Category: Recipes

  • Holiday Planning -List Week-Oct 3-8

    I believe the best way to avoid holiday stress is by starting your planning now.  It doesn’t need to be complicated, either.  This is the first week devoted to putting your thoughts and details down on the various forms provided or make your own.  Details follow.


    Week #1:  Items to Do (excerpted from the 12 Week Holiday Planner for Christian Families.

    Holiday Self-Evaluation! Complete the Holiday Self-Evaluation form
    provided.  Now is the time to really evaluate what your family’s goals are for
    the holidays.  Sit down together as a family and discuss what the Lord

    would want your family to do as far as activities, traditions, etc. this holiday season.  Keep this form in a place where you will frequently see it and be reminded of your goals for the holiday season.

    Make your lists of gift recipients – Using the Christmas Gift Shopping
    List and Gift Making Checklist provided, jot down people you will want to
    buy gifts for and/or make gifts for.  Don’t worry about specific gift ideas
    now…you will work on that next week.  For now, just jot down names!
    Once completed, file this list in your Christmas Gifts Checklists section
    in the back.

    Christmas Card List– Using the Christmas Card Checklist provided, fill
    in the names and addresses of family and friends you want to send cards to.
    Once the names and addresses are completed, slide into a sheet protector
    and file in the Christmas Card Checklists section in the back.  (Use a
    washable marker to fill out the checklist, marking on the sheet protector if
    you want to include a picture and when the card is mailed, so that you can
    wash off and reuse this list year after year!)

    Plan out menus for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s – Fill out
    the Menu forms and Recipe Cards provided for each of these holidays and
    file them in the Holiday Menus & Recipes section for later use!  (See Our
    Favorite Holiday Recipes section for some ideas!)

    List of baked goodies to share or to give away – Using the form provided,
    jot down a list of people you would like to bake for this holiday season!  Use
    the Holiday Baking Recipe Cards to fill in recipes you may want to use for
    these gifts.  File this under the Holiday Baking & Recipes section when

    your list is completed. (See Our Favorite Holiday Recipes section for some ideas!)

    List of favorite meals to freeze for later – Using the form provided, make a
    list of some of your family’s favorite meals that you can make and freeze
    ahead of time!  You can also use the Freezer Meal Recipe Cards to fill in
    some recipes you want to use.  Having some meals in the freezer during the
    busy holiday season will be such a blessing!  Just make a list for now, the
    actual preparation of these meals will be done later.  Once you have
    compiled a list of meals, file this form under the Holiday Menus & Recipes
    section.  (See Our Favorite Holiday Recipes section for some ideas!)

    Holiday Wardrobe Planner – Using the form provided, make a list of the
    holiday clothes each family member currently has.  Note any clothing items
    that need to be purchased and plan on getting those things soon.  It is very
    handy to have this thought through ahead of time.  When it comes time for
    your family picture, or a formal holiday dinner, you can quickly turn to this
    list and see what clothing items each family member should wear (so you
    can all match if you wish!).  Print out more than one page of this planner, if
    needed, to include every family member.

    You can download the entire 14 – page Holiday Planner Sampler for FREE.

    Follow me at Facebook:

    Follow me at Twitter:

  • Healthy Snacks for Kids

    FreshfruitsandveggiesJunior High Students toured a local Organic Farm this week and treated to a bountiful harvest of healthy, fresh fruit and vegetable snacks.  Everything was locally produced.

    The healthy snack assortments of colorful produce inspired me to share a few simple ideas and recipes you can serve to your children.  Prepare an assortment of contrasting colored and crunchy veggies from the following suggestions:

    carrots. celery sticks, cauliflower, jicama, broccoli,  cherry tomatoes, radish,  red pepper slices, green onions,  green pepper slices,  kohlrabi.

    Serve with Easy Dill Dip or Hummus.  Recipes follow:

    Easy Dill Dip
    This dip works well with all veggies and can be made in a minute.

    1 cup sour cream
    1-2 tsp. dried dill weed
    1 tsp. dried parsley
    1/8 tsp. salt or to taste
    1 tbsp. dried onion powder or dry minced onion

    Mix together. Chill to blend flavors. Double, triple, quadruple as needed.

