Baking Testimonials, comments, questions.

Today I sent out an email entitled, “Is baking bread and storing grain economical?”

I received many interesting responses you might enjoy reading through:

<<<By the way, I share your bread recipe(Marilyn’s Famous Whole Wheat Bread Recipe) with everyone that I know that buys a Zojirushi bread machine. It’s far better than the one in the Zoj recipe book and even better than Bread Beckers. Everyone I know loves your recipe, so thanks for sharing it with us! Bunnie C

Zojirushi Bakery Supreme (Auto Baker Method)

2 TB honey
2 TB oil
1 1/2 C water (90 – 100F)
1 1/2 tsp Real Salt
3 1/2 C fresh whole wheat flour
2 tsp Dough Enhancer
3 TB Vital Gluten
1 1/2 tsp Saf Instant Yeast>>>



I understand Connie’s concerns! I would be interested in seeing the cost break-down of how you price your bread; when I’ve done mine, it comes in closer to $3 a loaf to make it myself. Still cheaper than buying it, and of course it’s healthier, and I get the satisfaction of doing it and my children help so we like it 🙂

Regarding storage, the buckets are wonderful but expensive. I had some grain in buckets in our basement, but for everyday use I had 25lb each of quite a few varities in non-airtight Sterilite stacking bins in my kitchen. They were fine for years (rotating the grains as I used them), but in the last few months I lost 2 bins to maggots (spread from an infestation in my bin of dried fruit I’d harvested and dried myself) and the remaining 3 to flour moths. Now I have everything in buckets. Less convenient access but I hope we’re through our pest problems. For those who do buy in bulk, please urge them to store in airtight containers! I had never heard of flour moths and had no idea maggots could get into grain (or dried fruit — and they ate right through ziplock freezer bags!). At least the buckets only need to be bought once. Tyrie W>>>

Tyrie and others,

his is how I calculate (estimate) the cost of bread per loaf:

My grain costs me about $30.00 per 50 lb bag. It takes roughly one
pound of flour per loaf (1.5 lb loaf).The whole wheat flour cost is 60 cents.

Water is free, but I do use filtered water so there is no chlorine or other chemical contaminants in my bread.

Saf Yeast costs me $5.99 per pkg (I use SAF Instant yeast). I would use about 1 tsp per loaf. I calculate that cost at 5 cents, that is an estimate.

Salt is 1 tsp. I don’t calculate that cost, but call it 1 cent. (I use Real Salt)

Honey and oil are my most expensive ingredients. I would use 2 TB honey per loaf and 2 TB oil per loaf, so depending on the costs of the oil and honey you purchase (bulk purchases are cheaper per cup). I calculate the honey cost at 25 cents (1 cup of honey costs me $2.00 because I buy it in bulk).

The oil is 2 TB per loaf and I use olive oil which costs me about $13.00 for 2 qts. so that is 20 cents for 2 TB.

Total estimated expense is $1.11.

So even if your ingredient costs are more because you don’t buy in bulk, we are talking in the neighborhood of $1.00 to $1.25 a loaf. You could add in electrical costs if you were really wanting an accurate cost, but I think the point is homemade bread is significantly less expensive and better quality than most store bought equivalents.

Depending on the size of your family and how many loaves of bread you use a week, you can calculate annual savings. Large families will save a bundle!

Here was a reply from Tamara, a homemaker, who’s husband has had some significant health improvements since she started baking bread. Read her story in her words.

<<<Dear Marilyn,

About 1.5-2 years ago I began grinding my grains an making all my doughs. I’d made bread in a machine for years, but have since given the machine away. Let me simply say that my husband has struggled with high blood pressure for years and has worn glasses since his school days. The only changes in his diet over the 1.5-2 years was that I varied our meats/fish consumption and the whole grains.

In the last year he came home from a eye appt. to find that he was no longer required to wear glasses, now 20/20. The doctor said this was very rare and wanted to know if his diet had changed. We were in awe. Then a few months later he went to the doctor for a check up, and giggled when she congratulated him on his completely low/normal range BP.

She wanted to know what was so funny, and he said he’d been pretty stressed the past week and figured it would be sky high. In 11.5 years of marriage, that was the lowest his BP had ever been. We truly believe it is a direct result of the grains. I make everything else too (i.e. detergents, yogurt, sauces, etc.). He travels every other week and cannot eat as well those days, due to his occupation. Look at the changes have done for him! Tamara E.>>>

Thanks Tamara for sharing. Do you have a testimonial or question to share with others? Please post here at my blog.

One more health testimonial:

<<<Dear Marilyn,

Your bread recipes and milling grain is helping me to survive a horrible Auto Immune Disease I was just diagnosed with & my daughter more than likely has as well. It is the only thing some days I feel like eating and has staved off anemia & helps the ulcers in my throat stomach & soft tissue. I am grateful for your recipes I believe 6 months ago I bought your ebook, what a blessing you are!

Your bread & milling grains have helped us tremendously with energy & getting healthier. Thank you again & God bless you. Many Blessings, Larisa G>>>

This is a common question about how to keep bread from drying out so quickly:

<<<Dear Marilyn,

I enjoy making my own bread.   My bread seems to get dried out a day or two after it’s been baked.  I’m wondering if there is a secret to getting bread to stay moist.  Thank you, Loretta >>>

Answer:  If your bread is dry, use less flour during the kneading process.  If it stales quickly, always use honey, honey is the secret to keeping bread from drying out.  Marilyn


Marilyn’s Famous Bread Recipe is VERSATILE! Use it to make cinnamon rolls, pizza, bread sticks, and more. Click this link for Whole Wheat Bread Dough Variations. If you use this bread dough to make your own rolls, cinnamon rolls, pizza, etc.the savings continues to grow.


2 responses to “Baking Testimonials, comments, questions.”

  1. Eugene Avatar

    looking forward for more information about this. thanks for sharing. Eugene

  2. Laurie Lawrence Avatar
    Laurie Lawrence

    Marilyn, I love baking bread, especially whole wheat, but my husband does not like wheat or multi grain, only white. So if I bake wheat it sits around the house til it molds. I cannot eat it fast enough by myself! Do you have any suggestions?

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