As a young first time mother, I was already 32 years old! I worked as a career woman until my young daughter was about 14 months old. It took me over a year to realize I couldn’t do it all and I didn’t want to anyway. I was a young believer who longed to be home with my baby, but finances, I thought, would not permit.
One sleepless night as I agonized and wrestled with God about wanting to be a stay-at-home mom, I asked the Lord, “What spirit is compelling me to quit my job?” The gentle and quiet answer I heard said, “The spirit of peace and of rest.” After prayer, I concluded this was the Lord speaking to me, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don’t rely on your own insight.”
You see, financially it was not feasible to make ends meet on paper, but after I took the leap of faith to quit my job we were able to some how make ends meet. It wasn’t easy, but God was faithful.
Have you struggled to reconcile God’s vision of virtuous womanhood with worldly myths that marginalize, mock and minimize the role of the homemaker? Twenty-two years later I sometimes feel like Elijah, the only one left with a heart for home.
Cultural messages often demean the high calling of homemaking and shout the message that a wife, woman, and mother has little worth compared to the successful career woman who out earns even her husband.
Modern media, culture, and the feminist agenda all lie to woman saying that you can have it all. Twenty some years ago I discovered that I had bought into this lie as I tried in vain to “do it all”. Fortunately God gently delivered me from the bondage of the lie I had bought into and has since helped myself and my family with the mission to exalt, encourage and uphold traditional homemaking.
At last, in a delightfully fresh and honest way, a book addressing these issues head-on by talented, articulate authors Stacy and Jennie to prepare a book which provides a fresh vision for the hopeful homemaker. In Passionate Housewives, a former “Christian” feminist shares how she went from a die-hard homemaker-in-training to a dedicated career woman and then back again – after God gripped her heart. You will see the hollow counterfeit of whitewashed feminism and “me-ology” destroyed. But more importantly you will read a beautiful and captivating picture painted through Scripture of what the truly fulfilled homemaker who glories in the hopeful calling God has created for her.
This book will encourage and affirm all women who may struggle with their role of homemaking and mother, it is must-have reading for aspiring homemakers as well. I can’t recommend this book highly enough. Discover what it means to be a passionate housewife “desperate” for God alone!
Download the preface to the book here.
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