
Bosch Universal Plus Large Slicer Shredder

Bosch Universal Plus Large Slicer Shredder
Bosch Universal Plus Large Slicer Shredder
SKU: 1110A
Limited Supply In Stock

Large Slicer Shredder Attachment for Bosch Universal Mixers
Price: $74.00
Product Details
Slice/Shred right into the Bosch mixer bowl.  Fits all bowls with center column.  Becomes a 6.5 Qt. Slicer/Shredder with multiple speeds and the strength of the Bosch!  Includes 3 blades.
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"Boush slicer"

Mark Bittner on 12/28/2023 6:59:44 AM

Empty Star Empty Star Empty Star Empty Star Empty Star

Comments: This is a very good product! My wife loves to use it!

Would you recommend this to a friend?: Yes

Location (Ex. CO, or Lancaster County, PA, etc.): Ohio

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