Author: The Urban Homemaker

  • Follow-up Stories to Encourage Your Heart:

    If you missed my heart-warming, encouraging story about The Bosch Miracle last week you can read it here:

    Bosch Miracle Story

    My in box was filled with lots of follow-up comments I thought would continue to encourage you to keep on keeping on in the high calling of homemaking.  Sometimes we just get stuck in our ruts, or get discouraged, so read on if you need to be encouraged today.

    Follow-up Stories from the Bosch Miracle Story:

    • My mom really needed a vehicle as she had to retire hers because it would no longer pass smog here in Ca.  My husband had done some remodeling for a lady he works with and she mentioned getting rid of their van.  Long story short he did a days worth of work at her house in exchange for a van for my mom. We surprised her on Christmas. She said it was the best present she’d ever received. God is good!  Lisa W.

    • Hi Marilyn, I haven’t bought anything from you but have loved your site and learned how to sprout wheat and love your Whole wheat bread recipe.

      I bought a new Bosch mixer with attachments in 1981-82  when my daughter was 7 in So. Calif. At that time I bought a grain mill that lasted until 2 years ago when I bought a Magic Mill I bought here in Colorado Springs.  I have had it repaired, cleaned out one time about 25 years ago.  and it still works great.

      I make 5 loaves of sprouted wheat.  I am disabled from Polio as a child and in an Electric Wheelchair, but with my husband’s help I can still make my bread and bag and freeze it for the month.    Just wanted to let you know that these old Bosch’s are still going strong.  Linda T.

    • I wanted to thank you for sharing the Bosch Miracle story with your readers.  We are still doing OK, as we are savers and have reserve  It is encouraging to hear stories like this.Blessings, Bev W.

    • Here’s my story…About 10 years ago, my husband was out of work too and we weren’t able to afford a mill AND a Bosch. I bought the mill and decided I could make the bread by hand until we could afford a Bosch. After attending a class on how to use grinders and mills, the teacher and owner of the business called me one day and said the Lord had told her to give me her demonstrator Bosch.

    • She was getting a new one to demonstrate with. Needless to say, I was thrilled and thankful!! I remember the first day making the bread with my new Bosch, I was so excited! I’m still using the same Bosch 10 years later. Every time I use it, I try to remember to say a prayer for the dear woman who gave it to me.  I have been blessed so many times over the years through a woman who responded to God’s prompting.

    • I have been wanting a Bosch for several years now.  I was able to get my grain mill and love it. It has been a blessing especially with dealing with my son’s food allergies to wheat.  I have tried to save up for my Bosch several times, but wouldn’t you know every time I get a little saved, we need the money somewhere else. There are many good christian wives and mothers getting on without one as we speak and many times in worse circumstances than my own.  If they can do it with the Lord’s gracious help then so can I.  Again I want to thank you for such an encouraging story.  I do hope one day to have my very own Bosch, but if the Lord’s answer for me is “no”, I also hope to have a sweet attitude/spirit about it. Stephanie M

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  • Pesto Salmon – Easy, Tasty and Nutritious

    Pesto Salmon
    Pesto Salmon

    Even though we live here in Colorado, I try to,as often as possible, get some good cold water fish into our menus. This Pesto Salmon recipe was hit at our house last week and has the added benefits that it is colorful, easy, tasty and nutritious.

    First some background on Salmon, in case you didn’t know:

    • Atlantic Salmon, or farmed salmon, does not compare favorably to the more expensive Wild Caught Salmon.

    • Farmed Atlantic Salmon is dyed to give it that pink shade.

    • In general farmed salmon is fed a lower quality diet which is often associated with higher levels of PCB’s a banned substance since 1976.

    • USDA testing demonstrated that the fat of farmed salmon does not contain has high a percentage of beneficial Omega 3’s.

    • Omega -3 fatty acids are fatty acids are associated with benefits to fetal brain development, reduction in arthritis and other inflammatory diseases, heart disease, etc.

