Category: General

    Regardless of the financial circumstances your family is in, I am asking readers to post their favorite crafty or frugal ideas.  I’m talking about clever ways you recycle something otherwise considered useless or discardable.

    For example, maybe you learned to make a baby quilt using old denim jeans or thrift store clothing cut into smaller pieces sewn together to complete the top.  Or perhaps you have figured out a multitude of uses for recycling empty coffee cans.  Maybe you mastered a new set of skills to produce sought-after gifts.

    Please share your ideas on how to re-use, re-cyle, or reduce your consumption of something you thought you couldn’t live without.

    Share your  ideas, victories to inspire others by posting your thoughts at my blog.  I have a Grand Prize for  for the person who posts the best idea(s) now through April 1.  The Grand Prize is a bottle of Norwex Mattress Cleaner ($27.99 value).  Runner Ups will get a complimentary copy of my ebook Sensational Summer Salads.

  • Red Envelope Project

    Ed Note:  I don’t normally use this platform for political purposes.  But the right to life is something I am passionate about.  I have had many readers forward me this information so I wanted to share it with you.  I hope you will take part and be touched.

    The beginning of President Obama’s presidency was marked by lifting the ban on federal spending for abortions, stem cell research, and contraception. This has distressed many people, including one man, Christ Otto, who has been involved in the pro-life movement for 20 years. Otto felt inspired to start the Red Envelope Project, his goal is to send 50 million red envelopes to the White House on March 31st as a silent protest against abortion. Otto asks that we take a red envelope (red because it is symoblic of blood), seal it (empty), and write on the back side “This envelope represents one child who died in abortion. It is empty because that life was unable to offer anything to the world. Responsibility begins with conception.” Then mail to:

    President Barack Obama
    The White House
    1600 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W.
    Washington , D.C. 20500

    I plan to take part in this project. Please join me and the 487,178 others who have already pledged their support. It is my prayer that President Obama will come on his knees before God during his presidency.

    For more information click here

  • The Homemaker’s Value

    Ed Note:   The following is an excerpt regarding the value of a homemaker was written by Kym Wright, mother of eight children.  Do not underestimate your worth and value as YOU are the one molding and influencing the next generation.  Think about what she is saying.

    The Homemaker’s Value

    If women choose not to do this very special job,
    it will simply not get done,
    the mothering, the nurturing, the comforting and caring
    that fills the committed homemaker’s day
    will simply be lost,
    and society will be impoverished.

    Children will not get the spiritual guidance they need.
    Lonely teenagers will not be listened to.
    Many people with problems will not be ministered to,
    many sick folk will go unvisited.
    A special human quality will disappear from our culture.

    Women can give up their jobs
    as clerks, engineers, sales people, doctors —
    other people will step in
    and the world will go on as smoothly as before.
    It will be business as usual.

    The groceries will still be sold,
    trucks loaded with merchandise will still roll across our highway,
    and Wall Street will carry on.

    Not so with homemaking.

    Homemakers are the special people in whose hands
    the country and the world have been entrusted.
    When women leave this job the world does not go on as before.
    It falters and begins to lose its way.

    Homemakers are indispensable!

  • Introducing TeaBreakConnection


    My mom honored me with the request that I write a column to be included in her newsletter.  I feel a bit unworthy in this endeavor as many of you have been married a long time (like more than two months), and many of you are hard at work in raising the next generation (probably some of you have kids my age).  However, it is my hope that this column can be a friendly chat, rather than an instructional how-to on love, life, and happiness.

    I grew up “Urban Homemakerized,” indoctrinated in the mantra of  “return oh ye woman to the arts of thine former ways.”  So I should be well versed in the art of raising chickens, gardening, and knitting sweaters.  At least you would think.  I am familiar enough with chickens to know that I like to eat them, my gardening skill level has produced three dead African Violet plants in the last month, and I gave up knitting in despair of too many dropped stitches and converted to crocheting.  I salute any woman who can juggle four knitting needles to create a mitten or slipper.

