It’s not too early to plan the big Thanksgiving Feast. Be sure to get out your recipes and buy as many ingredients ahead of the big rush as possible. Even if you aren’t hosting the Thanksgiving Dinner, you might want to cook a turkey yourself, just for your family, just for the leftovers.
First of all set a beautiful table:
You might be surprised at what gorgeous centerpieces children can create from simple items such as gourds, pinecones of various shapes and sizes, nuts, acorns, mini-pumpkins, oak leaves, Indian corn, ribbons, turkeys, pilgrim statues, candles, napkins, doilies, dried grasses, and whatever else you may have in hand that fits into the theme of harvest and Thanksgiving.
Many of these items may be found while walking around in your neighborhood or a park. Older children can teach and supervise the younger children. Teaching practical life skills to children is the foundation of priceless traditions and memories. Try to make it a point to take lots of pictures. They will make timeless additions to student notebooks or family photo albums.
Homemade gravy making is the foundation of a very tasty and successful feast
1. The secret to homemade gravy is to make a delicious stock/base by simmering the giblets and neck in 2-3 cups of water while the turkey roasts, and saving ALL the drippings and browned crusty bits on the bottom of the roasting pan. Canned chicken broth or commercial gravy mix is a poor substitute, so resolve not to be tempted to compromise these steps.
2. Pour all the turkey drippings from the roasting pan into a large measuring cup (at least 2 Cup measure) and allow the grease to separate. While the drippings are separating, pour 2-3 cups of water into the roasting pan and bring it to a boil by placing the pan on two burners on your stove top. Using a wooden spoon, stir up these browned bits so they “dissolve” into the water.
This step is essential to wonderful tasting, beautifully browned gravy and makes cleaning up a roasting pan a much easier task. Reserve 4-8TB (1/4- 1/2 Cup) of the turkey grease once it separates from the drippings.
3. After the roasting pan has simmered with water and turned a deep brown color, combine this liquid with turkey drippings (not the fat) and the broth from simmering turkey giblets so that you have 5-6 Cups of liquid. I use my 6-Cup blender as a measuring cup.
4. Then combine 1/4-1/2 Cup turkey fat (or butter) with 8-10 TB flour (whole wheat pastry preferred) until it gelatinizes, or thickens in a large sauce pan. Keep stirring over medium low heat for about one minute.
5. Now, VERY GRADUALLY, pour the liquid from the turkey giblets and the roasting pan into the fat/flour mixture while you stir it continuously so as to not have any lumps. Stir continuously until the entire mixture thickens. Adjust the liquid if needed so you have a nice pourable gravy. Add 2-3 tsp salt or to taste. Save leftover gravy serving leftover turkey, or for soup stock, or open face sandwiches, etc!