    • The quality of the Omega 3’s in wild caught salmon is superior to farmed

    • Lots more nutritional information on the importance of Omega 3 fatty acids is available at

    • More information about wild caught salmon:

    Pesto Salmon Recipe:

    For each salmon fillet drizzle a little olive oil and sprinkle some pepper.

    Place 2 tbsp pesto over each fillet.

    Bake for about 20 minutes or until flaky at 375 degrees F. Remove from oven, sprinkle some Parmesan Cheese over the fillet.

    Serve with green veggies, rice or potatoes as desired.

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  • Radical Homemaking – A Bosch Universal Plus Miracle

    Bosch Universal Plus with Blender- 800 watts
    Bosch Universal Plus with Blender- 800 watts

    Frequently I am contacted about the availability of used mills and mixers by homemakers on extremely limited incomes.

    Surprisingly, I almost never have used mills and mixers because people like them so much.

    But I always try to encourage these resourceful ladies by saying,  “I have heard many stories over the years from ladies who committed their desire for a  mill and/or mixer to the Lord, and shortly thereafter found the ‘desire of their heart’ for a small fraction of retail prices at thrift stores, yard sales, and even by gifting.”

    Today, I want to tell you about another real life example of a successful barter by a needy homemaker of soon-to-be eight children, for an almost new Bosch Universal Plus. Tina O’s answer came in just a week or so after contacting me.  She has agreed for me to share her story.


    Tina wrote to me about a week ago saying her husband had been unemployed for nearly two years and she had been faithfully making her family’s bread by hand about twice a week, and she had been praying for a way to barter some of her lotions, soaps, and other homemade products for a Bosch.

    I wrote back to her saying that my experience is that I have heard from many homemaker’s that “delighted themselves in the Lord and He gave them the desire of their heart” (Psalm 37:4) usually through alternative means.

    Sure enough, just a week later, Tina sent me her version of  her Bosch miracle and how the Lord answered her prayer.  Tina writes:

    Tina’s Answered Prayer

    “Dear Marilyn,

    I wanted to share a MIRACLE with you!!  I was able to obtain a Bosch Universal Plus Mixer, with the help of my two eldest sons, from a lady locally.  She had bought one but didn’t use it and needed firewood cut, stacked, chores around her house, etc. and my boys offered to help her. She couldn’t pay, but just happened to have this mixer . . . . they are trading work for the mixer!  I cried, not just at the thought of being able to obtain an item that I so needed, but because God has answered my prayer and my boys were so willing to help to keep mama “making bread”.”

    Follow-up Comment from Tina

    After I asked Tina for permission to reprint her “Bosch Miracle” story, she writes:

    You have no idea what a blessing this is to my family and a treasure to me. You are right, the future will be bartering.  Perhaps you could be the first to set up a “network” on your site, giving mothers a way to obtain what they might need from other mothers that are willing to barter? Everyone has a talent and something to offer, many are living on one income and some are like us, no income, so there must be another way to obtain the goods we need for daily living. ”

    Your Testimonials

    I hope Tina’s experience will encourage anyone who has a deep desire for goods or services they can’t pay for to pray and commit the matter to the Lord.  I would also like to hear from homemakers who are already successfully bartering their goods or services for something their family needs or have something of value they would like to barter with others.

    Or if you have had a similar experience as Tina or when your prayer is answered, would you please share your testimonials with me so I can share your experience in my blog or newsletter to encourage others?

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  • Get Those Dirty Dishes out of the Sink!

    Kitchen Cabinet Installation is Completed
    Kitchen Cabinet Installation is Completed

    Ed Note: I’ll confess up front, I’m not always diligent about keeping up with the dishes and there are only two of us living here right now.  But I so love a tidy kitchen, especially my beautiful remodeled kitchen with its beautiful cabinets and count tops.  I assure you, my kitchen now has a lived in look but this picture is a good reminder of what I need to aspire to daily.

    Dirty Dishes Cause Debt! by Jill Cooper (guest post)

    The other day I was asked one of the most common questions that people ask me: “Where do I start if I want to get out of debt?” After telling me of her huge credit card debt and how they eat out almost every night, the lady took a deep breath and said, “How do I save on laundry detergent and cleaning supplies?” Sometimes we can’t see the forest for the trees.

