Regardless of the financial circumstances your family is in, I am asking readers to post their favorite crafty or frugal ideas. I’m talking about clever ways you recycle something otherwise considered useless or discardable.
For example, maybe you learned to make a baby quilt using old denim jeans or thrift store clothing cut into smaller pieces sewn together to complete the top. Or perhaps you have figured out a multitude of uses for recycling empty coffee cans. Maybe you mastered a new set of skills to produce sought-after gifts.
Please share your ideas on how to re-use, re-cyle, or reduce your consumption of something you thought you couldn’t live without.
Share your ideas, victories to inspire others by posting your thoughts at my blog. I have a Grand Prize for for the person who posts the best idea(s) now through April 1. The Grand Prize is a bottle of Norwex Mattress Cleaner ($27.99 value). Runner Ups will get a complimentary copy of my ebook Sensational Summer Salads.
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