    Hummus for Veggie Dip
    Hummus is traditionally a creamy puree of seasoned chickpeas.
    An easy healthy snack for children.

    2 cloves roasted garlic (for best flavor) or raw—roughly chopped
    1/4 cup lemon juice
    1/4 cup drained bean liquid to make it creamy (optional)
    14 oz. (400g) canned chickpeas (garbanzo beans)—rinsed
    and reserve drained liquid
    1/2 tsp. cumin or to taste

    2 tbsp. olive oil

    1/2 – 1 tsp. Real Salt

    Place all ingredients in a food processor or blender and process until smooth, scraping the sides occasionally. Adjust seasonings to taste. Serve with a variety of vegetables as suggested above.
    Spicier hummus: add a small red chili (chopped) or a pinch of cayenne pepper.

    Fruit in Season

    • Other seasonal healthy snack suggestions would be cut up nectarines, peaches, apples, pears, or grapes.  Great color and natural fruit sugar.  YUMMY!  Kids can’t resist the great colors of real food.
    • Fruit smoothies made with yogurt or kefir

    The above recipes come from Holiday Open House by Marilyn Moll (scroll down)

    Follow me at Facebook:

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    Obtain a Free Ebook:

    If you post a comment on my blog and like on Facebook  you will get a complimentary copy of Holiday Open House.

  • Busy Mom Strategies for Grocery Shopping

    dinnerPhoto courtesy of

    Whether you are facing a difficult pregnancy, recovery from surgery, other long term illness, death of a loved one or other losses, or just a busy mom, there are times when we really need to simplify grocery shopping and menu planning drastically.

    Recently, I haven’t had the energy to do much cooking either.  What helps me the most to conquer, “Mom, what’s for dinner? dilemma” are some of the following ideas.

    • Taking a Saturday morning to cook 2-3 different dishes in bulk.
    • Start my dinner in the morning during breakfast preparation.
    • Purchase take-out barbecue and fill in with easy side dishes like cole slaw and cut up fruit.
    • Making large batches of the meal so I have plenty of leftovers for an extra meal or leftover night.
    • Baked Potato night with canned chili topping, shredded cheese, onion and sour cream
    • Lowering my standards a bit.
    • Relying on basics such as tacos, sloppy joes, meatloaf, and diced chicken breast pieces.
    • Don’t forget a huge Sunday Roast can make several other meals during the week- such as French Dip sandwiches, beef stew, or “goulash” (one pot meal of whatever is around”.
    • Make breakfast for dinner.

    Grocery Shopping when You Are Sick

    Tawra Kellam  is the author of Dining on a Dime Cookbook.  She has been disabled with Chronic Fatique Syndrome and Fibromyalgia for 22 years.  For her, dealing with food, groceries, buying it, and making it are a challenge she has addressed with a few simple strategies.

    Read Tawra Kellam’s complete article Grocery Shopping when You are Sick.  Please post some of your practical ideas for getting dinner and groceries done when you are not at full strength below

    Don’t forget the Real Foods for Teens course deadline is October 1

    Visit me at Twitter:  TheUrbanHome

  • FREE – Bonus Lesson for How to Cook Real Food!

    Bonus Lesson: Nuts & Seeds

    In this bonus lesson for How to Cook Real Food, the online cooking class hosted at Nourished Kitchen, you’ll receive a quick, sneak-peak into the cooking class through this brief video covering how to properly prepare nuts and seeds including recipes for a basic pesto sauce and a basic fruit and nut snack bar.  Please note that videos in the online cooking class will be more comprehensive than the brief look at nuts and seeds you see below here.

    In this video and using these downloadable print materials.

    Preparing Nuts and Seeds Traditionally

    Nuts and seeds can be a powerfully nutritive food: rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.  However, as is the case with many foods, nuts and seeds are also potent sources of antinutrients: particularly food phytate which binds up minerals preventing their full absorption and enzyme inhibitors which makes them difficult to digest.  Fortunately, the simple act of soaking nuts and seeds in slightly salty water overnight improves not only their digestibility but also the availability of minerals naturally found in these foods.

