Seal in a tea form coupled with extra rest is very effective.  The herbs can also be encapsulated, but I like to make a tea of fresh ginger and or peppermint and a little cayenne, plus lemon and honey and drink lots of it.

    8. Spicy foods like jalapeno’s, salsa, or homemade Chicken Soup with a little cayenne are great natural remedies often known as Jewish Penicillin but it works! My recipe for Chicken Soup for Colds and flus contains homemade chicken stock loaded with trace minerals, plus ginger, garlic, and  cayenne.

    9.  Try the wet sock home remedy. I learned this from my neighbor Linda who has been using this method to avoid illness for years.  So I tried it last night when I thought I was getting a sore throat.  This morning I don’t have a sore throat!  Simply put cotton socks in warm water and wring them out thoroughly and put the damp socks on your feet, and then put a pair of wool socks over the damp cotton socks.  Go to bed.  Your feet will feel cool for awhile but the wetness/coolness draws blood and toxins to the feet while you sleep and you will wake up with dry socks and possibly avoid that cold altogether.  I love home remedies that are virtually free and work!

    10. For more information about how to ferment any type of foods and how they benefit our immune system, join our phone seminar on Friday, February 18, 2011 at 12:00 noon Mountain Time. Jenny McGruther, of Nourished Kitchen will be my guest.

  • Monday Morning Mix

    Happy Valentine’s Day to you All.  I wanted to remind you that today is the last day of the Wondermill and Wondermill Junior old pricing.   I also wanted you to have this  fantastic and simple Chocolate Peppermint Custard for your Valentine’s and an opportunity to learn something from Penny Pinchin Momma.  (details follow)

    Last Day for Old WonderMill Prices – $239.95 today, $259.95 tomorrow – February 15, 2011
    Last day for Old Wondermill Junior price – $199.95 through February 14, 2011 – $219.95 starting February 15, 2011 -Includes free shipping, new auger, clamp, stainless steel burrs – the complete package!
    This recipe is courtesy of Cooking Traditional Foods, the longest running menu mailer based on the work of Weston A Price.

    This pudding recipe comes out thick and rich.  It’s great as a cake filling or in a custard cup.  You can change out the extract for different flavors.  When my kids want pudding, this is the recipe I use.

    4 egg yolks

    1 Tbs cornstarch

    1 (14-ounce) can coconut milk

    ½ cup chocolate chips

    1 tsp peppermint extract

    In a bowl, whisk together the egg yolks and cornstarch until smooth. Set aside.

    In a medium saucepan, heat the milk and chocolate over medium heat until the chocolate is completely dissolved. Bring to a boil, remove from the heat, and cool briefly.

    Whisk ¼ cup of the chocolate mixture into the egg yolk mixture. Whisk in the remaining milk in a slow stream. Return to the saucepan and heat to a simmer and cook for 5 minutes. Do not boil.

    Remove from the heat and cool, whisking regularly to avoid a skin forming on top and keep the fat incorporated, until only slightly warm. Stir in the peppermint extract. Chill thoroughly in the fridge before serving, or use as a cream filling for cakes, cupcakes or the like.

    If your family likes sweeter desserts, you can stir in plain or chocolate flavored stevia with the peppermint extract. Unsweetened chocolate and a little rapadura or your favorite chocolate bar can be substituted for the chocolate chips. Orange, vanilla or another extract that would match chocolate can be used in place of the peppermint.

    Kerry Ann Foster is the owner of Cooking Traditional Foods Menu Mailer

    Penny Pinchin’ Mama e-book, Jill Cooper, who raised two teenagers alone while making only $500 per month, shares practical hints and strategies she used to make the most out of every dollar. The regular price is $12.95 and this week only it is 50% off or $6.48.

  • Introducing The Wondermill Junior Contest

    WondermilljrUrban Homemaker’s 20th Anniversary celebration-The Wondermill Junior  Contest

    This contest is now closed.