    This is not to imply that because I am not a master gardener I have somehow failed in my womanliness or in my ability to cultivate the arts in her life.  For each of us have our strengths and talents.  Perhaps that talent may be to kill African Violets, but let me ask you, if there were not women like me, then what would the African Violet company do?

    Of course I don’t truly see my lack of green thumb as a special asset to my life.  But I think that sometimes we elevate various skills or abilities above the rest and those of us who cannot cross stitch the 10 commandments have somehow failed.

    I can make a mean batch of cinnamon rolls, but I can’t seem to figure out how to make gravy.  I am a woman just like every other woman, and have perhaps succeeded in refining a few talents, but am overwhelmed by the immense amount of skills I have yet to acquire. I am a woman like you in that I fear abandonment, I desire to be able to nurture, and I find joy in an “I love you”.

    I have had 24 years of practice at being a woman, two months practice at being married, and high school babysitting experience at being a mom.  I see this column as an opportunity to discuss the complexities of making our womanly way in a harsh world, to laugh over things such as husband and wife communication, and perhaps share a tear or two along the way.  I hope that each of you can find some encouragement and refreshment in this column knowing that I have yet to “arrive”, that I am a woman like you, trying to make my way through the journey of life.

    Ed note:   If you would like to correspond with or encourage Laura, she maybe contacted at

    You can read her blog TEABREAKCONNECTION by Clicking Here


  • Winning the Credit Card Game

    When my husband was living, we made it our goal to live debt-free as much as possible except for our mortgage.  Unfortunately, when he died, that goal had not been achieved.   You can imagine the overwhelming sense of panic and fear that came over me when I was facing the entire debt load by myself.

    With God’s help and you my loyal customers, a significant reduction in our family debt has been achieved over the past year.  But I know that the burden of the economic downturn and the uncertain financial future everyone faces,  there are many families wanting to get very serious about paying off their debts and staying debt free.

    If you are one of those families, don’t miss this opportunity to get the Winning the Credit Card Game e-book for only $5 (reg. $19.95) today through Friday (March 16) only.

    Tawra and Mike Kellum of Living on a Dime paid off $20,000 in debt in 5 years on $22,000 a year income by taking advantage of low interest rate credit card offers.  In Winning the Credit Card Game, Tawra and Mike explain how they were able to do so and offer detailed advice on how you can get debt-free while saving thousands of dollars on interest charges. Here are some of the topics covered in Winning the Credit Card Game:

    • Are these deals for real?
    • Scripts to follow to ask for lower interest rates
    • What traps credit card companies set to keep you in debt
    • “What about those companies that can erase my bad credit?”
    • When to close extra cards
    • What to do if you are late on a payment

    Winning the Credit Card Game is available as an immediate download, so you can get started lowering your debt today.

    This is such a great value, I just had to share it with you! Check it out at:


    Copyright 2009 by Marilyn Moll.

     From the Heart of the Urban Homemaker is a complimentary newsletter published bi-weekly.  Sign up at and obtain a complimentary copy of my free report Soups and Stews for Busy Moms.

  • Thoughts on Preparedness from Readers

    Dear Readers,

    Last week I wrote the following comments and received many reader responses.  Please read on:

    We have been thinking we will all be called to depend on or teach some old-fashioned skills like bartering, gardening, food pantries and neighborliness as the means to survival.

    But, we don’t have everything figured out yet.  I actually believe God may be calling each of us individually, as families, and as the church corporately to address needs in ways the government “stimulus”package will never be able to meet.

    I would love to hear from those of you already involved in individual, family or church outreaches.  I want to know how you are assessing needs and determining how to help those in need.  Please email me at with your thoughts and insights.”


