A Job or a Ministry? That is the question.

Recently I attended a luncheon for a Christian organization where the speaker asked us if we were performing a ministry or a job?  She said that Charles Spurgeon, famous 19th Century pastor wrote:
“A job is a choice; a ministry is at Christ’s call.”

As I pondered her thoughts, I quickly realized her questions apply to our role as wife and mother.  When I became a wife, I did not realize I was signing up for the ministry of being a wife and mother.  Ponder these thoughts today and consider all the routine and tedious work of a homemaker as a ministry unto the Lord.

Our ministry in the home depends on God’s strength working through us.  Are we depending and trusting him today?


In a job, you expect to receive; in a ministry, you expect to give.

In a job, you give something to get something; in a ministry, you return something that has already been given to you.

A job depends on your abilities; a ministry depends on your availability to God.

A job done well brings you praise; a ministry done well brings honor to Christ.”

Are you so focused on planning details that you have lost sight of why you do it?

Are you enthusiastic about what you do?

Remember, God has chosen you.  Although you may not understand why, believing it to be so is powerfully motivating.

Will you take a few moments now to come before Him in silent submission?  Ask Him to fill you with a deep desire to answer His calling-whatever it may be-and to give you His joy in performing it.  Will you pray, “Lord, I believe You have chosen me to serve You, and I commit myself to your will.  I want to do everything for your honor and glory.”


11 responses to “A Job or a Ministry? That is the question.”

  1. Keri Avatar

    I always thought of it as both a ministry AND a mission. 🙂


  2. jules green Avatar
    jules green

    Hey there! Thank you for reminding me once again of why I do what I do! It is good to hear the truth.It is in fulfilling Gods plan for us that in turn we become fulfilled!

  3. Amy Redhage Avatar

    I would like to win your Holiday Open House book because we will be hosting an open house for my husband’s two churches here in rural South Dakota. My parents helped us out (did everything!) for our first one last year, as we had a new baby and were still unpacking, but we’ll be doing this one on our own. I really appreciate your website and newsletters.

  4. De'Etta Avatar

    Inspiring thoughts. Much food for meditation. Thanks for the encouragement.

  5. Jennifer Wells Avatar

    Thank you for posting on this topic. I was just thinking of it yesterday. How so many women could benefit if they would see where they are as an important part of God’s plan. Especially as wives and mothers, since these roles are often downplayed in society and even in the modern church! It is indeed a blessing to remember our calling, and to pursue it passionately is to invest all in God’s Kingdom.

    In Christ,

  6. Karista Avatar

    Thank you for sharing this! It can be so easy for me to look around and feel burdened by the workload of caring for my family. If I will only change my perspective the load will not change, but the work will. What a blessing it is to care for my family!

  7. Karista Avatar

    I would love to win a copy of Holiday Open House as we will be housing three families aside from our own for the holidays and preparing food for all of them. With 4 young children myself and the addition of their children (4 more) any help organizing and planning is a definite benefit for all involved. Thank you for making this kind offer and considering me for receiving it.

  8. Karista Avatar

    Oops my website did not come up right on the other posts. It is

  9. Rebecca Hall Avatar

    I appreciate your offer of Holiday Open House. I would love to win because I would love to learn the “how-tos” from someone more experienced than I. We have a home that is being replaced on our lot and the whole project was supposed to be done in early September. Instead I am still living in a borrowed RV in my driveway, which that health dept just told me yesterday I could get a ticket for. My husband has been gone on business for more than a year and my daughter has been living at my mother’s house while this whole house thing drags on. My hope is that I can generate such a holiday cheerfulness and spirit in my home, pretty quickly after we are able to move in, so that we can all set aside the struggles and I can feel a sense of peace, which I haven’t had in a few years.

  10. Melissa Avatar

    Wow! Did the Lord do a work for me through you today! I have been praying all morning for patience, unconditional love and self-control. Your article speaks volumes to me! I have an almost four year old, a just turned two year old, a six month old and am expecting again in July. After another night of interrupted sleep, amounting to about five hours total, I have been feeling exasperated. Your article not only recharged me, but it made me realize just how good I have it. Praise the Lord! Moments like these are for remembering I have exactly what I prayed for. Thanks for the encouragement and for realigning my perspective!

  11. Serene in Singapore Avatar

    Great reminder! Can I put this link up on my blog at

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