    The winner of the  Wondermill Junior Grainmill is contest entry #118, Shawn. Shawn, you need to email me at to claim your prize.

    The next contest will be posted at The Urban Homemaker blog by Friday.  Be sure to sign up for blog updates by email above left on this page, or “Like” The Urban Homemaker at Facebook.

    Here is how to participate in future Urban Homemaker Contests.

    There are up to five ways to enter the contest!

    You get one contest entry for each of the following steps you take and you post that you did it in  the comments section of this blog page below:

    1.  Post this article to your Facebook page and tell me you did so in the comments section below.

    2.  Post this article to your Twitter page and tell me you did so in the comments section below.

    3.  Sign up for receiving The Urban Homemaker blog posts by email above, and tell me you did so below in the comments.

    4.  Mention this contest in your blog posting and link back to this page and post your blog link in the comments section below.

    5.  Sign up to receive The Urban Homemaker Enewsletter, and tell me you did so below in the comments.

    In a time of food shortage or emergency, having a non-electric grain mill could be a blessing to your family, your friends and your neighborhood.

    The Wonder Junior is the highest quality most versatile hand mill available at an affordable price.
    Features Include:
    • The hopper is large and holds over one quart or 4 cups
    • Wonder Junior is one-piece construction so the hopper will not come off during use.
    • Heavy-duty patented double clamp
    • Attaches to tables or counters up to 2 inches thick
    • Clamp will  never move or loosen up like other hand grain mills on the market t
    • Uses extra large lifetime lubricated bearings
    • Heavy duty base can be bolted to any table or counter, if desired.
    • Stone heads are one-third thicker than other hand grain mills will give a lifetime of use
    • High-quality stainless steel burr heads are for milling wet or oily grains,  seeds, or coffee.
    • Limited Lifetime Warranty
    • You can create super fine flour or coarse cracked grains for cereals.

    Stainless steel burrs come standard with the Wondermill Junior Deluxe and will easily grind oily seeds, nuts, grains or even coffee without gumming up.

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  • Get Those Dirty Dishes out of the Sink!

    Kitchen Cabinet Installation is Completed
    Kitchen Cabinet Installation is Completed

    Ed Note: I’ll confess up front, I’m not always diligent about keeping up with the dishes and there are only two of us living here right now.  But I so love a tidy kitchen, especially my beautiful remodeled kitchen with its beautiful cabinets and count tops.  I assure you, my kitchen now has a lived in look but this picture is a good reminder of what I need to aspire to daily.

    Dirty Dishes Cause Debt! by Jill Cooper (guest post)

    The other day I was asked one of the most common questions that people ask me: “Where do I start if I want to get out of debt?” After telling me of her huge credit card debt and how they eat out almost every night, the lady took a deep breath and said, “How do I save on laundry detergent and cleaning supplies?” Sometimes we can’t see the forest for the trees.

    Even though saving money on cleaning supplies does help and should be part of your plan, that usually isn’t where the biggest problem with the debt lies. This woman never once thought to ask me how to stop eating out so much. Most people don’t want to face the real causes of their debt because their biggest problems are the things they like the most. Going out to eat is one of the top five causes of debt.

    Get those dirty dishes out of the sink!!

    We go out to eat because we can’t face a dirty kitchen. Keeping your kitchen empty of dirty dishes is the key to saving money. This is probably the #1 way to start getting out of debt. Most people are so overwhelmed with piled counter tops and dirty dishes that they would rather go out to eat than face a dirty kitchen.

    Do the dishes after every meal and keep hot soapy water in the sink while you are baking or cooking. Clean as you go. If your sink is empty and the dishes are washed, your kitchen always looks good. This helps you save money because you have the time and space to cook.

