Last week my 14 year-old daughter, Mary, and I did some market research for boxed cereals. Our project entailed checking price per serving and reading the ingredients lists.
Surprisingly, the Instant Oatmeal package that claimed to be heart healthy and caught the eye of my daughter, had the longest list of unrecognizeable ingredients. It seems our modern convenience foods are often pricey, and not as healthy as the box and labeling imply. Wise moms must learn to be nutritionists.
In the 1930’s a doctor by the name of Weston A. Price traveled the world to study the effects of the “modern” diet on dental health compared to more traditional diets. In doing so he found that modern diets played havoc with teeth. But he also found many more benefits to traditional diets other than healthy teeth. The differences between people who had eaten their ancestral diet from birth and people who had feasted on sugar, white flour products, and soft drinks were mind-boggling.
Dr. Price found that the traditional wholesome diets produced wide faces with jaws wide enough to accommodate all the teeth with proper spacing, few or no cavities, and wide heads to house their brains. They had happy demeanors and vibrant health. The more “civilized” diet contributed to narrow jaws with crowded teeth, cavities, and narrow foreheads.
Disease set in at early ages, and mental dysfunction was common. Dr Price wrote his research findings with hundreds of pictures in a classic 500 page book called Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.
Dr Price’s book is highly readable and designed to preserve Dr. Price’s worldwide investigation of the deleterious effects of processed foods and synthetic farming methods on human health, and the promise of regeneration through sound nutrition.
This bestseller contains guidelines for approaching optimum health and reproduction, now and through future generations. Dr. Price has been widely accepted as one of the foremost authorities in the development of degenerative illnesses as a result of the addition of processed foods to our diet. According to Dr. Price’s research there are common factors found in traditional diets.
Traditional diets include:
Nutrient-rich proteins from meats and organ meats from pastured animals
Raw dairy products from pastured animals.
Eggs from pastured hens
Traditional fats – butter, olive oil, lard, coconut oil
Chemical-free produce – fruits, vegetables and grains
Properly prepared grains, legumes, nuts and seeds
Bone broths
Lacto-fermented condiments and beverages
If all this information about traditional diets and sound health intrigues you, I hope you will join our seminar on Thursday.
Jen Albritton, CN, a very busy mom who has been researching, writing, and presenting on all topics of nutrition since 1996, is author of the Growing Wise Kids series for the Weston A. Price Foundation quarterly journal, and most importantly has a passion to teach moms the best way to feed their children and families, starting with the basics.
She has also agreed to be my guest this Thursday afternoon for a naptime Continuing Education For Moms Seminar at 3 pm EDT, and she will help us sort out the why’s and how’s of traditional diets. Jen will be explaining more about how to lay a foundation of health for your family economically. She will be available to answer questions, or you may email me at ahead of time.
Date: Thursday, October 25, 2007
Scheduled Start Time: 3:00 PM EDT, 2:00 CDT, 1:00 PM MDT, 12:00 PDT (Adjust for your time zone, please.
Dial-in Number: 1-605-475-4150
Participant Access Code: 754074
If you have never participated in a phone seminar before, here is how it works:
1. You dial in the phone number below to the seminar. (You pay only for the phone call.)
2. Key in the seminar access code.
3. Introduce yourself, it you wish.
4. Bring a notebook to take notes, a cup of tea, and have your questions ready.
5. Don’t worry about background noise, we will mute that out!
If you would like to listen to the seminar with Jen but the timing of the seminar does not fit into your schedule you may listen to an MP3 recording of this seminar by CLICKING HERE. The recording should be available by Monday October, 29, 2007.
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