Busy Mom Strategies for Grocery Shopping

dinnerPhoto courtesy of http://recipes.slides.kaboose.com

Whether you are facing a difficult pregnancy, recovery from surgery, other long term illness, death of a loved one or other losses, or just a busy mom, there are times when we really need to simplify grocery shopping and menu planning drastically.

Recently, I haven’t had the energy to do much cooking either.  What helps me the most to conquer, “Mom, what’s for dinner? dilemma” are some of the following ideas.

  • Taking a Saturday morning to cook 2-3 different dishes in bulk.
  • Start my dinner in the morning during breakfast preparation.
  • Purchase take-out barbecue and fill in with easy side dishes like cole slaw and cut up fruit.
  • Making large batches of the meal so I have plenty of leftovers for an extra meal or leftover night.
  • Baked Potato night with canned chili topping, shredded cheese, onion and sour cream
  • Lowering my standards a bit.
  • Relying on basics such as tacos, sloppy joes, meatloaf, and diced chicken breast pieces.
  • Don’t forget a huge Sunday Roast can make several other meals during the week- such as French Dip sandwiches, beef stew, or “goulash” (one pot meal of whatever is around”.
  • Make breakfast for dinner.

Grocery Shopping when You Are Sick

Tawra Kellam  is the author of Dining on a Dime Cookbook.  She has been disabled with Chronic Fatique Syndrome and Fibromyalgia for 22 years.  For her, dealing with food, groceries, buying it, and making it are a challenge she has addressed with a few simple strategies.

Read Tawra Kellam’s complete article Grocery Shopping when You are Sick.  Please post some of your practical ideas for getting dinner and groceries done when you are not at full strength below

Don’t forget the Real Foods for Teens course deadline is October 1

Visit me at Twitter:  TheUrbanHome


3 responses to “Busy Mom Strategies for Grocery Shopping”

  1. brenda Avatar

    We do what you suggest above Marilyn, in addition a turkey on Sunday lasts a few days, even more if you make stock with the carcass.
    We also try to have at least one vegetarian meal a week, and I use tvp mixed with hb to extend the meat. Or oatmeal as an extender. Also, we used meat as a side dish rather than a main course. I cut up chicken breasts, sausage, whatever and add it to the dish instead of having a slab of it on the plate, next to the side dish.
    We have 7 children, I work from home, and my husband is currently unemployed.
    Hope this helps,

  2. Marilyn Moll Avatar
    Marilyn Moll

    GREAT SUGGESTIONS, BRENDA! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Candi Avatar

    I love getting one of the rotisserie chickens that so many grocery stores have these days for 5 or 6 dollars and boning it. I then use half of the chicken to make a huge pan of chicken enchiladas, and the other half can be used for sandwiches or even just by itself with some sides.

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