    To get in and out of the kitchen quickly, try these easy steps:

    1. Put all dirty dishes in the dishwasher. Fill the sink with hot soapy water and put the hand washables in it to soak.
    2. Wipe off counter tops and tables with hot soapy water. (This way, if you have unexpected company, at least your table and counters will be clean.)
    3. Sweep the floor and shake throw rugs if needed.
    4. Wash the dishes that have been soaking.
    5. Wipe down the faucets and dry with a towel. (Be sure to wipe any sticky appliances, too.)
    6. Put out a clean dish rag and towel.
    7. Take out the trash.

    These simple steps can help you start climbing your way out of debt. You will be amazed how much better you will feel just having the kitchen clean.

    Right now the smart folks at Living on a Dime are having their New Year’s Ebook Extravaganza.  13 ebooks for $13.00. Check it out.

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  • A Prayer to Bless Others

    I received this image in my email recently and thought it was a great way to pray for our loved ones and friends!  I printed a copy out to keep with my devotional materials.  Often I don’t know how to pray, even for my children.  I think this will help when I’m in doubt.


  • Living on a Dime – How one family does it.

    13 ebooks for $13.00
    13 ebooks for $13.00

    I hope you all had a wonderful New Year’s celebration and feel ready to face the New Year with optimism and purpose. I , personally, have struggled to face the last few New Years since my husband and father-in-laws deaths.

    But, the constant media barrage of negative reports about our national economy, unemployment, and ever increasing national debt have not helped my frame of mind either.

    I want 2011 to be different!  Are you determined to get-0ut-0f debt, make healthier, home cooked meals, and get organized?

    While I certainly don’t have all the answers and solutions I came across a new book entitled Radical Homemakers – Reclaiming Domesticity from a Consumer Culture. One of the premises of this book according to author Shannon Hayes, is to build a “life-serving economy” while reducing our “reliance on the extractive economy.” (p. 59)

    In other words, if we can find ways to reduce our expenses then the less dependent we are on the corporate paycheck and the better our family finances will become.

    To me, Tawra Kellam and her mother Jill Cooper, are very inspirational and authoritative writers on learning to live more with less cash. Jill raised her two children as a single parent on $500 a month. Tawra and her husband paid off a $20,000 debt in five years on a low income while raising their young children.

    From today through next Monday, the Living on a Dime ebooks have been discounted a whopping 85% off of the regular price. This once-a-year sale is a great deal because you can buy their 13 ebooks for $13.00. The 13 E-books include 445 pages of money saving tips, great recipes and plenty of inspiration to make life easier and more frugal!

    For example the Money Management ebook is a 72 page e-book designed to help you say goodbye to debt! Packed with lots of stories and advice, this e-book is an essential tool for your Debt Elimination Kit.

    Money Management includes the story of how Michael and Tawra paid off $20,000 debt on $22,000 per year income.

    • Do you find the idea of budgeting daunting? You’ll find information about how to make a budget and how to make budgeting simpler and easier.
    • Learn how to reduce your financial stress.
    • You don’t have to be a slave to debt!
    • Testimonial:
    “We’ve learned so much from Tawra… As of last week, our regular bills are finally all paid up! We’re no longer behind on any of them and can start working on our debt instead of playing catch-up with the utility companies. This was due in very large part to Tawra and her mom’s wonderful advice, ideas and guidance.”-Karen from Ontario, Canada

    “I was the most wasteful profligate spendaholic, I earned a lot, and thought I was entitled to spend every penny on myself. Now I have a savings, a growing IRA and have come to my senses.”  -Kathy from California

    Their other ebooks show how to save money in the kitchen, put together delicious and easy dinners, get and keep your home organized, save money on kids activities, move on a budget, save money on creative gifts and much more.

    I know you can will come up with enough practical tips, and money saving recipes to more than justify the $1.00 a book price. Besides, there is always a money back guarantee.

    Check out the complete offer here.