    A lady in England had the same idea for helping people who are trying to get back to basics.  We blog frugal ideas every Friday.  Try to encourage families who are facing tough times.  Check out her Buddy posts and the group who is joining her.  Nothing fancy – just folks trying to do what they can.   Glad you are feeling better.  LizBeth

    Dear Marilyn,

    We’re not involved in anything, yet (I just re-read your question), but I’ve been thinking about what we might do to help our neighbors in times of emergency for a while now.  I think we need to settle in to our church setting, first, and then start more seriously evaluating what we can do and how we could go about doing it.  A couple months ago Lee helped a recently widowed lady fix a faulty door in her home after we purchased some honey from her and saw how she was struggling with it.  However, we need to know how to find out about problems and needs, and in a farming community like this one the needy usually have friends and family around to help.  We may need to put out an offer of help to our neighbors so they know we’re available when they need something.

    Also, in our church, the deacon had a meeting with the men in the church who wanted to help with any fix-it problems.  This would apply to church maintenance, but it’s also for helping those who don’t have the skills nor ability to do what’s needed to upkeep their homes and properties (within the church and outside of it).  The men were to write down their available hours, when they’d be available for phone calls, what skills they have, what equipment they have available to be used, what they’d be willing to do.  I don’t know how this will all work out, but we now have an availability list that can be referenced when there’s a need somewhere.  They’ve already been doing things, but they didn’t know what resources were available in the church until this latest effort to organize.   Rhoda D (Idaho)


    I have been making my own benevolence pantry lately.  After New Year’s our local grocery store had a buggy of black eyed peas for sale for $.20 a can.  I bought the whole buggy.  Recently, they had Chef Boyardee pasta for $.58 a can if you bought 10 cans.  I bought 30 cans.  Whenever they have stuff to get rid of I try to buy all they have and use it to stock my give away pantry.  I realize that it might not all be the best nutrition but if you are truly hungry it will help.  I don’t always have a loaf of bread to hand to someone in need but I can give them a few cans of food. Blessed,  Kathy

    Dear Marilyn,

    My name is Audra. I have been reading your emails for some time. I am  42, married and have 5 children under the age of 13. I do not homeschool but they are in a good, well diciplined charter nearby. I was raised in a church that read the bible every sunday for 1 hour and 1/2 and I am in one now that will absolutely follow the bible as inerrant truth.
    We have a Titus2 ministry for women and we are exhorting women to help other women all the time.
    I try hard to share my survival skills and cooking no how with my kids and friends. I confirm this conversation you had with your friend- ABSOLUTELY.

    This is the first time I have heard it spoken out loud just as I felt it in my spirit.  Some time ago I realized Martha Stewart was a wild success because there is a generation (mine) who was not trained in survival and homemaking. Moms went to work outside the home and alot of the day to day training was not accomplished. Money management was also one key area that was not handled properly seen in the evidence of our economic disaster.

    I have seen in 5 years the urgent need of money training come up in the church and the resources being provided.But what if the church could help train others in depression area type survival ? That has been heavy on my mind off and on for awhile now.  I joked with friends that I know how to skin a rabbit and cook it. I wouldn’t want to do it now. But really, how many people would starve in this day and time for ignorance?

    I have been thinking on it and one idea I think would be helpful is a cookbook that is very specific. You may already have it covered.

    I want to accomplish something like this but the task is daunting. I have looked for awhile for this resource.

    Alot of people made foolish choice with excessive credit. We were one of them.  Alot of people are working hard to pay it all back ,(we are one of them) All the Mary Hunt Debt Proof Living fans, The Dave Ramsey fans, The Larry Burkette Fans. Here is the market as well as newly weds and new parents. Your ministry is blessed with wisdom and I am thankful always.  “Audra S.

