Recently I received a copy of The 12 Days of Christmas A Guide to an Old Tradition with a New Purpose. Over the Thanksgiving week-end I had a chance to review this gem. When I opened the book all I could think about was the familiar song and 12 more good things to do before Christmas to teach my children. But I decided “OK, lets see what the authors have to say”, I thought.
Well I was VERY PLEASANTLY surprised and excited to find out that the twelve day adventure begins December 26, the day after Christmas and focuses on the tenants of the faith.
The fundamentals of the faith and the Twelve Days of Christmas? Now the authors had my attention as I have become increasingly concerned about the droves of young people leaving the church purportedly because of their inability to defend the faith and their inability to articulate the foundational truths upon which the Christian faith is based. (Please read Already Gone Why your kids will quit church and what you can do to stop it by Ken Ham)
It turns out that allegedly, the 12 Days of Christmas was developed at a time when the church was being persecuted and the parents needed a “back-door/undercoverway” to teach the basics of the faith to their children. So lets see what how the faith is tied into each of the twelve days. Here we go:
- Day one: A Partridge in a Pear Tree represents Jesus dying on the cross to save us from our sins
- Day two: Two turle doves represents The Old and New Testaments
- Day three: Three French Hens represents the three virtues of faith, hope, and love
- Day four: Four calling birds represents the four gospels: Matthew, Makr, Luke and John,
- Day five: Five golden rings represents: The Torah, which are the Books of Moses, the law.
- Day six: Six geese-a-laying represents New life, and the six days of creation.
- Day seven: Seven swans -a-swimming represents the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit
- Day eight: Eight maids-a-milking represents the eight Beattitudes
- Day nine: Nine ladies dancing represents the fruit of the Spirit
- Day ten: Ten lords-a-leaping represents the Ten Commandments
- Day eleven: Eleven pipers piping represents the 11 faithful disciples
- Day twelve: Twelve drummers drumming represents 12 tenants of our faith found in The Apostle’s Creed
After Christmas you may want to teach your children the tenants of the faith through wonderful stories, meaningful activities, and reinforce the fundamentals of the faith for both you and your entire family.
Each day has an associated scripture reading (or memory verses), a story, suggested discussion questions, points to ponder, a suggested prayer, coloring pages, games, recipes, and of course a possible field trip activity. Advance planning, to select what you will do is advised for the best success. An example of a suggested activity is Day 5: Visit a synagogue. A recipe I will try out is Golden Apple Bundt Cake, sounds easy and yummy.
I wholeheartedly recommend that you consider finishing out 2009 or starting out 2010 by taking an exciting and fun journey through The Twelve Days of Christmas. You may obtain this book at
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