    Even though saving money on cleaning supplies does help and should be part of your plan, that usually isn’t where the biggest problem with the debt lies. This woman never once thought to ask me how to stop eating out so much. Most people don’t want to face the real causes of their debt because their biggest problems are the things they like the most. Going out to eat is one of the top five causes of debt.

    Get those dirty dishes out of the sink!!

    We go out to eat because we can’t face a dirty kitchen. Keeping your kitchen empty of dirty dishes is the key to saving money. This is probably the #1 way to start getting out of debt. Most people are so overwhelmed with piled counter tops and dirty dishes that they would rather go out to eat than face a dirty kitchen.

    Do the dishes after every meal and keep hot soapy water in the sink while you are baking or cooking. Clean as you go. If your sink is empty and the dishes are washed, your kitchen always looks good. This helps you save money because you have the time and space to cook.

    To get in and out of the kitchen quickly, try these easy steps:

    1. Put all dirty dishes in the dishwasher. Fill the sink with hot soapy water and put the hand washables in it to soak.
    2. Wipe off counter tops and tables with hot soapy water. (This way, if you have unexpected company, at least your table and counters will be clean.)
    3. Sweep the floor and shake throw rugs if needed.
    4. Wash the dishes that have been soaking.
    5. Wipe down the faucets and dry with a towel. (Be sure to wipe any sticky appliances, too.)
    6. Put out a clean dish rag and towel.
    7. Take out the trash.

    These simple steps can help you start climbing your way out of debt. You will be amazed how much better you will feel just having the kitchen clean.

    Right now the smart folks at Living on a Dime are having their New Year’s Ebook Extravaganza.  13 ebooks for $13.00. Check it out.

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  • A Prayer to Bless Others

    I received this image in my email recently and thought it was a great way to pray for our loved ones and friends!  I printed a copy out to keep with my devotional materials.  Often I don’t know how to pray, even for my children.  I think this will help when I’m in doubt.


  • Living on a Dime – How one family does it.

    13 ebooks for $13.00
    13 ebooks for $13.00

    I hope you all had a wonderful New Year’s celebration and feel ready to face the New Year with optimism and purpose. I , personally, have struggled to face the last few New Years since my husband and father-in-laws deaths.

    But, the constant media barrage of negative reports about our national economy, unemployment, and ever increasing national debt have not helped my frame of mind either.

    I want 2011 to be different!  Are you determined to get-0ut-0f debt, make healthier, home cooked meals, and get organized?

    While I certainly don’t have all the answers and solutions I came across a new book entitled Radical Homemakers – Reclaiming Domesticity from a Consumer Culture. One of the premises of this book according to author Shannon Hayes, is to build a “life-serving economy” while reducing our “reliance on the extractive economy.” (p. 59)

    In other words, if we can find ways to reduce our expenses then the less dependent we are on the corporate paycheck and the better our family finances will become.

    To me, Tawra Kellam and her mother Jill Cooper, are very inspirational and authoritative writers on learning to live more with less cash. Jill raised her two children as a single parent on $500 a month. Tawra and her husband paid off a $20,000 debt in five years on a low income while raising their young children.

    From today through next Monday, the Living on a Dime ebooks have been discounted a whopping 85% off of the regular price. This once-a-year sale is a great deal because you can buy their 13 ebooks for $13.00. The 13 E-books include 445 pages of money saving tips, great recipes and plenty of inspiration to make life easier and more frugal!

    For example the Money Management ebook is a 72 page e-book designed to help you say goodbye to debt! Packed with lots of stories and advice, this e-book is an essential tool for your Debt Elimination Kit.

    Money Management includes the story of how Michael and Tawra paid off $20,000 debt on $22,000 per year income.