    Dear Marilyn,

    I am a nurse in a small animal hospital and have met so many folks  effected by the situation. Ours is a very small community and we need to be supportive of each other. I truly believe that this in turn will shrink our world and make us more supportive of everyone in it.
    The point is keep the faith, this too shall pass and leave us better people for it in the end for we will have learned to work together as family.
    Terry C. G.  Walnetto Farm Nubian and LaMancha Dairy Goats


    Last night, my dh came home from a meeting at the church.  He met with other 12 other pastors in the community and they have agreed to serve a meal a week to those who are struggling financially.  The churches will rotate responsibility, but the meals will be at our church.  We already have an outreach on Wed nights to children (meal and kids time).  He was pretty excited about this new addition!  Our county was really hard hit several years ago when we lost the steel mills and now GM is talking about letting 10,000 employees go!  Locally, at least 400 people have lost their jobs and it’s getting worse. Blessings,  Becky S.

    Dear Marilyn,

    I continue to read about pantries and food storage, believing that if we have food stored, we will have something to share if our neighbours are in need. The truth is, we are not there, and God keeps bringing me back around to what a blessing it is to be dependent on Him.

    Our church feeds between 110-150 people a Friday night dinner every week. It is by donation and usually what we take in covers the cost of the food. We collect food for hampers, too, from our congregation, but distributing it is not our strongpoint, so have begun taking it to the Salvation Army because they have many families they regularly supply with food. It has greatly encouraged the Salvation Army workers and has encouraged us, too, to be able to help them. Perhaps God uses crisis to draw His body together and make us one 🙂 Love,  Connie G.
    Dear Marilyn,

    Since gas prices have come down, we have been donating the difference between amount spent and amount budgeted for gas to the local food bank.

    Another idea I heard was to purchase food locally at the grocery store and then donate the food to the food bank. That helps the needy family directly but also helps protect vulnerable jobs by supporting the grocery store.   Becki in Florida,

    Dear Marilyn
    I just want to encourage you. You are and have been a huge
    blessing to me and to my family! You simply can have no way of knowing
    the impact you have had on us through your business. When I found your
    catalog years ago, it set us on a journey – and today, we are eating
    all of our foods, made from scratch – many grown in our own garden!
    I’ve been developing countless skills and have gained encouragement,
    practical help, and ideas from both your articles and the teleseminars
    that I enjoyed so much. I’m not the most “regular customer” – as our
    finances are so unbelievably tight……. but I buy whatever I can from
    you, and I encourage many to support your business when I’m asked where
    I get things like my bread pans, grain mill, Bosch, etc.

    I appreciate you!  In Christ,  Shauna B.

    Dear Marilyn,

    I can’t help but also respond to the current discussion on how to prepare when we don’t really know what to prepare for. I know that the body of true believers has felt for a while that things were about to get tough. I think it was the Lord’s way of saying, “start getting ready! Times are gonna get tough!” For a while now, we’ve been stockpiling rice and wheat, beans and sugar.

    Buying in bulk from the amish is ideal, but unfortunately we don’t live near them. That would be step one for me. I buy from them whenever we are back home in Missouri. Their prices are great and usually the quality is good. I store everything in 5 gal. buckets sealed with gamma seal lids which I purchase from Pierce-Ohio online for a lot cheaper than i’ve been able to find anywhere. I use a lot of coupons these days, and when I have time (which is not much since we are going through the adoption/foster process) I play the grocery game online and try to get good deals on items that we use most often. I’ve learned to ad-match at Walmart and have saved there too.

    On clothes, usually I buy tops, dresses and odds and ends on the sale racks. But jeans I buy new or gently used at the thrift shops etc. I always buy new undies and bras and socks. They don’t make these items like they used to and we need to get maximum wear out of them. I think that now that things are getting even more squeezed, i’m going to start looking at the resale shops for our clothing. We have some great shops all around us, it would be silly not too. I also don’t buy a lot of clothing. Everything we get is able to mix and match with jeans, jean skirts and such. This way, everything is always clean and ready, no stressing over what to wear with what on Sunday morning. More clothes to me means more stress! Also an excuse to let the laundry pile up as you feel secure knowing there are always more clothes in the closet. This leads to huge laundry days, and clothes that barely get worn, which also costs tons of money! So, a few well thought out items chosen for good quality and mix and match is what we shoot for.