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  • Encouragement Chart – Print and Save




    You say: ‘It’s impossible’

    God says: All things are possible

    ( Luke 18:27)

    You say: ‘I’m too tired’

    God says: I will give you rest

    ( Matthew 11:28-30)

    You say: ‘Nobody really loves me’

    God says: I love you

    ( John 3:1 6 & John 3:34 )

    You say: ‘I can’t go on’

    God says: My grace is sufficient

    (II Corinthians 12:9 & Psalm 91:15)

    You say: ‘I can’t figure things out’

    God says: I will direct your steps

    (Proverbs 3:5- 6)

    You say: ‘I can’t do it’

    God says: You can do all things

    ( Philippians 4:13)

    You say: ‘I’m not able’

    God says: I am able

    (II Corinthians 9:8)

    You say: ‘It’s not worth it’

    God says: It will be worth it

    (Roman 8:28 )

    You say: ‘I can’t forgive myself’

    God says: I Forgive you

    (I John 1:9 & Romans 8:1)

    You say: ‘I can’t manage’

    God says: I will supply all your needs

    ( Philippians 4:19)

    You say: ‘I’m afraid’

    God says: I have not given you a spirit of fear

    ( II Timothy 1:7)

    You say: ‘I’m always worried and frustrated’

    God says: Cast all your cares on ME

    (I Peter 5:7)

    You say: ‘I’m not smart enough’

    God says: I give you wisdom

    (I Corinthians 1:30)

  • My Favorite Christmas Cookies

    I was invited to two cookie exchanges this year.  I normally don’t go to the cookie exchanges because of past experiences when I had to take home store bought cookies to replace my hours of hard work.  These exchanges worked a little differently, we could pick and choose from the choices up to the number of dozens of cookies I brought.

    Since I only brought 3 dozen cookies this wasn’t too hard to do, and I got to take home a nice assortment of homemade goodies.

    OK, I admit it, I used real sugar for these instead of the healthier version.  Once a year I think it is fine to use the real thing.  Sucanat in the snowballs, I think adds too much flavor and masks the delicious pecan/butter flavor of this cookie.

    Pictured above are my all time 3 favorite Christmas Cookie Recipes that I always make because I like them.  They don’t look so festive but they are yummy and usually disappear quickly at Holiday Open Houses and other Christmas parties.

    To join the Christmas Cookie Recipe Contest -Share this  page link with your Facebook and Twitter friends.  When you have done that and post your favorite recipe (please don’t post recipes from other websites – just your own family favorite)  in the comments section below you will have a chance to win an Enviro Cloth – $14.50.  There will be five randomly chosen winners.

    (I have had this recipe for nearly 30 years!)

    1 Cup butter, softened
    1/2 cup sugar
    2 tsp. vanilla
    1/2 tsp salt
    2 cups all-purpose flour (I use kamut flour)
    2 cups finely chopped walnuts or pecans ( I use pecans) (more of a coarse flour consistency)
    Confectioner’s Sugar

    Cream butter, sugar, and vanilla until fluffy. Add the flour, salt, and blend well. Add in the finely chopped nuts. Shape into 1 inch balls. Bake 325 degrees F for 30 minutes. Do not brown! Roll in confectioner’s sugar while still warm and place on cooling racks.

    These are excellent, yummy, festive, delicious

    2 1/2 Cups dates, cut up
    1/4 Cup sugar or Sucanat
    1 1/2 Cup water
    1/2 Cup chopped walnuts (opt)
    1 1/4 cups whole grain flour
    1/2 tsp salt
    1 tsp baking soda
    1 1/2 cups rolled oats
    1 cup brown sugar  or Sucanat
    1/2 cup butter, softened
    1 TB water

    Combine dates, sugar and 1 1/2 cups water in saucepan. Cook, stirring frequently, until like thick jam. Cool. Stir in nuts, if desired. Meanwhile, sift together flour, salt and soda into mixing bowl, stir in oats and sugar. Cut in butter until mixture is crumbly. Sprinkle 1 TB water over oat mixture; mix lightly. Pat about 2/3 of crumb mixture into greased 13 X 9 X 2 pan. Spread with date mixture. Cover with remaining crumb mixture, pat lightly. Bake at 350 degrees F for 35 to 40 minutes or until lightly browned. Cool; cut into bars. Makes about 40 bars.