    • Do you find the idea of budgeting daunting? You’ll find information about how to make a budget and how to make budgeting simpler and easier.
    • Learn how to reduce your financial stress.
    • You don’t have to be a slave to debt!
    • Testimonial:
    “We’ve learned so much from Tawra… As of last week, our regular bills are finally all paid up! We’re no longer behind on any of them and can start working on our debt instead of playing catch-up with the utility companies. This was due in very large part to Tawra and her mom’s wonderful advice, ideas and guidance.”-Karen from Ontario, Canada

    “I was the most wasteful profligate spendaholic, I earned a lot, and thought I was entitled to spend every penny on myself. Now I have a savings, a growing IRA and have come to my senses.”  -Kathy from California

    Their other ebooks show how to save money in the kitchen, put together delicious and easy dinners, get and keep your home organized, save money on kids activities, move on a budget, save money on creative gifts and much more.

    I know you can will come up with enough practical tips, and money saving recipes to more than justify the $1.00 a book price. Besides, there is always a money back guarantee.

    Check out the complete offer here.

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  • Colorado Chili Recipes

    white-chili-recipe-5-17-07-1With all the cold and snowy weather, this Colorado Chili Recipe (white chili) is a winner.  I’m going to make this tomorrow to serve on New Year’ Day.

    Colorado White Chili
    A healthy, mouth-watering meal sure to bring raves; a great alternative to traditional chili from Don’t Panic Dinner’s in the Freezer by my friends Suzie Martinez, Vanda Howell, and Bonnie Garcia from Denver, Colorado.  I love that it is white with chicken, lots of green chili  and no tomatoes.

    1 Tbsp cooking oil
    1 medium onion (1/2 cup), chopped
    4 large cloves garlic, minced
    1-4.5 oz. can diced green chilis (mild or hot)
    1 Tbsp cumin (powder or seed)
    2 tsp oregano
    1/2 tsp ground red pepper

    1/4 tsp ground cloves
    1-15.5 oz. can great northern beans (don’t drain)
    1-15.5 oz. can sweet corn (or frozen)
    2 cups cooked chicken
    5 cups chicken broth

    Serving day ingredients
    shredded Monterey Jack cheese
    sour cream
    tortilla chips
    Cooking day instructions:
    In a large pan or Dutch Oven, combine oil, onion, garlic, and green chilis. Saute until tender, but do not brown. Stir in spices, beans, corn, chopped chicken, and chicken broth. Cook and stir until heated through. Adjust seasonings to taste. Cool chili completely. Freeze, using freezer bag method.
    Serving day instructions
    Thaw completely. Simmer until heated through. Serve in bowls with cheese, sour cream, and tortilla chips. For extra “kick”, garnish with jalapeno slices.
    (yields 6-8 servings)

    From Don’t Panic – Dinner’s In The Freezer by Martinez, Howell, Garcia used by permission Fleming H. Revell, a division of Baker House Books,

    Copyright 2005

    If you don’t try  the Colorado Chili Recipe, try my friend Kim’s Chili Recipe.  It is awesome for a big crowd.  Kim, a mom of six, really knows how to make the best Chili.
    My friend Kim won the contest she entered this Chili recipe into.  I made it and loved it!

    3-4 pounds pork roast or Chicken, cooked and shredded, with broth

    8+ c. chicken broth

    1 large onion, diced in 1/2? pieces

    4 cloves garlic, minced

    3 small cans chopped green chiles

    4-6 potatoes, peeled and diced

    1/2 # diced baby carrots

    1 pkg. taco seasoning

    1-2 T. chili powder

    1-2 t. cumin

    1/2 t. oregano

    Salt and pepper to taste

    2 cans white beans, drained and rinsed

    3 limes

    1/2 bunch cilantro leaves, chopped fine

    In a large pot, heat 1 c. chicken broth.  Add all veggies, cook till tender.  Add chicken and pork broths, and shredded pork. Bring to a boil, then turn down to simmer, add the seasonings and beans.  Simmer 30 min. – 1 hour, till tender.  Add the juice of the limes and cilantro leaves.  Can be cooked all day on low in a slow cooker.    Enjoy with sour cream, salsa and chips!  This chile is especially good cooked the day before, to let the flavors blend.