    We will be adding to our numbers soon, so we know that the resale shops will help us a lot on the clothing bill. When something wears out, we replace it during a birthday or other holiday. For instance, for Valentine’s day, I bought the kids a box of chocolates and some new pj’s. They don’t need a lot of toys, they have their favorites anyways! I’m big into decluttering. I do have my share of junk, just as the next person, but I have tried to keep my closets and cabinets paired down to only what I really use. Everything is clearly marked and stored. Most everything has a purpose.

    Dear Marilyn,
    Feeding our family…well…I have been one of those mom’s who turned into a short-order cook because I did not make my children eat what has been in front of them whether they liked it or not! Big mistake! But, over the past several years, the past several months even more heavily, there is not an option when it comes to meals. Knowing that our family is expanding and seeing the prices of food rising, they have only one choice now…EAT IT OR BE HUNGRY!

    We have not re-introduced all foods yet (they still don’t like oatmeal!) but we are a long ways towards where we should have been years ago. And I am not a bad cook! I actually have some grace in this area! This is just lack of discipline on my part when they were younger. We enjoy healthy good foods most of the time, we do however also enjoy a trip to Arby’s or the occasional pizza joint! But really, have you seen how much they charge for just the drinks these days! I’ts a killer!

    So, we have tried to be even more frugal and I make my husband a lunch to take most days when we are able. He works long hours in town, all over the state sometimes, and so eating out is something he does usually once a day. If I make it, he takes it. Again, another discipline. It does save us a ton when he takes a lunch!
    I do encourage anyone who has the space and is not enforced by codes to keep chickens! Truly, they are a joy for us and we get great benefits from having such wonderful fresh eggs! They do not require a lot and we have not bought eggs for over two years! Have you seen how much eggs cost at the store, organic is even worse. I would never eat an egg before, I never liked them. But now, with these orange yolks from all the grass, bugs, and corn…they are wonderful. I have become an egg convert. I use them to trade for piano lessons for my daughter and we have never run out! We always have enough for our use, and they are a cheap meal when times are tight.

    Hope you have a blessed day! I love getting your updates and have been a customer when there has been need. God be with you. I know that you miss him so much…and I know that things will be harder without dear Duane. Just know that you are not alone! There are many of us who really believe in what you are doing. Thank you for all you do and for the support you give to us mom’s who are really trying to do things God’s way. Love to you, Nichole Wade

    Readers, if you have any further insights or ideas or questions, won’t you join in the discussion and post a comment?  Marilyn Moll

  • Where Do You Go For Help?

    I mentioned in my newsletter last week, that I have been having a struggle with depression and anxiety after the losses of my husband and father-in-law this past year.  I didn’t lose my daughter technically, but she got married and moved to Tennessee, so basically there have been many adjustments.

    I got these Emergency Bible References from another newsletter.  Print them out and keep the “numbers handy!

    Emergency Telephone Numbers
    These are more effective than 911. Call when . . .

    You are sad, phone ……………………………… John 14
    You have sinned, ………………………………..Psalm 51
    You are facing danger,……………………………Psalm 91
    People have failed you, ………………………… Psalm 27
    It feels as though God is far from you, …………. Psalm 139
    Your faith needs ………………………………Hebrews 11
    You are alone and scared, ………………………. Psalm 23
    You are worried, ………………………… Matthew 8:19-34
    You are hurt and critical, ……………….1 Corinthians 13
    You wonder about Christianity, ………..2 Corinthians 5:15-18
    You feel like an …………………………..Romans 8:31-39
    You are seeking ………………………….Matthew 11:25-30
    It feels as if the world is bigger than God, ……….Psalm 90
    You need Christ like insurance, ………………Romans 8:1-30
    You are leaving home for a trip, …………………Psalm 121
    You are praying for ……………………………. Psalm 87
    You require courage for a task, …………………. Joshua 1
    Inflation’s and investments are hogging your thoughts, phone..Mark 10:17-31
    You are depressive, ……………………………. Psalm 27
    Your bank account is empty, …………………….. Psalm 37
    You lose faith in mankind, ………………… Corinthians 13
    It looks like people are unfriendly, ……………… John 15
    You are losing hope, ………………………….. Psalm 126
    You feel the world is small compared to you, ……….Psalm 19
    You want to carry fruit, ………………………… John 15
    Paul’s secret for happiness, …………… Colossians 3:12-17
    With big opportunity/discovery, ………………… Isaiah 55
    To get along with other people, ………………….Romans 12