    Double Chocolate Mint Treasures

    3/4 c. butter
    1/2 c. brown sugar or Sucanat
    1/2 c. sugar
    1 egg
    1 tsp. vanilla
    1 tsp. peppermint extract
    1 1/2 cups whole grain flour
    1/2 c. baking cocoa
    1 tsp. baking soda
    1/4 tsp. salt
    1 c. chocolate chips

    Cream together butter and sugars. Add egg, vanilla and peppermint extract. Combine dry ingredients in a bowl. Add to wet ingredients and then stir in chocolate chips. Bake at 350 for 10 minutes on greased cookie sheet.

    PEANUT BLOSSOMS (not pictured)
    This recipe is fun to make with your children. They love to place the candy kiss in the middle of the cookie after they are baked.

    1 3/4 cups all-purpose or whole grain flour
    1 tsp. baking soda
    1/2 tsp. salt
    1/2 cup sugar or Sucanat
    1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar or Sucanat
    1/2 cup softened butter
    1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
    1 egg
    2 TB milk
    1 tsp. vanilla extract
    48 milk chocolate kisses, unwrapped

    In a large mixer bowl, stir flour, soda, and salt.  Add remaining ingredients except candy and beat at low speed of mixer until well combined, scraping bowl occasionally. chill dough 30 minutes.

    Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Roll small amounts of dough into 1 inch balls.   Place on ungreased cookie sheet and bake 12 minutes or until light brown. Remove from oven and immediately press a chocolate kiss into each center. The cookie cracks around the edge. Repeat with remaining dough. Makes 4 dozen, about 70 calories each.

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  • Savory Treats and Appetizers

    iStock_000001215593Small-300x225Take a class and learn to compliment holiday sweets with savory appetizers and classic winter dishes – spiced nuts, yogurt cheese spread, braised winter herbs and plenty of nourishing dips. Register Here.

    VIDEO: How to make radish roses, carrot curls and other vegetable crudites
    VIDEO: How to make chicken liver pate
    VIDEO: How to roast chestnuts over an open fire

    MENU: Favorite appetizers for Christmas
    MENU: Dishes to Bring to a Holiday Party
    MENU: Warm Treats for Winter Caroling

    RECIPES: Almond-flax bread, cheddar cheese balls with bacon and walnuts, chicken liver pate, savory spiced nuts, savory spiced seeds, grain-free cheese crackers, nut and seed crackers, homemade yogurt and herb crackers, olive tapenade, anchovy toasts, homemade yogurt cheese spread, braised winter herbs in olive oil and lemon, preserved lemon tapenade, blue cheese dip, roasted garlic, mulled wine, spiced cider, roasted chestnuts.

    This class will be December 8.  Register Here.

    Listen to my Interview  with Jenny McGruther to hear her passion for real foods.

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  • Will Wheat Prices Become Volatile?

    multigrain2I just read this article on the New Harvest Homestead Discussion group that suggests that the wheat market may become volatile because Russia, a major wheat exporter, ceased exports this past summer because of  a poor crop harvest.  That means that the countries that depended upon Russia (including Iraq) will now be looking elsewhere for their wheat.

    It is always prudent, in my opinion to stock up on grain when the price is good and to protect you and your family from shortages.

    Fortunately, the United States had a superior harvest this past year and my grain supplier does not plan any major price changes for now.  Yet we do not know what the 2011 harvest will be like yet, and since Australia a major grain producer is being hit at this moment with the worst plague of locusts in 70 years that fact may effect world grain prices to become volatile.

    Read this link from an article from the Kansas Wheat Commission regarding the situation to get a more complete picture of the unknowns:

    Having a good supply of wheat for our family’s daily bread can be a huge blessing not only to our own families, but to others who may be struggling. Neighbors will always welcome a loaf of fresh bread from us regardless of their circumstances.

    Marilyn’s Famous Whole Wheat Bread Recipe

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