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  • Christmas Breakfast Recipes

    PICT0640Our family enjoys the same Christmas breakfast each year, Pecan Cinnamon Rolls, Turkey sausage (recipe below) and Holiday Scramble after the “stockings are opened”. This is so easy I don’t do day-before-preparations.

    This year we will have Christmas breakfast at my daughter’s so I’ll let you know what we decide to have.  My guess is she will stick with tradition.

    The trick to getting breakfast ready quickly is doing the preparations the day before and refrigerating the cinnamon rolls or breakfast casseroles. There are two recipes for make-ahead Christmas Breakfast casseroles that your family may enjoy, especially if you are serving extra guests. All the recipes are below.

    Breakfasts by Sue Gregg, p. 229, reprinted by permission
    Make the usual scrambled eggs special with this simple recipe.

    2-3 servings – double or triple as needed

    4 large eggs, beaten until light
    1/2 tsp. salt
    1/2 tsp. thyme leaves
    1/4 tsp. dry mustard
    1/4 cup sour cream
    1/4 cup Parmesan cheese
    1/4 cup chopped green pepper
    1 TB chopped onion, optional

    2 TB pimiento, chopped

    2. Scramble in: 1 TB butter


    Virginia’s Egg Scramble 8-10 servings  (It’s really good for a do-ahead!)

    From Breakfasts by Sue Gregg , p. 228

    BAKE: 325 – 45 -65 Minutes

    1. Prepare Cheese Sauce. Blend butter and flour; stir in remaining ingredients: cook and stir until thickened over medium heat:

    2 TB melted unsalted butter
    2 TB flour (whole wheat pastry preferred)
    1 1/2 C. lowfat milk
    1/2 tsp. salt
    1/8 tsp. pepper
    1 1/2 tsp. worcestershire sauce

    2. Stir in cheese to melt:

    1 Cup firmly packed grated cheddar cheese

    3. Prepare Toasted Bread Crumb Mixture. Mix together:
    1 cup toasted whole grain bread crumbs
    1 1/2 TB melted unsalted butter.

    4. Grease or spray baking pan.

    5. Prepare Scrambled eggs. Combine eggs, onion, and mushrooms; scramble in butter until lightly done:

    12 extra large eggs, beaten
    1/4 cup chopped green onion
    and or 2 oz. can diced jalapeno or green chiles
    1 C. fresh mushrooms, diced
    3 TB melted unsalted butter

    6. Cover bottom of pan with cooked egg mixture. Spread Cheese Sauce over top; top with Toasted Bread Crumb Mixture.

    Garnish with paprika and minced parsley. (optional)

    7. Refrigerate until ready to bake. Bake at 325 degrees for 45-60 minutes.


    A great and tasty alternative to bacon and pork sausage, ground turkey contains 1/4 the fat of pork sausage and less than half the calories, and 1/5 the fat of bacon with less than 1/3 the calories. Many guests cannot believe they are eating turkey when they are served this recipe!

    AMOUNT: 12 patties (serves 6)

    1. Mix together thoroughly with a fork:

    1 lb ground turkey
    1 tsp. salt
    1/2 tsp. nutmeg
    1/2 tsp. sage
    1/2 tsp. thyme
    1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper

    2. Shape into 12 small patties. Fry in ungreased skillet or bake at 350? for 10 to 15 minutes in a shallow pan until done. Do not overcook or patties will become tough. Oven baking produces juicier patties and is easier when feeding a crowd.



    If you would like to have hot-out-of-the-oven rolls without getting up at 4:00 a.m., prepare the rolls a day ahead. Place the shaped rolls on the maple glaze and raise them overnight in the refrigerator (instead of a warm place), keeping them carefully covered with plastic wrap. In the morning, the dough should have doubled and be ready to bake. Voila! Fresh bread in minutes and you didn’t even get up at 4:00 a.m. to do it! This recipe is extra delicious and healthy as it contains maple syrup for sweetening instead of sugar or honey. A fabulous gift to a new mom or new neighbors, or just for being friends.