    Combining unrefined sea salt with warm, filtered water and pouring this salty mixture over your nuts or seeds provides optimal conditions to help mitigate the effects of these two antinutrients.  Leaving the nuts or seeds to soak overnight in warm, salty water, you’ll not only improve the nutrient profile of these foods, but also their texture.  They become softer and, for this reason, are well-suited to cooking and using in sauces like classic pesto, fruit and nut bars, breads and other dishes.  If you have a food dehydrator, you can even dry the nuts or seeds after soaking to make a delicious snack.

    In this Bonus Lesson, you’ll learn:

    • Why nuts and seeds prove valuable additions to a nourishing, healthy and wholesome diet.
    • How to prepare nuts and seeds to maximize nutrition and digestibility.
    • How to make a basic pesto using nuts or seeds, herbs and greens and an unrefined oil.
    • How to save money making a basic dried fruit and nut bar featuring dates, dried fruit and soaked nuts.

    Bonus Class Materials: Video & Printables

    nutsandseedsWatch the Nuts and Seeds Video Lesson Now!

    Enjoy your free lesson and downloadable material!   I can’t wait to try the nut and dried fruit recipe, because I won’t need an oven or stove top to prepare this yummy snack.

  • The Living Farm – Joining a CSA

    Thursday, my assistant Renee and I received our first newsletter from The Living Farm CSA in Paonia, Colorado  tn_carrotsP1010498(Community Sustained Agriculture) we have just joined.  Although I dream of a fabulous garden in the five large raised beds Duane built, the reality is, my gardening skills have yet to yield enough produce for Mary and I to live on.

    Renee has a small family of 3, and Mary and I are a family of two, so together we decided that it is time for both families to put our money where our mouth is, so-to-speak, and take the plunge to eat more organically and in particular, LOCALLY by investing in one 40 week CSA share commitment.

    tn_spinach beds 1Eating locally, also known as, becoming a locavore, is defined “as collaborative effort to build more locally based, self-reliant food economies – one in which sustainable food production, processing, distribution, and consumption is locally integrated”  is a topic I will take up in more depth another day

    It is exciting to me because the family we are buying our produce live in my town and they are not strangers to me.  The Gillespie family mom, Lynn, wrote the book Cinder Block Gardening (now out of print) that inspired Duane to build the raised beds in my back yard.  They are also the same family who has been  producing fresh Mesculan Greens that I have been buying at the local grocery store for several years.tn_cherokeeP1010340

    So when Renee discovered  The Living Farm CSA was starting this month, we decided to join because unlike other CSA’s in our area, the deliveries will be for 40 weeks starting next week (March 20) and going through December.

    tn_tomatoesP1010153We have been promised fresh tomatoes by June, which in Colorado is just barely past the frost free date, so early season fresh tomatoes and strawberries, that have been locally grown in the Living Farm’s greenhouses was another big reason we decided to take the plunge and make the commitment.

    In our first weekly email newsletter,   Lynn writes about their new CSA:

    “This is more than just weekly produce. This is a chance for you to get connected with the land and the farm. I want to take you on a journey of fine food, seasons, loss and triumph. A farm is a living breathing entity all on its own. Then we add the cycles of life, death, hot and cold, wet and dry, wind, bugs and disasters. What we are left with is miracles, life force and skill.

    You will be able to taste the hard work, the love and the dedication to bring you this fine food.  New varieties of food that you didn’t even know existed will appear on your dinner plate. Old favorites will spring forth with amazing new and delectable tastes.tn_sheephelpingcleanup sunshinegardenP1010106

    If you will allow yourself to go beyond “filling the void” and really embrace the local organic food you will be amazed at what you find. My favorite part of the farm is giving people the “ah ha” moment. When they realize the vast difference of the food and how they feel and function after eating the organic local food.”

    Our newsletter advised us that our first pick-up will include Bok Choy, a vegetable I have never tried and don’t know anything about and even included a simple recipe for preparing the Bok Choy that sounds delicious!  Here is the recipe:

    Stir Fried Bok Choy (taken from Robin Miller-food network)

    1 tbsp. olive oil
    2 cloves of garlic, minced
    1 tbsp. minced fresh ginger
    8 cups chopped bok choy
    2 tbsp. reduced sodium soy sauce
    Salt and pepper to taste

    Heat oil in a large skillet on medium heat. Add garlic and ginger and cook for 1 minute. Add bok choy and soy sauce and cook 3-5 minutes until greens are wilted and stalks are crisp-tender. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

    If  hope you will be inspired to investigate what CSA opportunities exist in your area and consider supporting family friendly farming.

