Recently I attended a luncheon for a Christian organization where the speaker asked us if we were performing a ministry or a job? She said that Charles Spurgeon, famous 19th Century pastor wrote:
“A job is a choice; a ministry is at Christ’s call.”
As I pondered her thoughts, I quickly realized her questions apply to our role as wife and mother. When I became a wife, I did not realize I was signing up for the ministry of being a wife and mother. Ponder these thoughts today and consider all the routine and tedious work of a homemaker as a ministry unto the Lord.
Our ministry in the home depends on God’s strength working through us. Are we depending and trusting him today?
In a job, you expect to receive; in a ministry, you expect to give.
In a job, you give something to get something; in a ministry, you return something that has already been given to you.
A job depends on your abilities; a ministry depends on your availability to God.
A job done well brings you praise; a ministry done well brings honor to Christ.”
Are you so focused on planning details that you have lost sight of why you do it?
Are you enthusiastic about what you do?
Remember, God has chosen you. Although you may not understand why, believing it to be so is powerfully motivating.
Will you take a few moments now to come before Him in silent submission? Ask Him to fill you with a deep desire to answer His calling-whatever it may be-and to give you His joy in performing it. Will you pray, “Lord, I believe You have chosen me to serve You, and I commit myself to your will. I want to do everything for your honor and glory.”
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