    2 cups warm water (120F)
    SAF Instant Yeast
    1/2 cup dry milk powder
    1/2 cup oil or butter
    1/3 cup honey
    3 large eggs
    1 TB Salt
    6-8 cups
    freshly milled whole wheat flour
    1/4 cup
    Vital Gluten

    Caramel Topping:
    1/2 cup butter
    1-1/2 cup maple syrup
    1-1/2 cup chopped or whole pecans

    Cinnamon Roll Mixture:
    1 cup Sucanat, (SUgar CAne NAtural) or brown sugar
    1 TB + 1 tsp. cinnamon
    1/4 cup butter, melted

    Combine yeast, dry milk powder, vital gluten, and flour in a large mixer bowl. Add water, oil, and honey. Mix well for 1-2 minutes. Turn off mixer, cover the bowl and let dough sponge for 10-15 minutes. Add eggs and salt. Turn on the mixer; add additional flour, one cup at a time, until the dough begins to clean the sides of the bowl. Knead for only 5 minutes and keep the dough very soft and manageable. (Stiff dough will will produce heavy, dry rolls.) If the dough becomes stiff while kneading, drizzle additional water as you knead.

    To prepare sticky buns, melt butter and syrup and add the pecans. Divide this mixture evenly into the bottom of two – 9×13 baking pans. Divide the bread dough into two equal portions. Roll into a 20×28 inch rectangle. Spread 2 TB of melted butter over the rectangle of dough. Sprinkle with half the SUCANAT/cinnamon mixture. Roll up into a “jelly roll”, seal the seam, and cut into 1-1 1/2 inch thick pieces with dental floss. This will yield 12-15 rolls.

    Place the rolls into the prepared pans. Repeat this process with the remaining dough. Let the rolls raise in a warm area until doubled (approximately 30-60 minutes). Bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes or till well-browned. Remove from the oven and let stand in the pan for 5 minutes. Turn out of the pan to cool onto a rack placed over a jelly roll pan (to catch the drippings and simplify cleanup). ENJOY!

    Baked French Toast Casserole (make ahead)

    1 loaf French Bread – slice 1 1/2-2 inches thick
    Place bread slices in a 13X9 buttered pan close together.

    6 large eggs
    1 1/2 cup milk
    1 cup milk, half/half or cream
    1 tsp vanilla
    1/2 tsp cinnamon
    1/4 tsp nutmeg

    Mix together and pour over bread. Cover with foil and put in refrigerator overnight.


    1/4 cups soft butter
    1/2 cup brown sugar
    1/2 cup chopped nuts – optional
    1 Tbsp light corn syrup

    Combine topping ingredients and sprinkle over entire casserole dish. Bake for 40 minutes at 350 degrees or until puffed and golden. Serve with maple syrup and butter.

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  • My Favorite Cranberry Recipes

    ChristmasDinnerMixed Greens With Cranberry Dressing
    This recipe is my favorite for Christmas.  I love the blue cheese as a special treat and the pink, sweet/sour cranberry dressing.

    5 cups mixed greens, herbs and lettuce
    1/4 pound blue cheese, crumbled
    1 red onion, very thinly sliced
    1/3 cup coarsely chopped walnuts

    1 cup fresh cranberries
    1 seedless navel orange, peeled and sectioned or use mandarin orange pieces
    2/3 cup granulated sugar or 1/3 Cup honey
    1/2 cup wine vinegar
    1 tsp salt
    1 tsp. ground mustard
    1 cup olive or vegetable oil

    In a blender, combine the cranberries, orange sections, sugar,
    vinegar, salt, and ground mustard. Process till combined. Then
    remove the blender cover and gradually add oil in a steady stream. Set aside.

    Rip all of the greens into bite size pieces. I like using an assortment of spring or baby greens along with romaine lettuce, spinach and herbs if available.

    To assemble the salad, place a handful of the greens on a plate or in a bowl, and top with some of the onion slices, cheese and the walnuts. Arrange the greens, red onions, cheese and nuts attractively. Pass the dressing to guests to drizzle over the salad. It is really great and will be a great accompaniment to any kind of roasted meat that you serve for Christmas dinner.