    In the next few months I will be writing more about our experiences and hope you will follow our adventure and share your family’s experiences with Community Supported Agriculture.tn_combineP1010236

  • Holiday Open House for Neighbors

    Ed Note: My 2nd Annual Neighborhood Open House was held yesterday afternoon. The following vingette is written from my daughter Laura,  a 20-something’s point of view.  Enjoy!

    mixed_holiday_wreath12 guests arriving. 11 coats a’hanging.  10 dripping boots.  9 plates of cookies.  8 people eating.  7 cups a’sitting.  6 ladies chatting.  5 children screaming.  4 degrees outside.  3 broken ornaments.  2 spilled drinks.  1 Christmas party!


    Yesterday was my mom’s Christmas party for her neighbors.  Since my husband and I are visiting from Tennessee, we were lucky enough to be invited along with the neighbors.  And because my husband and I had been visiting friends 70 miles away, we arrived just in time for the party, and were lucky enough to escape the prep work.

    My poor mother!  Thankfully, she was lucky enough to have the help of a creative neighbor, who enjoys putting together parties.

    My mom is always brilliant when it comes to serving food and put together a lovely mix of appetizers and snacks.  She filled our tummies with pinwheels, brushettas, veggie and fruit platters, and topped it off with apple cider and wine.  Neighbors also contributed with a delicious array of cookies.  There are 11 months to diet from one month of Christmas for a reason!

    The special part about her Christmas party was that it was made up of mostly neighbors.  What a blessing to live in a place where you know your neighbors well enough to have a party with them.  I think that we all lament the social isolation in neighborhood communities, but few of us have made an effort to reach out.

    Of course, it takes time.  My mom has lived in this community for seven years and this was her second neighborhood Christmas party. (The first one was before my dad passed away in December of 2007.)   I appreciate that she was willing to step out and bring everyone together!

    Some of the appetizers recipes follow in the next blog entry below.  I hope that you can enjoy making some of these recipes, and perhaps even enjoy them with your neighbors.  Merry Christmas!

    Ed Final Note:  Several neighbors mentioned that since we were having such a good time visiting together, we should do this more often!   The success of the party was not the food, but building relationships with friends and neighbors.  Memories created. Goal achieved.

  • Appetizing Appetizers

    Mentoring Moms created an Open House Buffet in about 45 minutes last week. Here is the fruit tray:


    The BLT Bruschetta recipe below is a simple gourmet delight,  very delicious, you must try it!


    BLT Bruschetta

    5 Slices Maple flavored Bacon, cooked and crumbled
    ½ C. finely chopped seeded tomato
    ½ C. finely chopped leaf lettuce
    ½ C. prepared pesto, divided
    ½ C. shredded Mozzerella, optional
    2 Tbsp  minced fresh basil
    ¼ tsp salt
    ¼ tsp pepper
    1 10 ½ oz loaf French Bread, sliced thin

    3 Tbsp Olive oil

    Brush French Bread with olive oil and toast by baking at 400° F 9-10 minutes – watch closely- until golden brown.  Mix crumbled bacon with finely chopped tomato.  Spread pesto mixture on each slice.
    Sprinkle with a little Mozzerella.  Heat until cheese is melted and garnish with chopped lettuce and basil.

    Appetizer Tortilla PinwheelsPinWheels
    The red and green ingredients make these colorful and tasty for the Christmas holidays.

    2 packages of cream cheese (8 oz.) softened,
    1 package ranch salad dressing mix (dry mix)
    1/2 cup minced sweet red pepper
    1/2 cup minced celery
    1/4 cup minced green onions
    1/4 cup minced black olives (optional)
    3-4 flour tortillas (10 inch)

    In a mixing bowl beat cream cheese and dressing mix until
    smooth.  Add the red peppers, celery, onion, and olives; mix well.
    Spread about 3/4 cup on each tortilla.  Roll up tightly; wrap in
    plastic wrap.  Refrigerate for at least 2 hours.  Slice into 1/2 inch
    pieces.  Yield: 15-20 servings  (double or triple as needed)  Make

    My neighborhood Open House will be Sunday, December 20, 2009.   Remember to focus on the guests and relationships.