    For dealing with fear, call……………………. Psalm 3:47
    For security, call…………………………….Psalm 121:3
    For assurance, call……………………………. Mark 8:35
    For reassurance, call…………………………Psalm 145:18

  • Loosing Weight, and other Questions

    Ed Note:  I received this email from a reader.  Although I know a lot about nutrition I’m not an expert.  What would you advise?

    Dear Marilyn,

    I feel like I should come back and tell you that I am not being vain in wanting to lose weight. I could just cry. My husband has had 4 surgeries on one leg and his weight is really causing problems. I know I cant make him lose weight but if I provide better meals and choices then I know that it will be easier for him. I am having problems with my feet and knees and I know I HAVE to do something. I am only 34!!!!!!

    But, worst of all is seeing my children. Our oldest is probably 30-40 lbs overweight and really I am the one to blame. I have allowed the bad choices as well as making the foods. But, now my 10 yr old who has ALWAYS been a bean pole has a pooch hanging over his pants. This has only happened in the last 4 months.

    I need help!! I need guidance. 


    Dear Shanna,

    Here is a place to start:

    10 (+1) Steps To Getting Started with a Lifestyle of Health

    Dear Marilyn,

    I had a question about using yellow corn to make grits. We live in GA and love grits. I tried grinding them on the coarse grind in the Nutrimill I recently bought from you and it turned out still like flour. My family was not impressed.  I also have the Bosch with the blender and I thought about using Sue Gregg’s cornbread method in there for the 2 stage process just not blending it as long. I tried this and it was ok but a little too “husky” for my little ones. Do you have a better suggestion?

    Do you know of a better way to grind the grits using the Nutrimill or blender? I was afraid to try the corn dry in the blender.
    April L. in Georgia

  • Wedding and Family Updates

    I hope to have some  more wedding pictures up early next week.  Sadly, my father-in-law, who walked Laura down the aisle in place of her recently deceased father Duane, passed away as soon as he got home from the wedding.  It has been a whirlwind of activities these last two weeks, and I hope to get caught up and feeling better soon..

    Here we go…Laura Christine Moll on her wedding day.

     Bride, daughter Laura Christine, with Mother of the Bride, me, Marilyn, aka The Urban Homemaker.

    This is my immediate family now, my son Stephen, myself, Laura the bride, Brandon, son-in-law, and daughter Mary.

    Bride and Groom, with Mom, my mother Natalie Mitton (grandma), and the late Edward C Moll, Grandpop, Duane’s Dad who walked Laura down the aisle.

    Laura with Bridesmaids Natalie, Hannah, Mary and Maid of Honor Teresa Patterson.

    Marilyn, mother of the bride, and Karen Coble, mother of the groom.

  • Winter Wonderland

    I know Colorado is known as a skiing capitol, but where we live at lower elevation we don’t get many snow storms with large accumulations.  This week was different!  We have had storms every other day for about a week, but Monday night we got about eight inches alone.  Perfect weather for sledding.  We are blessed to have a great sledding hill around the corner.

    The first picture are my three children, Stephen, Laura, and Mary.  Second picture is the bride-to-be and her fiance Brandon.