    This is a traditional Cranberry Jello Mold my children expect each year:
    I have served this jello mold at Thanksgiving and Christmas for nearly 30 years! This recipe can be prepared several days ahead.
    Yields 8-10 servings

    1. Assemble and prepare the following ingredients:

    20 oz. can crushed pineapple unsweetened (drain, reserving the juice)
    2 pkg (3 oz each) cherry, raspberry, or strawberry gelatin
    1 Cup boiling water
    1 Cup fresh, whole cranberries
    1 – 11 oz can mandarin oranges
    1 cup chopped celery
    1/2 cup chopped pecans
    1 TB lemon juice

    2. Dissolve gelatin in boiling water. Add lemon juice and reserved pineapple juice.

    3. Chill until gelatin begins to set-up about one hour. Meanwhile, coarsely chop cranberries in blender or food processor.

    4. Stir in cranberries, oranges, pineapple, celery, and pecans to the thickened gelatin. Place this mixture in holiday jello mold or attractive glass serving bowl. Chill until firm.

    This recipe has been adapted from the Ocean Spray package.  My mother and our family have been making this for our families for over 50 years.

    1 egg
    1/2 cup honey
    3/4 cup orange juice
    1 T. grated orange rind (opt.)
    1/4 cup oil
    2 cups whole wheat pastry flour
    2 tsp. baking powder
    1/2 tsp. soda
    1`/2 tsp. salt
    1/2 cup nuts, chopped
    1 cup cranberries, chopped  (I use my blender on pulse)

    Whisk together the honey, egg, orange juice, orange rind and oil in a medium size mixing bowl.  Combine dry ingredients except nuts and berries into a small bowl and then whisk lightly into wet ingredients.  Mix just enough to dampen.  Carefully fold in chopped nuts and cranberries.   Spoon batter into greased loaf pan or greased muffin tins.  spread corners in loaf pan so they are slightly higher than in the center.  Bake at 375°F for one hour for a loaf, or 15-20 minutes for muffins.  Bake until the crust is golden brown and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.  Remove from pan and cool.  Store overnight for easy slicing and for the flavors to blend.

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  • Involve your children witih Quick and Easy Gifts from your Kitchen

    We made these recipes for years for gifts as we were on a very tight budget.  Kids loved it.  Precious memories.  I know the peanut brittle has that nasty corn syrup in it.  What would you substitute?  Its just a fund and easy gift children can make with supervision.

    My kids make this for gifts with my supervision. Quick and Easy
    1 cup raw peanuts
    1 cup sugar
    1/2 cup white corn syrup
    1/2 tsp. salt
    1 tsp. butter
    1 tsp. vanilla extract
    1 tsp. baking soda

    Stir together peanuts, sugar, syrup, and salt in a 1-1/2 quart casserole or batter bowl. Place in microwave oven and cook 7-9 minutes, stirring well, after 4 minutes. Color should turn a pale yellow-brown.Add butter and vanilla to syrup, blending well. Return to oven and cook 1 to 2 minutes more. Peanuts will be lightly browned and syrup very hot. Add baking soda and stir as quickly as possible until light and foamy. Pour mixture onto lightly greased cookie sheet, let cool 1/2 to 1 hour. When cool, break into small pieces and store in airtight container.

    NOTE: If roasted salted peanuts are used, omit salt and add peanuts after first 4 minutes of cooking.


    Directions: Fill sandwich-size zip lock bags with:

    one packet hot cocoa mix – or 1/4 Cup Commercial Hot Chocolate Mix
    some chocolate chips
    some mini-marshmallows
    a mini candy cane

    Label: Snowman Soup (Poem)

    I was told you’ve been real good this year.
    I’m always glad to hear it!
    With freezing weather drawing near,
    you’ll need to warm the spirit.
    So here’s a little Snowman Soup
    complete with stirring stick.
    Add hot water, sip it slow.
    It’s sure to do the trick!

    The little poem could be printed on a computer label or nicely written or calligraphied with special pens, stickers, etc. Place the baggie in cute little mugs found in the dollar store for an extra special, and economical gift.