    I hope you have a great time with your holiday get-togethers and a beautiful spread of food with minimal effort.

  • The First Thanksgiving – an Historical Perspective and Contest

    Ed Note: According to here is a huge reason to not only be humbled but exceedingly thankful to our Puritan ancestors as we prepare for the big day.  “Let us not grow weary in doing good, for if we do not give up we will reap a harvest of righteousness.”  I am so grateful to these folks who had a vision and did not give up despite overwhelming difficulties.

    Of the eighteen married women who sailed on the Mayflower, only four lived through the first winter to see Fall of 1621.  With the assistance of five surviving girls and one maidservant, the four, thankful to be alive and grieving for those not, prepared a meal of gratitude.”

    We have an amazing amount to be thankful for even during difficult times.  I am particularly thankful for the legacy left to my family and I by my late husband Duane, that my daughter and son-in-law will be home for Christmas,  my daughter, Mary for her terrific housekeeping and musical talents, and my son Stephen’s soon-to-be  officer commissioning.  Please post some of the things, large and small  you are thankful for.

    I have complimentary copies of either one of my spiral bound books (your choice), A Beginner’s Guide to Baking Bread or  Breakfasts for Busy Moms, for 15 people who post their thankful comments. I am particularly looking for contest particpants willing to share how they have faced very difficult trials this past year and you are still able to see the positive blessings of God’s goodnesss to you and your family.

  • Three Cookbooks for the Price of Two


    Gifts for all occasions for just under $10.00 each and the shipping is free! Spiral Bound, Plastic Splash Cover Cookbooks
    Coupons codes: Buy Three get One Free BTGO, Buy Four Get Two Free BSGT Buy Six Get Three Free – BNGT

    I like to get as much of my holiday shopping done in November as I can.  I always need some $10.00 and under gifts for last minute gifts.  My spiral bound cookbooks make perfect gifts for friends and relatives.  These books are filled with tasty, reliable, healthy, practical recipes.


    The focus of this book is that, yes, you can cook fast and healthy meals for your family with natural whole ingredients. You must have reliable recipes, a plan, and a willingness to commit to that goal.

    If you’re new to bread baking, this is a no-nonsense, easy to use book that teaches whole grain bread baking step-by step.  Over 90 pages and includes the two-stage process.

    Kick that cold, breakfast cereal habit and learn to cook a wide variety of nutritious breakfasts, including hot, kid-pleasing cereals using the nutrient packed two-stage process and much more.

    Choose any combination of my books – 1 of each, 3 of each, 2 of one, 1 of another or any combination of multiples of three or more of my cookbooks and get one cookbook free for every three cookbooks you put in the shopping cart.  Use the above coupon codes to save  $14.95,  $29.90 or $44.85.  If you want more, put a note in the comments section of check out.

    What an easy way to encourage your friends and relatives who are looking for a way to get started with a healthier lifestyle!

  • Navy ‘n French Green Bean Soup

    Ed Note: I made this soup last night to serve at Mentoring Moms. It smelled as good as turkey baking in the oven according to my daughter.

    Used by Permission from
    Soups and Muffins by Sue Gregg

    Makes 8 Servings

    Soak beans in water during the day or overnight:

    8 cups water
    2 cups navy or small white beans

    Bring undrained beans to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to keep at very gentle boil for 1 hour or until beans are tender.

    Drain the beans, reserving the bean liquid.

    Combine in large stock pot:

    2 Cups of the cooked beans
    2 Cups Chicken Broth
    3 Cups bean liquid plus water as needed
    1-2 tsp salt or to taste
    1 large onion, chopped
    3 ribs celery, chopped
    2 cloves garlic, minced
    1 – 4 oz can green chili, finely chopped
    ½ tsp dry mustard
    2 bay leaves (optional)

    In a blender, puree the remaining cooked beans with liquid. Add the following ingredients to the soup pot, cooking about 10 minutes longer to blend flavors and heat ingredients:

    Remaining cooked navy beans
    1 cup water
    2 cups frozen French cut green beans (10 oz) or canned
    2 cups chopped cooked chicken

    Serve with crusty bread or corn bread.